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1. The impact of placements like Vakri- Retrograde & Parivartana - Mutual

Exchange, in the Natal chart are often glossed over by many. However, they
do modify the final outcome quite significantly!
2. Pativartana happens in two ways
Rashi Parivartan (Mutual exchange of Signs) & Nakshatra Parivartan. Our
Focus is Essentially restricted to Graha Parivartana in Rashi (Signs).
3. If we could understand the possible 66 combos of Parivartana in Total. It
helps in accurate delineation of a chart!
4. If a Horoscope has a Parivartana between 2 planets the following results
are indicated in general!
If the Native is in a very High Status - A fall is imminent.
If the Native is at the Nadir - He is likely to improve & touch greater
Thus the Parivartana - simply implies that -"The Reversal of Status” is
This could impact positively or Negatively - Either way.
Advice: If a Native has Parivartana in his Horoscope & is doing very well
- He should be forewarned to Save a part of his income for future &
preferably in some other Relative/ Reliable person’s name - so that they
help when in need!
5. If currently, reigning High - A fall from that height - is inevitable in future.

6. A Dichotomy between their Planning & Action is inescapable!!

Ex: If they plan to construct a house estimated at 1 crore: Subsequently
they may end up restricting/trimming it to 50 lacs or sell it midway or May
escalate it high to 2 crores & yet may not complete at all. There is a high
probability of change of heart midway & hence deviations from their
original plans.
7. They will keep reviewing the decisions already implemented!
Ex: They would have purchased a house already - May ask if it will be
beneficial or not after purchase (Not prior to the Decision)
Get married without checking horoscopes - but will tend to analyse /
review post facto - if their horos are matching or not (Unstable Mindset).
8. The above 3 Rules form the Basis for understanding the impact of
Parivartana (Thumb Rules). All subsequent impacts due to the relationships
based on Sign/ Bhava etc derive their basis only from these 3 rules.
9. This parivartana has 2 sides! Graha & Bhava Parivartana
Graha Parivartana: This means Two planets mutually Exchanging their
Houses for tenancy (One graha sitting in the house of other & vice versa).
Few planets have twin lordships & so in the final count there are 64 such
possible Parivartana combinations in total.
Unless we test all these combinations in 100s of Horos - It’s very difficult
to Decipher their impact with confidence
10. Important Pointers: Without Parivartana in Horoscope - Returning back
to the Native place is not possible in general
Hence if anyone asks - If their son/ spouse would come back after few
years - we can say it’s possible - if there is a Parivartana in his chart - if not
no come backs. However, it may happen if such a Parivartana exists in his
son’s horoscope.
If a Sick guy asks - I am not getting cured in a Local Hospital - then
advise him to change over to an hospital in another city - He will get cured
if there is a Parivartana in his chart
11. This Native has No child !
He has SUN in Aries / MARs in Leo with RAHU! Here Sun & Mars are in
Parivartana! He shifts from one place to another due to this factor!
Also note that Sun runs into Rahu in parivartana and gets afflicted &
not Mars.
After moving over to a new place (say chennai) he develops a new
relationship & gets a child in that process! He then brings that to his Native
& sustains - The Child then grows into a successful Man
These reveals - that the Parivartana did not work in local but after
relocation. He not only got a child but also a property.
12. Result: Thus, Parivartana signifies Improvement - After a change of
place of Residence.
This also signifies that he could return to his Native place after some
13. The other Parivartana is Rashi Based! (There is a Nakshatra based
Parivartana too). This can manifest as YOGAM (Auspicious) or AVAYOGAM
14. If we restrict our reading to the Parivartana of Grahas - That just
indicates the transformation in Guna/ Character!
15. If the Graha after Parivartana, conjoins an inimical planet - It gives
In the Above example - SUN conjoins Rahu in Aries after Parivartana (It
has given birth to an illegitimate child).
If this is a Yogam/ Avayogam – is, dependent on if the Lagna is in an
ODD sign or EVEN sign. In the instant case He is Virgo, and Parivartana
happens in an even sign & hence became a Avayogam (Loss of Prestige in
Native place).
In ODD signs it gives Yogam!
If after Parivartana, it gets related to 6/8/12 Bhavas, its Avayogam !
In general, if the Parivartana happens in 6/8/12 - Bhavas it may give one
Yogam, but double the Avayogam - like 8H may give sudden inheritance/
wealth but can give 2 Ganta/Risks to Life too!
In other Bhavas Parivartana may not do harm.
16. When do the Parivartanas Work?
Let us consider this example. Mars in AQU and Shani in SCO!
When MARs transits in SCO this Shani will go to AQU.
Likewise when Shani transits in AQU - Mars will go to SCO .
This is Parivartana of the first order.
Thus the Parivartana fructifies only when the concerned planets Transit
in their own houses.
The Aspects too, do play a role - but with reduced impact - say 50% only
Rule: Parivartana of Planets will get Activated when Either of them
transits over the other or gets aspected by the other . The first one will give
full impact.
Ex: Moon in Taurus & Venus in Cancer : Graha Parivartana !
The Parivartana is effective when Moon goes over the Natal Venus in
The Parivartana plays out whenever Venus transits over Natal Moon in
Thats the owner should dislodge the tenent from his house
When they aspect their respective signs (Cancer/ Taurus) houses too -
gives moderate impact.
The impact is more pronounced when the yearly planets like Nodes, JU
& SAT traverse over these Signs in sync with the the incidence of 1&2
Ex: At present Rahu is in Taurus! The parivartana effect is more
pronounced when
Moon is in Cancer / or Venus comes to Taurus.
To Sum UP
17. Parivartana does not work during Dashas MD/ AD - the planets give the
impact of their placement / tenancy only.
18. The planets give Full impact of Parivartana only during Gochara/ Transit.
19. Difference between Rashi/ Nakshatra Parivartana!
If I do an Act Openly with Transparency - It’s Rashi Parivartana (RP).
If I do the same Act in secrecy - it’s Nakshatra Parivartana (NP).
Ex: If I take a personal loan in public - its RP. If I take a loan in private -
without any 3rd party's knowledge - its NP.
If I love a girl openly (Everyone knows it), it’s RP. If my love is concealed
within myself - its NP.
If a crime is committed & caught - its RP. If the same crime remains
secret - it’s NP
20. Hence Any Act - in public & open is RP & If it’s in Private/ Secrecy its NP.
21. Thus this NP - Just reveals the other hidden face of the Native. Until, He
gets an occasion to reveal this hidden - other side - People can’t judge him
22. This Parivartana Plays a Major Role in, Match making predictions too! If
both the Man& Wife have Parivartana in their charts - they remain at peace
(like both will maintain their openness/ Secrecy). If only one of them have
Parivartana - then chances of fights. Parivartana in both the charts ensures
similar characteristics!
Ex: Say the wife has NP! If there is some theft in the house - she would
like to Keep it as secret - not share that act! If the Hubby too has NP - this
incident will get buried in secrecy! Else - He will expose this & make it
Ex: If Wife has RP and Hubby - NP! The hubby will try to underplay the
disputes between them in front of others - but wife will expose their
disputes in public.
If both have NP - their disputes will remain personal & not known to
others at all.
If both have RP- both will fight openly in public
23. To sum up Nakshatra Parivartana Effect
The Graha parivartana gives physical / Circumstances effect when under
transits above. If their Nakshatra are in Parivartana - then it gives the
thought or Environment to shift out !! Nakshatra effect is internal- in mind
& May not be visible to outsiders! Graha- Parivartana is in open & visible
24. Parivartana of the adverse kind: The most impactful negative one is -
Sama Saptama Parivartana (1-7). It signifies treachery!
Like one's Partner ditches, Spouse deserts, loyal servant commits theft,
are all due to 1-7 Parivartana!
That is - If you get deceived from a totally reliable/ unexpected source -
its due to this Samasaptama Parivartana!
Such Natives with 1-7 in Parivartana, needs to be cautioned to remain
tactful during the concerned gochara!
Such a Parivartana is capable of Transforming a Boon to Shraap & Vice
Indira Gandhi had this & was Shot by her own body guard
25. A Trikona Parivartana - is Highly beneficial & could transform an
adversity to a boon.
26.Retro & Parivartana Difference:
RETRO GRADE is Adamancy & Sticking to the Original decision -
PARIVARTANA is Changing one's decision Midway or Even after!
27 . Parivartana of a planet in Combustion:
Let us assume that one such planet is in Combustion & in Parivartana.
Thus when this parivartana - Gets activated in Gochara - Transit, This
means that the Native will Enjoy that Significance (Denied by Combustion),
but in an indirect Way for some time.
[ Ex: I may be deprived of Food - Fasting & Hunger < combustion. In
parivartana - I may still be on fast/ hunger wrt others - but may go behind
& eat some Samosa on the sly!
Parivartana also implies - that the Native is adamant & will get his work
done by any means.]
28. Parivartana also ensures that the Native is adequately armed to deal
with adversities.
Ex: One Male native though born among 5 others was always required
to help his mother - in household chores & cooking!
Later - He had to marry a physically challenged girl & do all the
household chores! He has 2 parivartana in his chart!
Thus, you can say - that such a Parivartana is God sent - to empower
him in advance for a future adversity!
Ex: One may slog amidst Misery/ Adversity - but his succeeding clan will
get its fruits & prosper.
Ex: Kaikeyee - Got a shraap from Sage Durvasa & her finger turned into
an Iron rod – which later, helped her to prevent the Dasaratha's chariot
from falling down (when the axle broke)
29. The Parivartana Results are Benefic / Malefic - in accordance with the
relationship with the planets creating this in transit!
If they are friends - Double benefit!! If Enemies - Double Trouble.
However, Sama Saptama parivartana is generally bad - It reflects
Trachery – back stabbing etc.
1. Sun in AQU & SAT in LEO
2. SUN in CAP & SAT in LEO
Both are clear cases of Parivartana Exchange - the first being a case of
Sama- Saptama parivartana (1-7) & 2nd (6-8) !
Now Assume Rahu is Transiting over Leo (Naturally Ketu will transit in
In the first case - SAT which is in Leo will escape to AQU in Exchange with
SUN - which will land up in LEO (like). Hence it is SUN - which will feel the
heat of Rahu not SAT in LEO!!
SAT, However, gets trapped by KETU after Exchange!
Thus in Sama Saptama - both get trapped by the Nodes - but with
In Sama Saptama - parivartana - There is no real escape/ respite.

In the 2nd Case: When Rahu Transits in LEO - SAT escapes from its wrath
after Parivartana & SUN gets trapped under the Impact of RAHU!
As SAT - in exchange goes to CAP - escapes not only from Rahu - but
Ketu too. (Ketu is in Aqu now).
But in the ensuing transit gets trapped by Ketu after Parivartana!

30. Parivartana during Dasha -MD/ AD/ PAD:

The Planets in Parivartana, just give the results of the house posited -
ignoring their Exchange! They just give the fruits of house tenented by
MERCURY in Parivartana is Fraught with Risks of Cheating / Losses etc.
They need to be extra careful if ME gains strength through Parivartana!
31. To sum up, Parivartana Essentially indicates Transformation of fortunes.
Could be good/ bad!
Thus, Parivartana is a very Tricky subject - Needs lot of deep research
with live horoscopes to understand - its impact in full! Often Many
predictions go Topsy turvy - because the Astros fail to gauge its impact.

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