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1.Sporty wodne zyskują coraz większą popularność, napisz rozprawkę w której przedstawisz
zalety i wady uprawianie tych sportów
It is common belief that, physical activity improves not only the appearance but also
positively affects for broadly understood health. There are so many different opinions which
sport or activity is more productive, best in terms of invested capital in equipment or pass and
many else. In my opinion it is very subjective, but in today’s world we can witness a growing
interest not in extreme or competitive sports like, but in water sports. According to my point
of view I can honestly say that this type of activity has many advantages and disadvantages.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think water sports is swimming. There is no
doubt about it that this sport is one of the cheapest, because of low cost of equipment which I
understand as a towel, swimming costume and slippers, also the cost of pass to the swimming
pool which costs pennies, especially for younger people. Another benefit is that this sport has
positive effect on the development of your figure and posture. Nowadays really common form
of working is sitting hunched over, it has bad affect for your posture, that’s why swimming is
important to avoid serious problems or even injuries of your back.

Furthermore, this form of spending a time can be for someone some kind of therapy. In
today’s world time without any form of information rely is priceless, when you choose other
form of activity as gym or tennis, you have your phone next to the machine or court, but at a
swimming pool you are alone, without littering information’s from social medias and other
messages or calls, because they are trapped in the cloakroom, for about an hour, or two, it’s
usually up to you because pass don’t have limit of time.

Although swimming has positive aspect for you, the first steps are hard to overcome. Benefits
of swimming can be noticed only when your style of swimming, position, posture in water
and others are good trained. That’s why you must take your time to train the styles of
swimming, usually is time-consuming, that’s why usually help of professionalism such as
trainer or coach, the importance of this can be argued but for me it would be a real salvation
in making progress. However, it needs to be added that this form of training costs more, and
not everyone can afford such a thing.

On the other hand, we have some big disadvantage. It is hygiene conditions in the pools,
many people don’t restrict rules such as walking in slippers, washing before entering the
water or even pee in the pool. This things creates vision of the swimming pool as a disgusting
and dirty place.

It is clear from the above evidence that the swimming pool as others water sports has many
positive and negative aspects, but I Think that everyone should see for themselves wether they
like it or not

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