AKD Daily Nov 13 2023

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November 13, 2023


NPL - Assured Prospects

Muhammad Ali
 We recommend a ’BUY’ stance on Nishat Power Ltd (NPL) with DDM based June’24 Tar- Sr. Investment Analyst
get Price of PkR42/share alongside DY expectations of 29% during the same period ali.muhammad@akdsl.com
111-253-111 Ext: 637
 GoP’s recent efforts to maintain austerity in terms of passing on power generation costs
(and losses) towards the end-users, coupled with additional fiscal support (power sector
subsidies: 9.5% of FY23 tax receipts), have provided respite to the sector as a whole.
 NPL’s power generating trends have remained relatively healthier compared to other fuel
oil based plants during times of relapsing RFO based power demand. The plant’s average TARGET PRICE (PkR) SHARE PRICE (PkR)
utilization stood at 47%/32% during FY22/23, where-in overall RFO industry’s generation 42.0 27.95
factor stood at 25%/10% during the same period.
52.0% 29.0%
 NPL holds a net receivable position of PKR17.1bn (PKR 48.5/sh) as of 1QFY24, providing
proper protection in this multi-year high-interest rate cycle, given minimal leverage.
NPL: Valuation Stats
Dividends to expand going forward: We recommend a ’BUY’ stance on Nishat Power Ltd (NPL)
with DDM based June’24 Target Price of PkR42/share alongside DY expectations of 29% during FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26

the same period. Presently, the company trades at a steep discount in terms of both, its net EPS (PkR) 7.6 9.4 11.6 14.6 12.9 12.2
receivables position and NPV of future capacity payments, which are presently at PkR48.5/sh DPS (PkR) 0.0 4.5 7.0 8.0 8.5 11.5
BVPS (PkR) 73 79 84 95 100 103
and PkR40/sh, respectively. Moreover, our models depict strong cash flow generation even
P/E (x) 3.04 1.99 1.63 1.92 2.17 2.29
amidst routine buildup of power circular debt (toned down post FY25), largely due to the plant’s
P/BV (x) 0.31 0.24 0.22 0.29 0.28 0.27
17% ROE until 2035 coupled with regular fuel savings owing to its strong thermal efficiency (avg.
Div. Yield 0% 24% 37% 29% 30% 41%
43-45%) and moderate O&M savings, further contributing to bottom-line. To note, NPL is ex- Earnings Growth -45% 24% 23% 26% -12% -5%
pected to bill PkR4.40bn (PkR12.43/sh) towards the power purchaser in terms of capacity charg- ROE 10% 12% 14% 15% 13% 12%
es during FY24, ensuing conformity of cashflows (and payouts) amidst falling generation demand ROA 9% 10% 13% 15% 12% 11%
going forward. D/E 0.14 0.16 - 0.01 0.01 -
Circular debt and market model: GoP’s recent efforts to maintain austerity in terms of passing D/A 0.12 0.14 - 0.01 - -
Source: Company accounts & AKD Research
on power generation costs (and losses) towards the end-users, coupled with additional fiscal
support (power sector subsidies: 9.5% of FY23 tax receipts), have provided respite to the sector
as a whole. Despite being plagued by various inefficiencies leading to low earnings quality, these
efforts have definitely chinned up the participants, which was celebrated by the listed IPPs
opting for historic payouts throughout FY22 and 23 (table on the right). Going forward, in antici- Payouts of listed IPPs (FY22/23)
pation of the competitive market model, company’s management hinted they may lock in some DPS Avg. Yield
FY22 FY23 FY22 FY23
form of capacity payment structure before going into CTBCM (50-70% of capacity factor), aimed
NPL 4.5 7.0 24% 37%
at ensuring a partial take-or-pay regime. In our perspective, in a CTBCM scenario, NPL may also
NCPL 10.0 0.0 68% -
capitalize on an industrial wheeling agreement, leveraging the plant's robust thermal efficiency
LPL* 2.5 17.0 17% 120%
and its close proximity to the demand hub. However, further clarification on this matter is await-
SPWL* 12.5 5.3 66% 28%
EPQL* 11.0 4.5 53% 19%
Utilization scenario: NPL’s power generating trends have remained relatively healthier com- HUBC (consol.) 6.5 30 9% 45%
pared to other fuel oil based plants during times of relapsing RFO based power demand. The Source: Company accounts & AKD Research
plant’s average utilization stood at 47%/32% during FY22/23, where-in overall RFO industry’s *adjusted for fiscal year
generation factor stood at 25%/10% during the same period. This is largely due to it being a
strategic power generating unit from the CPPA-G/NTDC’s perspective, amid the plant’s ability to
produce power at short notice periods (11 steam turbines/reciprocating engines). For this rea-
son, the power purchaser is expected to maintain the plant's operation during peak hours to
address potential shortages. Furthermore, with NPL being one of the recently commissioned
RFO based IPPs, it benefits from regular efficiency gains in fuel (1QFY24: PkR0.60/kWh) and
O&M savings. However, MoUs signed in 2020 dictate that these savings are to be shared with
the power purchaser on a 50:50 or higher ratio, resulting in a diminished overall benefit for NPL.
AKD Securities Limited
Fares well in high interest rates: NPL holds a net receivable position of PKR17.1bn (PKR 48.5/
sh) as of 1QFY24, providing proper protection in this multi-year high-interest rate cycle, given
minimal leverage. Notably, in FY23, NPL recorded delayed payments markup of PkR2.22bn NPL: Load factor vs. Industry Gen. (Gwh)
(PkR 6.2/sh), a result of the lucrative markup regime (KIBOR plus 4.5%) on overdue receiva-
50,000 80%
bles (PkR10bn, 60% of total TD). However, reductions in this aspect may occur due to fur- 45,000
ther clearances of GoP dues towards IPPs and expectations of falling interest rates going 40,000
forward. 50%

Investment perspective: While we have incorporated the buildup of circular debt in our 25,000 40%

projections, however, larger than anticipated increases and deviation from plans to manage 30%
future stock flow may hamper company’s fundamentals, ultimately constraining distribution 10,000

capacity. Overall, we have a ‘Buy’ call on NPL with a June’24 Target Price of PkR42/sh, 5,000

- 0%
providing an upside of 52% over last close. Additionally, we estimate dividend yields for








FY24/25 at 29%/30%, culminating to a total return of 80%.
Industry Generation NPL Load Factor (%)

Net Receivables position of listed IPPs

Source: NEPRA & AKD Research
Receiva- Payables ST Borrow- NET (E = A + D
PkRmn Cash (D) PkR/sh MP/sh Discount
bles (A) (B) ings (C) - B - C)
NPL Vs. KSE100 Index
NPL 17,595 1,162 549 1,291 17,175 48.5 28.0 174%

NCPL 16,826 1,739 3,890 340 11,537 31.4 24.7 127% 30%

LPL 11,443 415 7,473 267 3,822 10.1 17.4 58% 20%

SPWL 11,472 598 8,919 28 1,983 5.1 18.8 27% 10%

EPQL 9,578 4,436 4,122 106 1,126 3.5 28.9 12%
HUBC (consol.) 103,588 67,631 30,107 8,194 14,044 10.8 113.2 10%
Source: Company accounts & AKD Research







NPL KSE100 Index

Source: PSX & AKD Research


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Valuation Methodology
To arrive at our period end target prices, AKDS uses different New Rating Definitions
valuation techniques including: Buy > 30% expected total return (Rf: 21% + Rp: 9%)
 Discounted Cash Flow (DCF, DDM) Neutral > 21% to < 30% expected total return
 Relative Valuation (P/E, P/B, P/S etc.) Sell < 21% expected total return (Rf: 21%)
 Equity & Asset return based methodologies (EVA, Residual Income etc.)
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