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5.1 : NETRA SPARSHA — aa wast (PALMING THE EYES) Contraindications : Conjunctivitis or any infection of the eyes, painful eyes. Excessive watering of the eyes. Swelling of the eyelids or swelling below the eyes. Material Required : Nil Technique : Stand or sit comfortably. Briskly rub the palms one over the other for some time to make their surface warm due to friction. Now bring both the palms together. Closing the eyes, place the middle soft portion of palms touching the eyes in such a way that the ‘hollow' of the palms rest gently on the respective eyeballs and the base of the palms rest on either side of the respective nostrils without in anyway disturbing the normal breathing. Enjoy the warm and pleasurable touch of the palms over the eyes. Maintain this for some time to complete one round. Perform 3 to 5 rounds of this Kriya. Note : Don't press palms on the eyes; they should be kept gently touching the eyes. Benefits : 1. Refreshes the eyes & removes eye fatigue. Relaxes and refreshes ciliary muscles and optic nerves. 2. Helps in improving eye-sight and checks frequent changes in eyesight number/lens. 5.3 : NETRA SNAN - aaera (BATHING THE EYES WITH WATER) Contraindications : Conjunctivitis / any infection in the eyes. Caution : Those using lens should remove them before practising Netra Snan. Materials Required : Jar/glass full of clean water. Eye- glass/Eye-cup, bowl of suitable size and a clean napkin. Technique : Stand with a comfortable distance between the legs before a wash basin (preferably with a mirror) or in a bathroom/open space. Take a glassful of water in the left hand. Bend a little forward at the trunk and keep the face downward. Pour water in the hollow of the right palm and taking that palm very close to right eye, dip the right eye into water. Open and close the right eye intermittently in the water held in the palm. Thereafter, taking a glassful of water in the right hand, use the hollow of the left palm in the same way for filling it with water and dipping the left eye into it. The other method of Netra Prakshalan is to first take a lot of water in the mouth, then close the mouth and hold the breath in while keeping the water in the mouth. In this position, gently splash tap water on the eyes keeping eyes closed throughout. Thereafter throw out the water from the mouth and resume normal breathing. After this, one is able to clean the nasal passage more effectively and easily by Practising Shwasana-Marga Shuddhi by the right, left and both the nostrils one after the other, assuming the final position of Hastapadasana (Fig. on Page 36). Notes : 1. Don't use cold water from the refrigerator or clay pot for Netra Snan or Netra Prakshalan. 2. Don't splash water on the eyes with extra force. Splashing of water should be pleasurable. secretions as also serious disorders of the heart, the kidneys, the stomach, the intestines and the joints are often causeg due to mouth infection. Teeth play a very important role in the process of digestion. Improper mastication due to aul teeth can result into chronic indigestion. One can easiy prevent such an undesirable condition by ensuring good oral hygiene through regular practice of following Simple Yogic Kriyas. 2.1: DANTA DHOUTI ~ ateitet (CLEANSING OF TEETH BY USE OF FINGERTIPS) Each individual has two sets of teeth - the temporary teeth and the permanent teeth. Temporary teeth are 20 in number -10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw. These teeth begin to erupt when the child is about 6 months old and should all be present by the end of two years. The permanent teeth begin to replace the temporary teeth in the sixth year and by twenty fourth year, one normally gets total 32 permanent teeth. The incisors and canine teeth are the cutting teeth and are used for biting off pieces of food; whereas the pre-molar and molar teeth, which have a broad, flat surface, are used for grinding or chewing the food. The incisors and canine teeth T_vessens a noaves -OF ROOT PREMOLARS. have only one root, the pre-molars, two and the molars, three roots. Although the shape of the different teeth vary, their structure is more or less the same and consists of a) the ‘crown' which protrudes from the gum, b) the ‘root’ which is embedded in the bone and c) the 'neck' which is a slightly constricted part where the crown merges with the root. Danta Dhouti will help in cleansing of the teeth and ensuring their proper hygiene. Contraindications : Painful teeth, bleeding/swelling of gums. Materials Required : Clean water, napkin, tooth powder/ paste, til oil. Technique : Take the tooth powder/paste/oil in the left palrn. Take it on the right hand's middle or index finger. Open the mouth and inserting the said finger in the mouth, rub it on the left side teeth from inside and outside with up and down movements of the finger. Repeat the above action on the right side teeth by using middle/index finger of the left hand. 4. Help in overcoming bad breath/foul smell in the mouth. Enamel covering of teeth is protected. 5. Improve dental phonetics 2.3: JIVHA DHOUTI - fateet ete (CLEANSING OF THE TONGUE) One of the important sensory organs ‘Jivha’' i.e. the tongue is located inside the mouth, well guarded in front by teeth embedded in gums and at the top by the dome-shaped palate. The tongue plays an important part in mastication (chewing), deglutition (swallowing) and in speech. It is also the organ of taste. The nerve endings of the sense of taste are found in the papillae (the taste buds). They are not evenly distributed over the whole area of the tongue. Sweet and salty tastes are appreciated mainly at the tip of the tongue. Sour tastes are perceived mainly at the sides of the tongue. Bitter tastes are recognised most strongly at the back of the tongue. PORTEHION man The undesirable 'bad breath' condition arises when the root and base of the tongue accumulates a layer of tartar and decomposing material and the back of the tongue is covered with masses of thickened decomposing tissue. This can even extent to the tip of the tongue too, causing a visible coating on the tongue. The tongue then acts as an indicator of the state of health in general and that of the alimentary canal in particular, for which reason the doctor asks a person to take out the tongue to see its condition during the medical check- up. It is, therefore, necessary to keep the tongue in a hygienic and healthy condition by scraping it well; cleansing its root by reaching the back of the tongue to the extent possible and removing whatever mucus, tartar and phlegm deposits may have accumulated there. Jivha Dhouti and Jivha Moola Dhouti will prove very useful in ensuring proper hygiene and functioning of the tongue. Let us, therefore, first learn the ‘Jivna Dhouti’ i.e. cleansing of the tongue. Contraindications : Bleeding / swelling of tongue, sore tongue or excessive congestion at the root of the tongue. Materials Required : Clean water and a napkin. Technique : Open the mouth and take out the tongue. Catch hold of right and left sides of frontal part of the tongue gently between the index & middle fingers together of the respective hands on the upper side of the tongue and thumbs on its lower side. Holding the tongue in this finger-tongs, gently massage the tongue from inner side to tip of the tongue with milking movements for 4 to 5 times. Thereafter, catching tip of the tongue in the same way but slightly more firmly, pull the tongue out gently and release it immediately thereafter. Do these movements of stretching and relaxing the tongue for 4 to 5 times. Benefits : te en 3. Improves elasticity of the tongue. Increases length of the tongue. Functioning of the tongue i.e. talking, singing, eating, swallowing, etc. becomes easier and enjoyable. Especially beneficial for teachers/preachers, lawyers, singers, etc. who have to speak or sing for longer periods. . Helps in developing speech culture. . Improves digestion and checks bad breath/foul smell caused due to undesirable sticky coating over the tongue. 2.4 : JIVHA MOOLA DHOUTI - fatearqe sitet (CLEANSING OF THE ROOT AREA OF THE TONGUE) Contraindications : Sore throat, swelling or painful tongue, excessive congestion at the throat. é aah Materials Required : Clean water and a napkin. Technique : Open the mouth and take out the tongue fully. Keep tips of three fingers of the right hand (i.e. index, middle and ring) at the root of the tongue, keeping small finger and thumb of that hand apart. Now clean the root region of the tongue by gently cleaning and massaging the said area by moving the above- mentioned three fingers in up-to-down movements tor removing the sticky mucus. Cleanse the tongue by doing the above action for 4 to 5 times. Note : This Kriya should be performed on an empty stomach as otherwise due to vomiting sensation, the contents of the stomach may be vomited out. Benefits : 1. Cleanses the root region of the tongue. 2. Improves the health of the throat. 3. Helps in producing clear sounds. 4 5. . Helps in proper digestion. . Stimulates salivary glands. 2.5 : KAPALA RANDHRA DHOUTI - aates-a atdt (CLEANSING AND MASSAGING OF SOFT PALATE) The palate is divided into two parts i.e. the part nearer the front of the mouth which is called ‘Hard Palate’ and its part thumb up and down, right to left, left to right and finally move it in a circular way. If the secretion/sticky mucus gathers in the mouth, expel it out and perform the Kriya again. Massage the soft palate area in this way for 4 to 5 times and thereafter clean the mouth and thumb with clean water. Note : Left handers may conveniently perform this Kriya by using the left thumb instead of the right thumb. Benefits : te 2. Cleanses the mouth thoroughly. Removes excessive secretion and sticky mucus from the mouth. . Reduces phlegmatic tendency. . Energises/refreshes nerve ends in the mouth.

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