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Plant Ecol

Freezing resistance and xylem anatomy in low and high

elevation populations of Senecio formosus Kunth
in the tropical Andes
Meiby Araujo · Fermin Rada · Francisca Ely

Received: 23 June 2022 / Accepted: 16 December 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022

Abstract High mountain ecosystems are subjected freezing temperatures at higher elevations determine
to frequent freeze–thaw events all-year round, con- differences in xylem conduit traits between low and
sequently plants have developed freezing resistance high elevation S. formosus populations? We expect
mechanisms to cope with extreme low temperatures. greater freezing resistance and a safer water trans-
Additionally, these events have also been correlated port system, mainly shaped by narrower tracheary
with the risk of cavitation so that plants need to adapt elements in higher elevation populations compared
their water transport system. Information on freez- to lower ones. Freezing resistance (avoidance and
ing resistance and xylem vessel characteristics along tolerance) and tracheary elements were studied in S.
elevation gradients is scarce for neotropical high ele- formosus at its lower (3100 m) and upper (4200 m)
vation species. In this study we aboard two specific distributional limits in the Venezuelan paramo. Freez-
questions: 1. Are there intraspecific differences in ing resistance was determined through injury and
freezing resistance between low and high elevation freezing temperature determinations; whereas xylem
populations of Senecio formosus Kunth? 2. Could an conduit characteristics dealt with were: vessel ele-
increase in freeze–thaw cycle frequency and lower ment and tracheid diameters, % conducting area and
vessel element density. S. formosus increased freez-
ing resistance and presented narrower vessel element
Communicated by Paul Ramsay. diameters under more extreme thermal conditions
(4200 m). Increasing evidence of intraspecific plant
M. Araujo
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, trait variations under different environmental gradi-
Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela ents will aid to determine the outcome of individual
species and their effects on ecosystem functioning
Present Address:
under a changing climate.
F. Rada (*)
Laboratorio de Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal, Universidad
de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia Keywords Cavitation risk · Freezing avoidance ·
e-mail: Freezing tolerance · Paramo · Tracheary elements ·
Vessel element diameter
F. Rada
Instituto de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas (ICAE),
Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela

F. Ely
Instituto Jardín Botánico de Mérida, Universidad de Los
Andes, Mérida, Venezuela

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Plant Ecol

Introduction 2011). Narrow xylem vessels have a higher resist-

ance to embolism formation and cavitation compared
High mountain ecosystems are subjected to freez- to wider vessels, both in woody (Cochard and Tyree
ing temperatures all-year round, a determinant fac- 1990; Davis et al. 1999; Sperry et al. 2006) and in
tor influencing fitness and species distribution along herbaceous perennials (Hernández-Fuentes et al.
elevation gradients (Sakai and Larcher 1987). Conse- 2015). However, this reduction in vessel diameter
quently, alpine plants have developed different freez- results in lower hydraulic conductivity, giving rise to
ing resistance strategies to cope with these extreme a dilemma, the trade-off between water transport effi-
low temperatures and as indicated by Körner (2021), ciency and safety. Again, due to the high frequency
this is the first filter plants must confront in order to of freeze–thaw events that occur at high elevations,
survive. These strategies may be divided into two plants must confront this dilemma between efficiency
basic broad categories, frost avoidance and/or freez- and safety in the transport of water from roots to
ing tolerance (Sklenář et al. 2012, 2016; Ladinig leaves.
et al. 2013; Pescador et al. 2016; Schulze et al. 2019). In contrast to temperate high mountains where
Frost-avoidance refers to the ability of a plant to pre- seasonal temperature patterns are important and
vent the formation of ice nuclei in its tissues, e.g. by determine plant responses related to growth and sur-
supercooling (the ability of plant tissues to main- vival (Larcher et al. 2010; Ladinig et al. 2013), in
tain water in a liquid state at temperatures below the tropical mountains these are not as critical and 24 h
freezing point) or by the presence of insulating struc- daily cycle conditions become more relevant. On the
tures, important in a limited number of plant species other hand, the frequency of night frosts increments
since these are considered mostly poikilothermic or as elevation increases (Rada et al. 2019). In any case,
limited homeotherms (Michaletz et al. 2015). Alter- plants at lower elevations may show absence or low
natively, freezing tolerance refers to the capacity to to moderate freezing resistance compared to higher
resist and survive the formation of ice crystals, i.e., elevations where frequency of frosts increases and
frost occurrence in the intercellular spaces (Azócar minimum temperatures are lower. Bucher and Ros-
and Rada 2006; Pescador et al. 2016; Sklenář et al. bakh (2021) describe a strong positive relationship
2016). The formation of ice nuclei in the intercellu- between freezing resistance and elevation in a large
lar spaces immediately generates a gradient in which number of vascular species in the German Alps, sug-
intracellular water moves outward and freezes in the gesting a strong environmental filter which removes
extracellular spaces, preventing injury from the rup- species with low freezing resistance from higher
ture of membranes and organelles by ice crystals elevations. Neuner et al. (2020) report a higher freez-
within the cytoplasm (Rada et al. 2019). Cells under ing resistance for different plant growth forms in their
this freezing process undergo significant dehydration, upper limit of their elevational range compared to the
thus freezing tolerant plants must also be very toler- same species at lower elevations in the Austrian Alps.
ant to water deficit. Morales et al. (2020) found that low-elevation annual
Additionally, a vast number of references have species were more frost sensitive than other annuals
correlated freeze–thaw events with risks of cavita- or perennials growing at higher elevations in the cen-
tion (Carlquist 1966; Davis et al. 1999; Hacke and tral Chilean Andes. Squeo et al. (1996) and Sierra-
Sperry 2001; Sperry et al. 2006; Choat et al. 2011; Almeida et al. (2009) support these findings to some
Hacke et al. 2017). These physiological risks derived extent, i.e., high elevation species from the Chilean
from freezing events may be prevented or reduced Andes rely on higher freezing resistance compared to
by adjustments in the water transport system. Xylem lower elevation species, however, these authors also
structure studies have examined the existing relation- report other species which do not change their freez-
ship between xylem hydraulic efficiency and safety ing resistance along elevation gradients. Rosbakh
from embolism and have determined that vessel et al. (2020) report no significant differences in frost
diameter is one of the most informative xylem traits tolerance between low and high elevation seedlings of
(Lens et al. 2013; Hacke et al. 2017; Percolla et al. nine alpine species.
2021). Vessel density is also known to decrease per Many authors have reported a clear association
unit area with increasing vessel diameter (Choat et al. between xylem conduit diameter and decreasing

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temperatures along elevation gradients (Zhang et al. increases in freezing resistance at higher elevations,
2013; Morris et al. 2018; Neuner et al. 2020). Zhang e.g. Espeletia schultzii Wedd., a caulescent giant
et al. (2013) report a positive correlation between rosette of the tropical Andes (Rada et al. 1987). While
xylem conduit diameter and temperature in a study Rada et al. (2008) describe an interspecific increase in
of more than 300 angiosperm species. García-Cer- freezing resistance when they compare a lower eleva-
vigón et al. (2020) describe a reduction in vessel tion herbaceous species, Lupinus meridanus C.P.Sm.,
diameter with low temperature at higher elevations in with a higher elevation species, Lupinus eromono-
Nothofagus pumilio (Poepp. & Endl.) Reiche in the mus C.P.Sm. However, these authors did not find any
Chilean Andes, while Fisher et al. (2007) report this intraspecific differences in either of these two species
same result for Metrosideros polymorpha J.R.Forst. within their own elevation gradients.
ex Hook. f., a Hawaiian tree species. Interestingly, With respect to xylem conduit characteristics
these two studies also emphasize that this reduction along elevation gradients in the tropical Andes, stud-
in xylem conduit vessel diameter is not only due to ies are even more limited. Few have shown a direct
a temperature effect, but to a combined effect which relationship between vessel diameter and increasing
includes moisture gradients, i.e., correlations between elevation. Briceño et al. (2000) reported interspecific
vessel diameter and freezing and/or drought resist- differences (L. meridanus had wider vessels at lower
ance. However, Olson and Rossell (2013), Olson elevations (2200–3550 m) compared to L. eromono-
et al. (2018) and Fajardo et al. (2019) argue that the mus at higher elevations (3750–4300 m)), yet no
narrower vessels observed in woody species of drier intraspecific elevational differences. León-Hernández
communities (both warm or cold) are not necessarily and Gámez (2018) described wider vessel diameters
correlated with soil moisture nor stem size, but are in low-elevation (2468 m) compared to high elevation
because dryland plants are on average smaller, com- species (4302 m) of Pentacalia Cass. (Asteraceae) in
pared to those of humid ecosystems. the tropical Andes. Soukup et al. (2021) support these
The humid tropical high Andes, referred to as ‘par- other authors’ findings in a study of various species
amos’ hereafter, are of great ecological importance of Senecio L. (Asteraceae) growing along an eleva-
because they hold the highest floristic diversity and tion gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. To our knowl-
the largest number of endemic species of any alpine edge, other references on intraspecific relationships
ecosystem (Sklenář et al. 2014; Pouchon et al. 2018) between vessel diameter and elevation have not been
including many of the world’s biodiversity hotspots reported for neotropical high mountains.
(Spehn et al. 2010; Trew and Maclean 2021). In order In this study we aboard two specific questions: 1
to have a clearer insight of their future under today’s Are there intraspecific differences in freezing resist-
changing climate, it is crucial to identify the diversity ance between low-elevation and high elevation pop-
of plant responses to their particular environmental ulations of Senecio formosus Kunth (Asteraceae),
conditions. Data and information on freezing resist- a widely distributed perennial herb of the tropical
ance and xylem vessel characteristics along elevation Andes? We expect greater freezing resistance in high
gradients is scarce. Goldstein et al. (1985) describe elevation populations due to the more extreme low
well-defined trends of increasing freezing resistance temperature conditions present. 2 Will xylem conduit
along elevation gradients in different giant rosette traits differ between low-elevation and high elevation
species in the Venezuelan paramos. Conversely, populations of S. formosus, due to an increase in the
Márquez et al. (2006) did not find any correlations frequency of freeze–thaw cycles and the presence
between freezing resistance and elevation for many of lower freezing temperatures at higher elevations?
paramo grasses and concluded that microhabitat con- We hypothesize that higher elevation plants will dis-
ditions may have a greater effect than elevation dif- play a safer water transport system, mainly shaped
ferences. Most research on freezing resistance along by narrower vessels compared to lower elevation
elevation gradients has focused on different species individuals.
from varied plant growth forms, but a reduced num-
ber of studies have been directed towards intraspe-
cific differences in freezing resistance along elevation
gradients (Neuner et al. 2020). Few studies report

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Materials and methods maximums in the months of May and October and a
mean annual air temperature of 8 °C. The vegetation
Species and study site descriptions corresponds primarily to a grassland formation with
dominant populations of shrubs (Hypericum L.) and
Senecio L. (Asteraceae) is one of the most character- caulescent rosettes (Espeletia Mutis ex Humb. and
istic genera in the paramos. This genus is made up of Bonpl.) (Ataroff 2004). PPB presents an unimodal
5 species in the Venezuelan paramos (Briceño and precipitation regime with a mean annual of 760 mm,
Morillo 2002). One of the best represented species in a dry season between the months of December and
this genus is Senecio formosus (Fig. 1a, b), a peren- March and a wet season between April and November
nial herb restricted to the paramos of Colombia and and a mean annual air temperature of 3.9 °C (Rada
Venezuela. In the Venezuelan paramos, this species is et al. 2019). The vegetation consists of a higher stra-
20–60 cm tall (Vivas and Ubiergo 2010) and distrib- tum dominated by tall caulescent rosettes of the genus
uted from 3000 to 4350 m a.s.l. (Briceño and Morillo Coespeletia Cuatrec. and a lower stratum composed
2002). of small perennial herbs and dwarf shrubs: Sene-
For this study, individuals of S. formosus were cio, Hinterhubera Sch. Beep ex Wedd, Lachemilla
selected at the lower and upper limits of their dis- (Focke) Rydb.; acaulescent rosettes: Hypochaeris
tribution, Paramo de San Jose (PSJ) at 3100 m a.s.l. L., Calandrinia Kunth., Oenothera L., Malvastrum
(8º 19′ 43′′ N, 71º 18′ 14′′ W) and Paramo de Piedras A. Gray and Draba L.; and cushion plants: Azorella
Blancas (PPB) at 4200 m a.s.l. (8º 51′ 37′′ N, 70º 49′ Lamb, Arenaria L., Aciachne Benth, Lucilia Cass. In
09′′ W) in the Cordillera de Merida in the Venezuelan contrast with PSJ which presents a high percentage
Andes (Fig. 1c, d). PSJ presents a bimodal precipita- of vegetation cover, between 50 and 90% of bare soil
tion regime with an annual rainfall of 1100 mm with and rocks characterizes PPB.

Fig. 1  Specimens of
Senecio formosus (a).
Detail of the inflorescence
(b). Paramo de San José at
3100 m (c). Páramo de Pie-
dras Blancas at 4200 m (d)

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Microclimatic measurements at the two elevations Injury temperature (IT) determinations

Portable 4-channel dataloggers (HOBO-ONSET, IT were determined by a modified electrolyte release

USA) were installed at each of the study sites. Air method (Lindén 2002). The method consisted in
temperature ­(Ta), total daily radiation (TR) and soil determining the temperature at which an increase in
water content (SWC) were measured. The ­Ta sen- the electrical conductivity (EC) of a deionized solu-
sors, screened from direct sunlight, were placed tion containing the plant tissue samples occurred.
25 cm above the soil surface, so that measurements This increase in EC resulted from the release of elec-
reflected the temperature plants were subjected to. trolytes by the tissues due to cell wall breakdown. The
The TR and SWC sensors were placed 50 cm above IT is established at a 50% of electrolyte loss. Stem
and 5 cm below the soil surface, respectively. The sections (4 cm in length) and five leaf lamina 0.5 cm
dataloggers were programmed to record every diameter discs, extracted from the leaves per test tube,
10 min from November 18 to April 23 for PSJ and were subjected to a gradual temperature decrease
from December 12 to April 23 for PPB. Measure- from 5 to − 20 °C, in the same manner as previously
ments included both wet and dry seasons. Unfor- described for the FT determinations. As temperature
tunately, the PPB logger malfunctioned during the decreased, five test tubes were removed from the bath
month of January. Nonetheless, available data give at 5 °C intervals and introduced into polyethylene
a clear picture of the environmental conditions at vials containing 15 ml of deionized water, stored in a
both paramos. refrigerator at 4 °C for 48 h with a control which only
contained deionized water. After this time period,
the EC (μS/cm2) of the solution containing the sam-
Freezing temperature (FT) determinations ples was measured with a digital conductivity meter
(ExStik EC 500, Extech Instruments Corp-USA).
Five individuals from each PSJ and PPB were cut Cell injury was evidenced through the increase in EC
at ground level, placed in containers with water and of the solution with the sample, which initially had a
cut again below the water in order to maintain con- value close to 0 μS/cm2. 48 hours after measuring the
tinuity in the xylem transport system. This material EC of all the samples subjected to the thermal gradi-
was covered with polyethylene bags and transported ent, these were submerged for a few seconds in liquid
to the laboratory and left overnight in growth cham- N in order to induce rupture of all the cell walls of
bers (ca. 5 °C) before the tests began. Stem sec- the samples. Subsequently, these samples were again
tions, 4 cm in length, and whole leaves from each placed in containers for 48 h at 4 °C in a refrigera-
of the individuals were selected and placed inside tor and after this time had elapsed, the EC was again
test tubes in contact with copper-constantan ther- recorded. This value corresponded to 100% loss of
mocouples and sealed with rubber stoppers. These electrolytes in the samples. Relative electrolyte con-
test tubes were placed inside a low temperature ductivity (%) was obtained for each target tempera-
cooling bath (Model RTE-111, NESLAB, Thermo ture using the following equation:
Electron Company-USA) containing an isopropyl
EC for each temperature
alcohol-water mixture and temperature was lowered REC = × 100
EC for each temperature after induced rupture
from 5 to − 20 °C at a rate of 6.5 °C/h. All thermo-
couples were connected to a data acquisition card Afterwards, REC was plotted against temperature
and a software program (Planta-ICAE) was used to and IT determined, i.e., the temperature at which
retrieve the information. This program allowed us to a 50% release of electrolytes occurred. In order to
view changes in temperature for all sample tissues determine the freezing resistance strategy (avoid-
contained within the test tubes. FT were obtained ance or tolerance), FT and IT were compared, if FT
from the exotherms formed during the freezing and IT did not show significant differences it was
process, i.e., the liquid to solid phase change in assumed that freezing resulted in injury (avoidance),
the studied tissues releases energy resulting in a while if IT were significantly lower than FT, it meant
temperature rise which is detected by the installed that there was a thermal margin in which plant tissues
thermocouples. were frozen before injury occurred (tolerance).
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Plant Ecol

Anatomical studies injury temperature, vessel element and tracheid diam-

eters, xylem conducting area and vessel element den-
Xylem conduit determinations: vessel elements sity) and to determine differences between freezing
and tracheid diameter and injury temperatures in order to define freezing
resistance strategies. The data required no transforma-
For the studies of xylem composition, fresh stems tions to meet the assumptions of normality or homo-
were collected in the field and fixed in an FAA solu- geneity of variance (Shapiro–WilK and Levene’s test,
tion (8:1:1 ethanol 70%, glacial acetic acid 100% and p > 0.05). All statistical tests were performed in RStu-
formaldehyde 37% (Johansen, 1940) for 48 h. Fixed dio version 4.0.2 (RStudio Team 2020) at a signifi-
stems were sectioned into smaller portions and rinsed cance level of 0.05.
thoroughly until all of the fixing solution was elimi-
nated. Sections of stems were then heated at 70 °C
in a solution of 50% aqueous glycerin until tissues Results
softened. Part of this material was used to obtain
free hand 20–30 µm cross sections and the remain- Low and high elevation microclimatic conditions
ing material was macerated to separate tracheary
elements from other tissues. Both cross-section and Wet and dry seasons may be differentiated for both
macerated preparations were stained with alcian-blue- PSJ and PPB from SWC results (Fig. 2). In the case
safranine 0.5% (7:3) and mounted in 50% aqueous of PSJ, the decreasing trend begins in the middle of
glycerin. The preparations were observed at 40 × in an December until the end of February, with a period in
optical microscope (Zeiss, Axioscope) equipped with the month of January in which precipitation events
a graduated eyepiece (μm scale), making 30 diameter increased the SWC. For PPB, as mentioned in the
measurements, 6 for each individual (vessel elements methods section, unfortunately we were not able to
and tracheids) for both elevations. have data for the month of January so we do not know
if any precipitation occurred, however, the decreas-
Measurements of conducting area and vessel element ing trend in SWC observed for PSJ repeats for PPB.
density Additionally, SWC for PPB were lower than in PSJ
the entire measurement period. Daily temperature
For the measurement of the conducting area (%CA), amplitude is greater for the dry months compared
5 photomicrographs of the best preparations (differ- to the wet season for both paramos, and at the same
ent cross-sectional fields) were taken with a SONY time, this amplitude is greater for PSJ compared to
digital camera attached to the optical system of a PPB (Fig. 2). The largest 24 h amplitude occurred
microscope (Zeiss, Axioscope). These photomicro- on January 20 for PSJ (33 K) and on February 4 for
graphs, together with the photograph with the μm PPB (24 K). With respect to daily total radiation
scale, were processed with AutoCAD software. To (TR), even though it is variable during both wet and
obtain the stem %CA, the proportion of xylem area dry seasons for both paramos, as expected, days with
for all vascular bundles with respect to the entire stem lower TR occurred during the wet season (Fig. 2).
cross-sectional area was determined and presented as Measured microclimatic variables are summarized
a % (n = 5 for each elevation). Vessel element density in Table 1. For all variables there were significant dif-
(VED) was established as the number of vessel ele- ferences between seasons in both paramos, higher max-
ments per area of the photograph (Number of ves- imum temperatures (­ Tmax) and TR, and lower minimum
sel elements/mm2 of vascular bundle cross-section, temperatures ­(Tmin) and SWC during the dry season. It
n = 5). is interesting to note that both paramos presented freez-
ing temperatures, the minimum absolute temperatures
Statistical analysis were − 3.4 °C and − 6.4 °C for PSJ and PPB, respec-
tively. However, in terms of the number of days with
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests below zero temperatures, PSJ showed none during the
were conducted to assess the differences between ele- wet and only 16% for the dry season; contrasting with
vations in all studied variables (freezing temperature, PPB in which most of the days during the wet season

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Fig. 2  Mean daily total radiation (TR), temperature range 13-February 23). Paramo de San Jose (3100 m) on left side
(daily maximum and minimum) and soil water content (SWC) panels and Piedras Blancas (4200 m) on right side panels.
for the two study sites from November to April. This measure- SWC correspond to the 07:00 h measurements. Arrows corre-
ment period includes both wet and dry seasons (wet season spond to beginning and end of the dry season
Nov 18-Dec 12 and February 24-April 23; dry season Dec

(60%) and practically every day in the dry season (97%) of PSJ with PPB (Table 2). At the lower elevation,
presented freezing temperatures. Absolute maximum there were no significant differences between FT
air temperatures were obtained for both paramos in the and IT, suggesting that this species avoids freez-
dry season, 34.9 °C for PSJ and 20.9 °C for PPB. ing. However, the extremely high FT and IT values
(close to 0 °C) rather indicate that this species does
Low and high elevation freezing and injury not rely on a well-defined freezing resistance strategy.
temperatures for S. formosus On the other hand, S. formosus at the higher eleva-
tion undoubtedly presents tolerance to freezing as its
By definition, S. formosus presented different freez- survival strategy, i.e., significant differences between
ing resistance strategies when we compare specimens FT and IT for both leaves and stems. Additionally, a

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Table 1  Mean maximum ­ (Tmax) and minimum temperature for Paramo de San Jose (3100 m) and Paramo de Piedras Blan-
­(Tmin), % of days with freezing temperatures (%DFT), total cas (4200 m) during wet and dry seasons
radiation (TR, 06:00–18:00 h) and soil water content (SWC)
Site Tmax (°C) Tmin (°C) %DFT TR ­(Wm−2) SWC ­(m3m−3)

San Jose
Wet season 20.9 ± 0.5a (27.5) 5.4 ± 0.2a (1.6) 0 200.7 ± 7.3a 0.415 ± .004a
Dry season 25.4 ± 0.5b (34.9) 2.6 ± 0.3b (− 3.4) 16 238.0 ± 8.7b 0.378 ± .004b
Piedras Blancas
Wet season 13.2 ± 0.5a (19.2) − 0.4 ± 0.2a (− 3.8) 61 298.6 ± 16.6a 0.346 ± .005a
Dry season 16.3 ± 0.4b (20.9) − 2.6 ± 0.3b (− 6.4) 97 408.8 ± 15.8b 0.281 ± .006b

Absolute maximum and minimum temperatures in parenthesis. Different superscript letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05)
between seasons for each of the measured variables

Table 2  Mean freezing (FT, corresponds to ice nucleation sus at the two study sites: Paramo de San Jose (3100 m) and
temperature) and injury (IT) temperatures for leaves and stems, Paramo de Piedras Blancas (4200 m)
and prevailing freezing resistance strategy (FRS) for S. formo-
Site Leaves Stems FRS
FT (°C) IT (°C) FT (°C) IT (°C)

San Jose − 3.7 ± 0.41a − 2.6 ± 0.41a − 3.4 ± 0.21a − 4.5 ± 0.91a Avoidance*
Piedras Blancas − 4.8 ± 0.31b − 7.6 ± 0.52b − 4.1 ± 0.21b − 8.4 ± 0.72b Tolerance

Different superscript numbers correspond to significant differences (p < 0.05) between FT and IT for leaves and stems for each eleva-
tion. Different superscript letters correspond to elevational significant differences (p < 0.05) in FT and IT
*By definition, no significant differences between FT and IT corresponds to an avoidance strategy, however, due to the relatively
high injury temperatures (close to 0 °C) we may consider that this species does not display freezing resistance mechanisms at this

more negative IT for this species at the higher eleva- 4200 m) compared to those growing at the lower one
tion indicates that freezing resistance increments with (PSJ, 3100 m) (Table 3, Fig. 3c, d).

Xylem conduit system characteristics
Differences in freezing resistance strategies and
Significant differences (p < 0.05) between elevations in xylem conduit characteristics described in this
were found for vessel element diameters, proportion study represent adjustive responses to the contrast-
of secondary xylem and of conductive tissue (% CA) ing environmental conditions between low and high
that evidence greater cambial activity in the stems elevation populations of S. formosus in the tropical
of plants of S. formosus growing at 4200 vs 3100 m Andes. Low or absent freezing resistance is found at
(Fig. 3a, b), while no differences were observed for the low-elevation while at the high elevation this spe-
tracheid diameter nor vessel element densities (VED) cies depends on moderate freezing tolerance to sur-
(Table 3). Individuals of the lower elevation (PSJ, vive the harsh conditions of the high tropical Andes.
3100 m) presented wider vessel elements and larger Additionally, xylem conduit system characteristics
piths, the latter due to a higher proportion of paren- also illustrate how low-elevation species have wider
chyma tissues, compared to the high elevation popu- vessel elements compared to the higher elevation,
lation, whereas the proportion of conducting stem indicating that S. formosus at lower elevations, where
area and fiber-tracheids increased significantly in the freeze–thaw cycles are much less frequent and freez-
individuals growing at the higher elevation (PPB, ing temperatures are not as extreme, rely on more

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Fig. 3  Transverse sec-

tions of S. formosus stems
collected at Páramo de
San José (3200 m) (a) and
Páramo de Piedras Blancas
(b), showing details of
cortex, secondary xylem
and parenchyma tissues of
the pith. Details of the sec-
ondary xylem and tracheary
elements of plants growing
at 3200 m (c) and at 4200 m
(d). Notice the narrower
vessels and greater develop-
ment of fiber-tracheids in
the latter

Table 3  Mean vessel element and tracheid diameter, % of temperatures, the occurrence of night frosts which
xylem conducting area (%CA) and vessel element density increase in frequency at higher elevations and large
(VED, number of vessel elements/mm2) for stems of S. formo-
daily temperature oscillations. The elevation boundary
sus from the two study sites: Paramo de San Jose (3100 m) and
Paramo de Piedras Blancas (4200 m) at which freezing temperatures occur is ca. 3000 m for
the Venezuelan paramos (Rada et al. 2019). PSJ pre-
Site Diameter %CA VED
sents a low frequency of freezing events during the dry
Vessel Tracheids season while plants at PPB are subjected to freezing
elements (μm)
temperatures on a high proportion of days of the wet
and practically every day during the dry season. Daily
San Jose 27.7 ± 1.4a 16.6 ± 0.9a 22.0 ± 1.9a 174 ± ­17a temperature oscillations were greater for PSJ compared
Piedras Blan- 20.2 ± 0.9b 15.0 ± 0.6a 51.1 ± 2.3b 155 ± ­12a to PPB, with absolute maximums above 30 °C and
cas 20 °C, respectively. Even though it is out of the scope
Different superscript letters correspond to significant differ- of this study, these results point to the fact that not only
ences (p < 0.05) between elevations for each of the xylem com- low temperatures shape plant responses at high eleva-
ponents tions, but the direct effects of high temperatures and
its consequences on plant function need also be con-
efficient transport characteristics. On the contrary, sidered. PPB presents a lower SWC compared to PSJ
this species at high elevations, presents narrower ves- which determines harsher conditions, and together with
sel element diameters in a more severe thermal sce- lower temperatures and more frequent freeze–thaw
nario, which emphasizes safety over efficiency. cycles will define plant responses in terms of freezing
resistance and xylem conduit characteristics as will be
Low and high elevation microclimatic characteristics discussed ahead.

Three major characteristics of the paramo environ-

ment that mold plant responses are: low nighttime

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Freezing resistance for low and high elevation S. origin, as a result of the selective pressures imposed
formosus by the environmental conditions and the evident
improvement in freezing resistance has determined
Senecio formosus was found to be freezing toler- their success at conquering higher elevations. How-
ant at the upper limit of the elevation gradient, how- ever, this is not always the case as some studies have
ever, in its lower limit it seems that it did not exhibit reported neither intra nor interspecific changes in
a response mechanism against freezing temperatures. freezing resistance along elevation gradients in adult
These results coincide with many others which con- stages (Márquez et al. 2006; Rada et al. 2008; Sierra-
clude that freezing tolerance in vegetative and repro- Almeida et al. 2009; Sklenář et al. 2012) or in seed-
ductive tissues is the most common freezing resist- lings (Rosbakh et al. 2020).
ance strategy at higher elevations where conditions
are harsher, both in tropical, Mediterranean and tem- Xylem vessel characteristics for individuals of S.
perate climates (Squeo et al. 1996; Sierra-Almeida formosus growing at low and high elevations
et al. 2009; Larcher et al. 2010; Ladinig et al. 2013;
Pescador et al. 2016; Rada et al. 2019; Körner 2021) The critical xylem conduit element diameter (vessel
and support Sakai and Larcher (1987) who suggested element or tracheid) above which cavitation risks
freezing tolerance over avoidance under more extreme greatly increase under freeze–thaw events is in the
thermal conditions. Our results indicate that freezing order of 40–44 μm (Davis et al. 1999; Pittermann
resistance is determined by the thermal conditions to and Sperry 2003). Smaller conduit diameters are
which plants are subjected to, validating our hypothe- more resistant to embolism formation by freezing.
sis: individuals of S. formosus in its lower distribution But on the other hand, narrower vessels are less effi-
limit would present less developed freezing resistance cient in the transport of water than wide ones (Tyree
mechanisms compared to the upper limit populations. and Ewers 1991), posing the dilemma of trad-
A 4–5 K increase in freezing resistance for ing-off between safety and efficiency in transport
stems and leaves of S. formosus from low to high (Hacke et al. 2006; Choat et al. 2011; García-Cer-
elevation (equivalent to a − 0.45 K/100 m) coin- vigón et al. 2020). S. formosus’ conduit diameters
cides with the variation in mean minimum tem- (20.2 μm and 27.7 μm for vessels and 15 μm and
perature (5.2 K) between sites, which is equivalent 16.6 μm for tracheids from low and high elevations,
to a − 0.47 K/100 m. A range between 0.16 K and respectively) were considerably under this critical
0.25 K/100 m intraspecific increases in freezing specified conduit diameter, emphasizing safety over
resistance have been reported for extratropical eleva- efficiency at both elevations, but with significantly
tion gradients (Sierra-Almeida et al. 2009; Neuner narrower vessel diameters at the highest elevation.
et al. 2020). Rada et al. (1987) describe a 0.4 K/100 m In the particular case of the Venezuelan paramos,
in freezing resistance for the caulescent rosette León-Hernández and Gámez (2018) found that for
Espeletia schultzii, along a 2600–4200 m gradient in 8 Pentacalia spp (Asteraceae) distributed along an
the Venezuelan paramos. According to Sklenář et al. elevation gradient, P. imbricatifolia (Sch.Bip. ex
(2012), the biogeographical origin of plants adapted Wedd.) Cuatrec. growing at the highest elevations
to high elevation ecosystems determines their freez- (> 4000 m a.s.l.) presented mean vessel diameters
ing resistance mechanisms; genera of tropical and of 16.8 μm, other 6 spp distributed along middle
south temperate origin tend to avoid freezing (super- elevations (3100–3500 m) with values between
cooling), as opposed to genera of north temperate ori- 22 and 40 μm, while P. reflexa (Kunth) Cuatrec.,
gin that tolerate freezing. However, exceptions to this a cloud forest species which is never exposed to
trend were observed by these authors in herbaceous freezing temperatures displayed mean diameters of
perennials of tropical origin (e.g. Lasiocephalus spp 104 μm. Narrow vessels are a common adaptation
and Senecio nivalis) that were frost-tolerant, whereas in other high elevation Asteraceae species growing
both frost-avoidance and tolerance mechanisms were above the treeline, Monticalia imbricatifolia (Sch.
observed in species of the genera Valeriana and Bip. ex Wedd.) C.Jeffrey (24 μm) and Hinterhubera
Lupinus. They suggest that different frost-resistance imbricata Cuatrec. and Aristeg. (13 μm), growing
mechanisms may evolve, regardless of the geographic at 4050 m in a Venezuelan paramo (A Escalona,

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unpublished work). Likewise, narrow vessel ele- Arx et al. 2012). More extreme nighttime freezing
ments have been described also in herbaceous temperatures occur under drier conditions, having an
dicots such as Salvia mellifera Greene (20–30 μm) effect on freezing resistance strategies; and the con-
(Hargrave et al. 1994). Briceño et al. (2000) sequences of drought on xylem conduit characteris-
recorded vessel diameters of 36–40 μm for Lupi- tics have been well-documented (Olano et al. 2013;
nus meridanus at lower (3000–3500 m) compared Medeiros and Pockman 2014; Dória et al. 2019;
to 20–22 μm for L. eromonomus at higher eleva- García-Cervigón et al. 2020, 2021).
tions (3750–4200 m). Similar trends were observed Tracheid development is another anatomical
in alpine Rhododendron species, characterized by trait that appears to be influenced by elevation in
narrow as well as distinctly short vessels elements, high mountain species. The proportion of tracheids
which very likely are an adaptation to the frequent and fiber-tracheids over vessel elements appears to
freeze–thaw cycles that characterize the Nepalese increase at higher elevations, as a consequence of
mountains (Noshiro and Suzuki 2001). Soukup growing in colder and drier environments, due to
et al. (2021) find a clear relationship between ele- a greater cambial activity, which is the case of S.
vation and vessel elements in 9 Senecio spp grow- formosus at 4200 m. Tracheid development may pre-
ing from 3600 to 4600 m in the Ecuadorian Andes. dominate over vessel development in species growing
Hacke et al. (2017) describe inter and intraspecific in colder and/or drier environments, since tracheids
variations in vessel diameters in more than 100 provide safer conduction and reduced risks of cavita-
shrub and tree spp across different biomes. They tion according to previous studies of xylem anatomy
find that vessel diameter was always below 30 μm in in high elevation species (Carlquist 1988). Motomura
regions where frosts occurred, while it was variable et al. (2007) attribute the loss of vessels in Nepalese
for other biomes, e.g. tropical rainforests. Interest- populations of Ephedra pachyclada growing from
ingly enough, vessel diameter has been associated 2560 to 4820 m a.s.l. to a decrease in water supply
with freeze–thaw embolism vulnerability, according with increasing elevation. According to these authors,
to the studies conducted by Hargrave et al. (1994) drier conditions inhibit lateral expansion of the stems,
in Salvia mellifera, which were later confirmed by modifying cambial activity by suppressing vessel
Medeiros and Pockman (2014) in Larrea Cav. spe- development and favoring tracheid formation instead.
cies growing under different temperature regimes. Percolla et al. (2021) emphasize the importance of
However, these authors considered latitudinal rather tracheids during periods of water stress or following
than elevational gradients, but again it corroborates freeze–thaw stress due to their narrower diameters,
the view that xylem conduit traits are determined reducing the risk of hydraulic failure in comparison
by freeze–thaw events and that safety overrides effi- with vessel elements.
ciency under freezing temperature regimes. A lower xylem conductivity efficiency due to
Despite the fact that this study did not consider reduced vessel diameter displayed by higher eleva-
plant water relations at the two elevations, moisture tion plants may be compensated to some extent by
conditions probably enhanced the effect on both an increase in vessel density (Sperry et al. 2008).
freezing resistance and xylem conduit traits in S. These narrow vessel diameter-higher vessel density
formosus. PPB (4200 m) is one of the driest paramos patterns have been reported previously in different
in the tropical Andes; therefore, these drier as well as species growing along elevational gradients (Fisher
colder conditions may have accentuated its responses, et al. 2007; Pandey et al. 2021). Even though vessel
since both low temperatures and drought operate in element density did not show significant differences
the same direction with respect to freezing resistance between elevations, the increased stem conducting
and conduit size. The anatomical plasticity observed area in S. formosus plants from the higher elevation
in terms of xylem development and structure could may be considered a compensating strategy to reduce
explain the broad elevation range of S. formosus the less efficient narrower vessel diameters.
in the Venezuelan paramos and coincides with the Although we did not find differences in the den-
intraspecific xylem plasticity observed in perennial sity of vessel elements in plant stems of S. formosus
herbs exposed to different moisture conditions in the growing at the lower and upper limits of its distribu-
Alpine tundra of the Colorado Rocky Mountains (von tion range, we did observe a greater development of

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secondary xylem composed mostly of tracheids in studies. All authors analyzed the data. FR wrote the original
the plants growing at 4200 m. Another interesting draft, MA and FE reviewed and edited the manuscript.
finding was the difference in proportions of paren- Funding This work was suported by the Consejo de Desar-
chyma tissues against conducting tissues between rollo Científico, Humanístico, Tecnológico y Arte of the Uni-
plants of low and high elevations. The larger piths versidad de Los Andes (ULA, Merida-Venezuela) (Project No.
composed of parenchyma tissue observed in plant C-1731–11-01-F). FR received funding through an Open Soci-
ety University Network (OSUN) fellowship.
stems of S. formosus growing in PSJ (3100 m)
imply a higher proportion of water-storing tissues; Data availability All data are available if required.
yet conversely, it increases the susceptibility to
extracellular ice nucleation induced by nighttime Declarations
frosts. However, since these events are rare and of Competing interest The authors declare that they have no
very short duration at this elevation, a greater devel- conflict of interest. Authors have no relevant financial or non-
opment of parenchyma tissues associated to wider financial interests to disclose.
vessels should provide a more rapid and efficient
conduction under moister conditions.
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Acknowledgements This project was funded by the Consejo Choat B, Medek DE, Stuart SA, Pasquet-Kok J, Egerton JJG,
de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico, Tecnológico y Arte of Salari H, Lawren S, Ball MC (2011) Xylem traits medi-
the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA, Merida-Venezuela) (Pro- ate a trade-off between resistance to freeze–thaw-induced
ject Nº C-1731-11-01-F). F. Rada is grateful to the Open Soci- embolism and photosynthetic capacity in overwintering
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Andes (UniAndes, Bogota-Colombia) for their sponsorship and 1111/j.​1469-​8137.​2011.​03772.x
essential support. Cochard H, Tyree MT (1990) Xylem dysfunction in Quercus:
vessel sizes, tyloses, cavitation and seasonal changes in
Author contributions All authors planned the research and embolism. Tree Physiol 6:393–407. https://​doi.​org/​10.​
designed the experiments. MA and FR conducted freezing 1093/​treep​hys/6.​4.​393
resistance measurements, MA and FE conducted anatomical

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