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General Characteristics of Retrograde Planet Natives
1. Planet when in Retro gains more strength
(On a lighter note / No offense: My physical strength is more when my mind
gets retarded - A psychopath like)!!
2. Retro planets Indicate Adamant Nature.
3. It makes the Native “A captive" to the already planned/ decided activity
till its fruition!
If I want to bunk my classes - Vakri planet will find ways to accomplish
If I want to go to a movie - it will ensure that I go even by resorting to
foul means.
4. They will not relish advises from anybody, once they have decided upon
a particular course.
5. If you see anybody who lives his life in accordance with his likes/ dislikes,
then it indicates - more Retro planets in his chart.
6. More Retro planets - Natives are difficult to deal with! They always tend
to have a skewed thinking process.
7. They tend to be eccentric / quixotic / lateral & like only other such
characters. Also, they tend to like only similarly skilled counterparts.
8. Progenies with multiple Retro planets give pain to the parents!! They
tend to act contrary to what the parents aspire.
9. They always think from the opposites/ not straight, from an altogether
different angle/ perspective - Lateral thinking too!!!
10. Guru & Shani become Retrograde when they are away from Sun by 146°
11. The Natives with Retrograde are Highly intelligent & Experts in the field
signified by that Retro planet! It promotes Lateral thinking.
12. Retrograde Planets Natives - in General have High Expectations wrt the
Karakatwa signified by that Planet in Retro !
Hence More Planets in Retro - The Natives are Multi Skilled & tend to
have High expectations on so many fronts & end up just being the Jacks of
13. Retro Planets After giving the benefit wrf to its Signified Karakatwam -
Takes it back soon! However- After a second attempt, helps sustaining it!
Ex: Retro SAT: After Studies it may give immediate Employment. But the
Native will take a break from job due to Pursue Higher study or Getting
Married to a spouse Abroad/ Outstation!
But they will have Regular career after their 2nd Attempt!!
14. Kalatra Karakas VE & MARs in Retro or the 7L in Retro is a cause for most
of the Seperations after Marriage.
They are bit adamant & not easily amenable for Counselling too.
15. The Natal Retro planets give Full effects only when they are Retro in
Gochara/ Transit too.
16. A planet in Retro - Exhibits unusual / Un characteristic tendencies. Also
bit rebellious/ sarcastic / Negative/ Impractical dispensation!
When you give - it will turn otherside & refuse! When it wants - It will not
be given.
17. Planets in Retrograde generally don’t deny their benefits - but only
after Delays & Efforts.
18. More than One Retrograde Planets -
They require Good Mentor - Guide to Excel.
Their Strengths May not be Patently visible & hence confusing! But An
Astro needs to Decipher this & suggest accordingly.
More Retros give Multiple Skills & as a Result Confusion too regarding
the Choices!
Likewise, Study the Areas signified by the Retro planets & Mentor them
Retros, Require Guidance!!
19. Retro Planet Guys - Will never realise their Mistakes committed wrt that
Bhava tenanted / Adamant wrt the Bhava.
Ex: Shani Bhagwan - Vakri in 2H: This Native will never Accept his mistakes
committed wrf Family -2 Bhava!
However, if it’s a Normal Shani - They will Accept their follies!
20. Lastly the Most significant Quality of a Retro Planet is: .............It makes
the person- Very Unique- in its signified Karakatva!!
RETROGRADE- PLANETS (Planetwise in Brief)
ME(R) is an intelligent qualified guy - will love to have an equally well-
read intelligent companion.
They are Geniuses too if in strength!
Tend to meet with disappointments with younger sisters & lovers too.
Their communication skills in writing are Brilliant & Meaningful -
Dr.Radhakrishnan & Most of the Top Scientists !
ME(R) = Intelligence & Good at studies - Encourage Him to Study the
subject of his Choice

Great at Work & Also Expect that from their workers. With Good Mars
can achieve that too. Else Disappointed.
SAT(R) = Adharsha Employees: Good & Dutiful at Work.
Expertise in Work in comparison to his peers (Execution will be better)
like he will be a skilled mason/ mechanic etc.
Good Knowledge & intelligence & perhaps Highly Spiritual too.
High Expectations from their Children & get irritated if they don’t stand
Jupiter is the Karaka for Wealth, Children & Knowledge - Wisdom!!
Hence Retro JU will strengthen any of this based on its Dignity &
Expectations too in those areas
If not wealth - it's wisdom!! Knowledge + is the - message.
JU(R) - Banking, Finance, Teacher etc
JU(R) - Will have wide knowledge about universe, Philosophy etc
They may not have formal Education but if they get the right teacher/
mentor can learn fast & rise up!

Good Mechanic/ Driver/ Engineer/ Architect – Builder.
MARs (R)(Females): Adventurous & Active.
They have high expectations from their Spouse like Brave, Energetic etc.
Scope for Disappointments.

VE(R) Male
The Native tends to have high expectations from Wife in the matter of
Looks, Dress & so on! But in most cases - such high expectations breed
They easily get irritated with their spouse.
VE also indicates Aunt & Sisters too: They may love them but yet get
irritated & harsh whenever they see them.
This is true for Retro VE females too in many cases.
This Native will like his Elder Sister, Aunt etc - but still will feel irritated
upon seeing them.
In respect of Spouse - He will not like the way She appears/ Looks &
also the Activities - like the way she does. Will always express his
That is - He will feel sad about how the Kalatrabhava-lord Functions. In
effect - His expectations will be belied!
Ex: This Vakri- Shukra Native had a liking for woman with Chubby
Cheeks. He happened to see the photo of a prospective girl - who had
Narrow cheeks. He was assured that the Girl is chubby in reality & he visited
them formally.
The Girls family had made her up (by extensive chewing gum etc) & She
looked chubby on that day & the proposal got through
During & After wedding, that got exposed & he felt cheated &
disappointed. He could not forget that thereafter & he always exhibited this
irritation with his wife thereafter!
Thus the Retrograde Infuses High expectations in r/o its Karakatwa &
Eccentricity too! Hence possible Disappointments!
Thats how the Retrograde - Venus transforms one's attitude towards his
spouse! Such Natives are advised to resort to some conscious Efforts to
transform to sustain Marital Harmony

Natal Retro Planet - its Benefits in GOCHARA:

When a planet is Retro in Natal chart - the planets transiting over it
should also be Retro- Vakri to get the benefits!
Ex: Retro VE in SAG - Guru’s house in its own Nakshatra! When Jupiter
Transits over it - Jupiter will tend to give benefits - but VE will not be in a
position to receive & transmit that!
However, When JU turns retrograde during its Transit for few months -
VE will turn beneficial & transmit good benefits
Likewise when Rahu- Ketu too transit over this Retro VE - Venus will
afford lot of benefits!
Trivia: In a Q&A session - I should ask a question only after the previous
question is answered in full. If I intervene in the middle & ask another
question - it’s not a Normal behaviour - But an Retrograde effect.

The Retro Effects are summarised in brief as under.

Summary in Brief on Retrograde Planets:
Identify the Karakatwa of the planets in Retrograde in the Natal Chart.
This Native will always implement the Decision pre decided by him in
r/o the Significations of the Retro planet. He will not relish others advises.
Adamancy is their Hall mark (wrt to the matters of Retro planet).
They draw a Circle around themselves & operate within that limit! They
won’t allow others to get into that nor will they get out of that shell
The Retro guys like only similar retro guys! Nodes don’t harm Retro
Retro planets fight with Straight planets & also obstruct their Delivery!
A Natal Retro bypasses the good effect of a transit Benefic when it is in
normal stride but accepts its goodies only when it turns retro in transit.
( A Retro VE in Natal gives the goodies of JU in transit over it only when
JU too turns Retro)

Worship :
Natives Having Retro planets should worship Deities without a Human
Face - viz
Narasimha, Hanuman, Ganesha, Hayagriva, Varaha, Vaarahi etc!
You can choose deities in relation to the Vakri planet - Like Narasimha
for Mars, Hyagriva - Jupiter, Varaha for Rahu, Ganesh for Ketu etc.

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