The Hate U Give Chapter Questions

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3 The Hate U Give

Instructional suggestions:
● For independent reading, assign kids chapter questions as a quick check for
● For use during literature circle, or book clubs use the questions to guide the discussion
● Use for teacher notes to guide whole class discussions during a whole class read aloud, or
whole class novel study
● Post a specific question daily on a large piece of chart paper, white board, or on google
classroom and ask kids to respond and then discuss the answer.
● Use the opinion questions to generate class discussion and ask students to response using
textual evidence.

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4 The Hate U Give

Chapter 1

1. What are the reasons that Starr gives for why she should not be at Big D’s spring break party?

2. Why does Starr have trouble making friends with people in her neighborhood of Garden Heights? What
do the people in Garden Heights think of her and why?

3. How does Starr know Khalil?

4. Explain the importance of THUG LIFE. What is the sentiment behind this? Where does it come from?
(Please do not use profanity in your explanation just explain the meaning and significance.)

5. What is Khalil doing to make money? Why does this upset Starr?

6. Khalil says, “‘I got tired of choosing between lights and food.’” (18) How is this indicative of the
situation that many people in Starr’s neighborhood find themselves in?

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5 The Hate U Give

Chapter 2

1. Why does it appear that Khalil did not have standard “what to do if you get stopped by the police talk”
by his parents?

2. What reason do the police give for asking Khalil to get out of the car and patting him down?

Chapter 3
1. Who is Natasha and how does it remind Starr of what happened to Khalil?

2. Seven doesn’t live with Starr full-time. Where does he spend the rest of his time? Why does he feel
obligated to stay there?

3. The Carter’s decide to keep Starr’s presence at the shooting a secret. Why?

4. “That’s when I realized Williamson is one world and Garden Heights in another, I have to keep them
separate.” (36) What made Starr realize this in seventh grade?

5. How does Big Mav come to own Carter’s Grocery?

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6 The Hate U Give

6. Starr hasn’t told her father that she is dating Chris. Why? From what we know about Big Mav already,
why would he have a problem with Chris? Give a clear example from the book to explain.

7. Does the news report on Khalil’s death? What does this prove?

8. The end of the chapter shows conflict between King and Big Mav. What is the conflict and why is it

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7 The Hate U Give

Chapter 4

1. We meet Starr’s Uncle Carlos in chapter 4. What appears contradictory about him as a character?

2. How do Uncle Carlos and Mav disagree about what happened to Khalil?

3. What is Starr’s relationship with Uncle Carlos? Why is this important?

4. Compare and contrast Uncle Carlos and Mav’s political and ideological views on the social issue of
police violence and race.

5. What do we find out about Khalil’s mom, Ms. Brenda? What do we find out about what Khalil was
doing before his death? How is this ironic?

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8 The Hate U Give

Chapter 5

1. Compare and contrast the scene of Starr seeing her friends at Williamson after spring break, with the
first scene of the book at the party. How are the people different? How is the culture different in the two

2. What happened between Starr and her friend Hailey?

3. Why is Starr angry at Chris? What does Starr’s reaction show us about her character?

4. Starr compares herself to Will Smith on the TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air: “We once talked
about how cool it was that Will remained himself in his new world. I slipped and said I wish I could be
like that at school.” What is Starr talking about? How does this reflect Starr’s life?

5. “Nobody mentioned Khalil in at school today.” (84) How does Starr feel about this? Why do you think
she feels this way?

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9 The Hate U Give

6. What causes the fight between Starr and her mother at the end of the chapter? Who do you agree with
and why?

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10 The Hate U Give

Chapter 6

1. How is Starr feeling when she arrives at the police station to give her statement? How do you know this?
Give specific evidence from the text to support your answer.

2. On page 99, during the interview with the policewoman, what picture does the policewoman try to paint
of the exchange between Khalil and Officer 115?

3. How does the interview shift after Starr tells what happened? What do these new questions make clear
about the police and their investigation?

Chapter 7

1. How does Chris’s race become a problem for Starr after Khalil’s death?

2. Explain the conflict on page 111 between Hailey and Starr.

3. What is Starr’s concern with people finding out that she was present at the shooting?

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11 The Hate U Give

4. What is the significance of Starr telling her Uncle that Officer 115 kept his gun pointed at her while they
waited for help after Khalil was shot?

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12 The Hate U Give

Chapter 8

1. Who is April Ofrah and why is she important?

2. What is the significance of King and the King Lord’s coming to the funeral?

3. What happens between Ms. Rosalie, King, and Iesha?

4. What does Starr reveal about how she felt about Khalil?

5. How are things going to change for Starr after the funeral? Why?

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13 The Hate U Give

Chapter 9
1. Describe the scene in Garden Heights after Khalil’s funeral.

2. What is important about the way the news media is reporting on Khalil’s death? Why is this significant?

3. Starr believes that the rioting and unrest after Khalil’s death is all her fault. Why does Starr believe it is
her fault? Do you agree with her? Why or why not.

4. What is the significance of Lisa telling Starr that when she was born she wasn’t breathing?

5. What does Starr mean when she says, “I still don’t know if I am betraying Khalil by dating Chris...”

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14 The Hate U Give

Chapter 10

1. How does Starr behave when she and her mother have to drive through the police blockade to get back
into Garden Heights? How is this significant?

2. Summarize the conversation that Starr has with her father in the car. After reading this exchange, what is
one of the themes of the book?

3. What made Maverick realize he no longer wanted to be part of the gang lifestyle?

4. Describe Devante.

5. Lisa wants to move away from Garden Heights. Maverick wants to stay. Who do you agree with and

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15 The Hate U Give

Chapter 11
1. What is your opinion about the protest organized for Khalil at the start of Chapter 11? Explain why Starr
is angry about it.

2. Mr. Lewis defends his “snitching” on TV. What is his argument for calling out King and his boys as the
ones who jumped the cops? What do you think of his decision to speak out on TV?

3. How did you feel during the scene when the cops question and pat down Maverick?

4. Give three examples of the theme, “silence versus voice” present in this chapter.

5. Maverick is a complex character. Is he a good father? Is he a good man? How might someone from
outside Garden Heights view him? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

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16 The Hate U Give

Chapter 12
1. What happened to Seven?

2. What important milestone do Starr and Chris hit via text? How does Starr feel about it?

3. How is Ms. Oprah important to the theme of silence versus voice in the story?

4. What judicial process will be used for Officer 115 and the incident with Khalil? How does this differ
from a normal, criminal trial?

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17 The Hate U Give

Chapter 13
1. Who were the King Lords really after when they beat up Mr. Lewis?

2. What’s the truth about DeVante’s situation?

3. Why does Starr believe is Carlos home during the work day?

4. Describe Maverick’s reaction to Chris showing up at Carlos’s house.

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18 The Hate U Give

Chapter 14

1. Describe the interview 115’s dad gives on TV. Why does it anger Starr?

2. Starr goes to Maya’s house to talk to both Hailey and Maya. What do we realize about Hailey? About
Maya? How are they different?

3. Starr is questioning her friend with Hailey and says, “That’s the problem. We let people say stuff, and
they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What’s the point of having a voice
if you’re gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn’t be?” (252)

4. Do you think Starr should continue to try and work things out with Hailey why or why not?

5. How does Uncle Carlos feel about what happened to Khalil?

6. “Even if he was, I knew that boy… Watched him grow up with you. He was more than any bad decision
he made… I hate that I let myself fall into that mindset of trying to rationalize his death. And at the end
of the day, you don’t kill someone for opening a car door. If you do, you shouldn’t be a cop.” (256)
Explain the significance of this quote.

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19 The Hate U Give

7. Why does Uncle Carlos think that Maverick really wants to help DeVante?

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20 The Hate U Give

Chapter 15

1. What Starr’s major take away from her discussion with her mother in the IHOP? What is Lisa’s advice
to Starr regarding her friendship with Hailey?

2. What can we infer about Starr from her reaction when she is reliving the events of the night that Khalil
died to the DA?

3. Maverick asks Starr, “you got a problem with black boys?” Do you feel that Maverick is being racist in
his concerns about Chris? What reason does Maverick give for his concern about Starr dating a white
boy? Do you think this is valid?

4. When King shows up at the store, what is the implied threat between him and Maverick?

5. Maverick makes a surprising statement at the end of chapter 15, what is it? Do you think this is the right
decision for the family?

6. How do you feel about Seven’s assertion that he will stay in Garden Heights for his mom and sister.

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21 The Hate U Give

Part 2: Five Week After It

Chapter 16
1. Why did Starr forget about prom?

2. People keep calling Starr “brave.” She doesn’t agree. What do you think?

3. Starr calls out King during the interview, but calls it “dry snitching” what does this mean? What’s your
opinion about her decision to do this?

4. Why did Ms. Oprah not want Starr to engage about or answer questions about Khalil’s possible criminal
behavior during the TV interview?

5. What does Starr say about cops during the television interview?

6. At the end of the chapter Starr says, “I’d ask if he wished he shot me too…” regarding what she would
say to Officer 115 if she were to see him. React in a couple of sentences to this statement.

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22 The Hate U Give

Chapter 17
1. What was notable about Starr’s interview after it aired?

2. Why was Chris upset Starr didn’t tell him that she was the witness?

3. How do you think Chris and Starr finally talking about Starr’s connection to Khalil’s death will impact
their relationship? Why?

4. How does Starr feel about the prom at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 18
1. On the visit to their new house, Sekani asks, “Daddy, you’re okay with us living out here with the fake
people?” (308) Explain what Maverick means by “fake” and “real” people. Do you agree with his
assessment of people?

2. What does Seven say about college?

3. What is Maverick’s reaction to Seven’s revelation about college?

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23 The Hate U Give

4. How were the Carter’s able to afford the down payment for the house?

5. What do the Carter’s enjoy spending family time watching?

6. Who does Maverick get to protect the house after the drive-by shooting?

7. Right at the end of the chapter Maverick asks Starr to recite three for the points of the Black Panthers’
Ten-Point Program. What are the three points?

8. Explain each of these points and why they would be important to Maverick.

9. Carlos gets very angry at the end of the chapter when Maverick implies Carlos isn’t trying to protect his
niece and nephews. Explain the origin of this conflict. Who do you agree with Maverick or Carlos?

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24 The Hate U Give

Chapter 19

1. How does the reader’s perception of Garden Heights become more nuaned in this chapter through
Carlos talking to Maverick about growing up there? How does this help us see Garden Heights with
more depth?

2. Describe the scene at the courthouse. How is Starr’s mood? Use evidence from the text to support your

3. How is theme of voice and silence represented in the grand jury scene?

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25 The Hate U Give

Part 3 Eight Week After It

Chapter 20
1. Why is Hailey angry with Starr? What does she want Starr to do? What is Starr’s response?

2. Do you agree with Starr’s reaction to Hailey? What would you have done in this situation?

3. Starr’s mom says, “This is exactly what they expect you to do. Two kids from Garden Heights, acting
like you got ain’t any sense!” (p. 343) Do you think that is a valid point, why or why not?

4. There are both King Lords and Garden Disciples at Starr’s house when she gets home. How is this
significant and what does their meeting peacefully represent?

5. How do Lisa and Mav respond to Seven and Starr’s suspensions? What is your opinion of their reaction?
Did they do the right thing? Should parents always punish their children for using violence to solve
problems or are their times when violence can be justified?

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26 The Hate U Give

Part 5 Ten Weeks After It

Chapter 21
1. When Chris and Maya come to the party at Uncle Carlos’s house, Starr describes it, “I should be used to
my two worlds colliding, but I never know which Starr I should be…” (357) How has Starr dealt with
this dichotomy up until this point in the book? What changes in her character have we noticed?

2. Did Iesha go to Seven’s graduation?

3. Why didn’t Seven invite Iesha to the party?

4. What are Seven’s reasons for being angry with Iesha? Do you agree with his feelings?

5. What does Iesha threaten before leaving the party?

6. Give two examples demonstrating Maverick’s character as a father from this chapter, include quotes and
page numbers.

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27 The Hate U Give

Part 5 Thirteen Weeks After It- The Decision

Chapter 22
1. Why does Chris say, “But I feel like I should apologize on behalf of white people everywhere.” (375)
How does this speak to the larger issues between Chris and Starr?

2. There are multiple instances in this chapter where Chris shows that he genuinely cares about Starr and is
not intimidated by the differences in their race or social class. Find three from this chapter to support
this and explain each.

3. What happened to DeVante?

4. How does Iesha help them?

5. Why does Starr say, “My brother is smart. So smart he’s dumb. He’s been hurt by his momma so much
that when she does something right he’s blind to it.” (386) What is the significance of this?

6. How does Starr find out about the grand jury decision?

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28 The Hate U Give

Chapter 23
1. Compare and contrast Starr, DeVante, Chris, and Seven’s immediate responses to the news that the
Officer 115 will not be indicted. How do these responses represent the differences in their characters,
social class, and race? With whom to do you agree and why?

2. Chris agrees to stay with them as they navigate the unfolding chaos downtown. What does this say about
him as a character?

3. Why do the residents of Garden Heights riot in response to the decision not to indict? Do you think this
is the appropriate/correct response to the situation? What is the underlying emotion motivating this

4. DeVante argues for burning it all down on p. 397. Summarize his argument and give your opinion about
his rationale with an explanation for why you think that.

5. What are the white stereotypes that Starr, Seven, and DeVante list? Why are these funny, whereas when
the conversation shifts to Chris asking about black stereotypes it feels offensive?

6. Seven’s explanation of “black names” as being “all about perspective.” (401). Explain this argument and
how the author uses Chris being white to highlight this difference in the characters’ viewpoints.

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29 The Hate U Give

Chapter 24
1. This is a turning point for Starr, what changes and what does she decide to do? How does this speak to
the larger theme of voice versus silence?

2. What is the police response to the protest?

3. What’s the apparent remedy for tear gas?

4. Starr finally speaks to a reporter. How is this a change for her as a character?

5. What happens to the store at the end of the chapter?

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30 The Hate U Give

Chapter 25
1. Who burned down the shop and how do we know?

2. Mr. Lewis tells the police it was King who burned down the shop. This starts a chain reaction. What
happens? Why is it particularly surprising?

3. What’s Maverick’s new nickname for Chris? What actions do we see that show Chris can hold his own
against Maverick?

4. We see the theme of voice again at the end of the chapter. How does DeVante decide to use his voice?
Why is this particularly significant for him as a character?

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31 The Hate U Give

Chapter 26
1. When Starr gets the text from Hailey she says it is “[n]ot what I expected; not that I expected to get
anything from her; not that I even wanna deal with her.” (432) What is your opinion of their text
exchange? Do you think “sorry” is a good first step for Hailey, or is she a lost cause?

2. Give examples of the community coming together around Starr’s family after the loss of their store.

3. What’s Kenya’s explanation for why she always called Seven “my brother” instead of “our brother,”
with Starr?

4. After talking to Kenya, Starr admits her true feelings about Garden Heights. What are they?

5. List the names Starr refers to on the last pages on the book. Who do they refer to? Why are they

6. What is Starr and the author’s final call to action for the reader after finishing the book? Reflect on the
author’s decision to end the book with this call to action.

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