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Lecture 5: Part 3B

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. According to Article 6 of the ICESCR what does the right to work include?

the right of everyone to the opportunity to gain their living by work which they freely choose or
accept, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right.

2. Discuss the non-discrimination principle within the right to work?

• As in all socio-economic rights, the non-discrimination principle is an important dimension of

the right to work.

• It entails non-discrimination in recruitment, remuneration and promotion opportunities, and

in the treatment of foreigners.

3. Within the right to work with dignity, what are the six ‘just and favorable’ working conditions?

I. Fair Wages

II. Equal pay for equal work

III. Sufficient to provide a decent living for workers and their dependents

IV. Safe working conditions

V. Equal opportunity in the workplace

VI. Sufficient rest and leisure, including limited working hours and regular, paid holidays.

4. What is the meaning of renumeration?

(a) Remuneration which provides all workers, as a minimum, with fair wages:

(b) Safe and healthy working conditions.

(c) Equal opportunity for everyone to be promoted in their employment to an appropriate higher
level, subject to no considerations other than those of seniority and competence.

(d) Rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay, as
well as remuneration for public holidays.

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5. Discuss work as a duty according to the constitution of Kingdom of Bahrain?

Work is the duty of every citizen, it is required by personal dignity and dictated by the public good.
Every citizen has the right to work and to choose the type of work within the bounds of public order
and decency.

6. According to Article 12 of the ICESCR, what must the State Parties recognize regarding health?

the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental

7. The right to health also includes steps that the state parties must do to achieve the full realization of
health. What are they?

I. reduction of the stillbirth-rate

II. improvement of all aspects of environmental and industrial hygiene
III. prevention, treatment and control of epidemic, endemic, occupational and other diseases
IV. creation of conditions which would assure to all medical services and medical attention in the
event of sickness

8. What are the four elements important to the right to health?

I. Availability

II. Accessibility

III. Acceptance

IV. Quality

9. What are the two points in Article 8 regarding healthcare in the Constitution in the Kingdom of

I. Every citizen is entitled to health care. The State cares for public health and should ensure the
means of prevention and treatment by establishing a variety of hospitals and healthcare

II. Individuals and bodies may establish private hospitals, clinics or treatment centers under the
supervision of the State and in accordance with the law.
end of SDL worksheet

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Lecture 6: Part 3B

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What is the first and most important statement regarding the right to education in Article 13 of the

The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They agree
that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its
dignity and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They further
agree that education shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society, promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial, ethnic or religious groups,
and further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

2. What are the six points that the right to education include?

I. The right to free, compulsory primary education for all.

II. The development secondary education accessible to all, in particular, by the progressive
introduction of free secondary education.

III. The development equitable access to higher education in particular by the progressive
introduction of free higher education.

IV. The provision of basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education.

V. The ruling out of (no) discrimination at all levels of the educational system; and,

VI. Improvements in the quality of education.

3. What are the four factors found within the right to education?

I. Accessible

II. Adaptable

III. Available

IV. Acceptable

4. What five documents are part of the International Bill of Rights?

I. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

II. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
III. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
IV. Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
V. Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at
the abolition of the death penalty.

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4. What outstanding points are found in Article 7 of the Bahraini Constitution which go beyond the right
to education given in the ICESCR?

I. The State sponsors the sciences, humanities and arts, and encourages scientific research. The
State also guarantees educational and cultural services to its citizens. Education is compulsory
and free in the early stages as specified and provided by law. The necessary plan to combat
illiteracy is laid down by law.

II. The law regulates care for religious and national instruction in the various stages and forms of
education, and at all stages is concerned to develop the citizen's personality and his pride in
his Arabism.

III. Individuals and bodies may establish private schools and universities under the supervision of
the State and in accordance with the law.

IV. The State guarantees the inviolability of the learning locations.

5. The UDHR is not legally binding when agreed to. What does not legally binding mean?

There are no laws to break if action is not done

6. What is the meaning of culture?

Ways of life, language, oral and written literature, music and songs, non-verbal communication,
religion or belief systems, rites and ceremonies, sport and games, methods of production or
technology, natural and man-made environments, food, clothing, shelter, arts, customs and

7. Name the 5 factors necessary for care and access to care within a social security system?

I. Coverage

II. Capacity

III. Participation and Information

IV. Ability to Bear the Cost

V. Effectiveness

8. Name the two factors included in an adequate standard of living.

I. Right to Adequate Housing

II. Right to Adequate Food

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9. What are the factors included in the right to adequate housing?

I. Affordable

II. Location

III. Opportunity to find Housing

IV. Suitability

V. Legal Framework

VI. Availability of Services, Infrastructure and Resources

VII. Culturally Appropriate Housing

10. What is the meaning of adequate food?

Sufficient Food= Enough Food

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U500 Lecture 7: Part 4A

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What is the meaning of enforcement?

the process of making people/groups/nations obey a law or rule, or making

a particular situation happen or be accepted.

2. What is the meaning of mechanism?

the process by which something takes place or is brought about.

3. Define UN enforcement mechanisms used for human right treaties.

usually categorized by the type of UN body (group in the UN) that receives communications or carries
out the monitoring process which makes sure those nations who agreed to treaties do what they
agreed to. This includes the International Human Rights Enforcement Mechanisms.

4. What are the three responsibilities of the mechanisms?

I. deciding complaints against States,

II. engaging in independent monitoring through country visits and reporting,
III. reviewing States’ reports on their own compliance with human rights standards.

4. What do intergovernmental or political bodies engage in to have human rights promoted?

intergovernmental or political bodies engage in standard- setting, inter-state dialogue,

monitoring, or the promotion of human rights.

5. What is the General Assembly?

Power to initiate studies and make recommendations on human rights issues. It is the only UN
organ that involves all the states.

6. What is the Security Council?

Primary responsibility, maintaining international peace and security and only body of the UN that
can authorize use of force.

7. What is the Economic and Social Council?

Intergovernmental organ, 54 member states, elected by UN general assembly, in charge of making

recommendations to promoting respect, and observance of human rights for all.

8. What is the International Court of Justice?

The Court is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.

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9. What are the four UN enforcement systems for universal human rights?

I. The UN Human Rights Council

II. An Independent Expert Review (known as Special Procedures)

III. The Universal Periodic Review

IV. The Human Rights Treaty Bodies

10. Generally, what do treaty bodies monitor?

Monitoring how the treaties are being implemented by their State parties.

11. How do civil societies play an important role in the treaty body system?

play an important role in providing the treaty bodies with reliable independent information about
situations and developments in State parties, as well as in monitoring the implementation of
treaty bodies’ recommendations.
End of SDL worksheet

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U500 Lecture 8: Part 4B

SDL Lecture Worksheet Human Rights Module

1. What do human rights regional organizations do?

Regional organization have agreements in different areas of the world to protect human rights and
enforce them as well.

2. Who initiated the Arab Court of Human Rights? Where?

Initiative by HM King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa

Based in the Kingdom of Bahrain

3. What are main purposes of the Arab Court of Human Rights?

I. Develop regional system for human rights.

II. Seek to promote the human dignity, justice, equality and the rule of law in order to achieve
the goals and objectives of the Arab Charter on Human Rights.

III. Consider and resolve all disputes arising from the application and interpretation of the Arab
Charter on Human Rights or any other Arab agreement in this regard.

4. What do the tasks of the National Institution for Human Rights in Bahrain focus on?

The tasks of the NIHR focus on the promotion, development and protection of human rights, in
addition to striving to consolidate the relevant values and awareness of such values, and ensuring
that these values are practiced freely and independently.

5. What does the National Institution for Human Rights (NIHR) in Bahrain do to achieve its goals?

Receive, examine and research complaints related to human rights, refer such complaints as
appropriate to the competent authorities, effectively follow-up such complaints, or guide
stakeholders on the procedures to be followed and assist them in decision-making, or settlement
of cases with the authorities concerned.

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6. What is the NIHR of Bahrain specialized in?

NIHR is specialized in monitoring violation of human rights, conduct the necessary investigation,
draw the attention of the competent authorities and provide them with proposals on initiatives to
put an end to such violations.

6. Why does the NIHR of Bahrain conduct field visits?

NIHR conduct field visits in accordance with applicable practice, to monitor human rights
situation in reform institutes, detention centers, labor gathering, health and education
centres, or any other public place in which it is suspected that human rights violations are
taking place

7. What is the main reason that Bahrain’s Supreme Council for Women was established?

To empower Bahraini women and integrate their needs in development programs to ensure the

sustainability of their family stability and familial bond. In addition to enhancing the principle of equal

opportunities to ensure competitiveness of Bahraini women, the continuity of lifelong learning and

various opportunities available to Bahraini women in order to elevate the standard of their quality of


8. Who chairs the Supreme Council for Women?

Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka Bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa

9. What are the four goals of the Women’s Information Center?

• Build a comprehensive data system that is easy and coherent which introduces women's
participation and activities in public life.

• Participate in forming strategies, plans and programs advancement.

• Prepare research activities on issues related to women.

• Open channels of exchanging information and experiences.

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10. Why was the Opportunities Equity adopted within the National Model for the Integration of
Women’s Needs in Development?

to achieve a direct effect on all aspects of merging women’s needs in development towards

ensuring justice and bridging the gap between women and men in all developing fields.

11. Why was the office of the Ombudsman established?

The office of the Ombudsman is an independent secretariat, financially and administratively, in the

Ministry of Interior established to ensure compliance with professional standards of policing set forth

in the Code of Conduct for the Police, as well as in the administrative regulations governing the

performance of civil servants.

12. What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person into commercial sex acts,

or labor, or services against his or her will (Human trafficking is the business of stealing freedom for


13. What is the team from the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking dedicated to?

organizing inter-agency work, the exchange of information and to report on figures, trends in

combating trafficking in persons, and data collection.

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