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Human rights policy

This policy applies to all directors, officers, and employees of all Cognizant operational
control (collectively “Associates”).

Guiding principles
Cognizant is committed to respecting human rights. Key definitions
The basic principles of human rights align with our
company values and commitment to the highest • Human rights: refer to the basic
standards of business practices and performance standards of treatment to which all
in all that we do. We respect, consider, integrate, people are entitled.
and promote internationally recognized human • Child labor: Work that deprives any
rights in accordance with principles outlined in the person under 18 of their childhood, their
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the potential and their dignity, and that is
International Labour Organization’s Declaration on harmful to their physical and/or mental
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, in addition development. It refers to work that is
to complying with all local laws and regulations. mentally, or morally dangerous and
Cognizant also expects its suppliers, business partners, harmful to children; and/or interferes
and clients to uphold these principles and urges them with their schooling.
to adopt similar policies within their own businesses. • Forced labor: Work or service obtained
To maintain the Company’s reputation and ensure that from any person under the threat of a
we are not, directly or indirectly, in any way complicit in penalty and for which the person has
human rights abuses – we count on you to understand not offered himself or herself voluntarily.
and comply with the following principles: • T
 rafficking in persons: The use of
force, fraud, or coercion to compel
• E
 nd human trafficking. Never engage in trafficking in
persons to provide labor or services or
persons, which includes but is not limited to the illegal
commercial sex
movement of people, trafficking in persons, sexual
exploitation, and the use of forced or child labor
of any form. We are all responsible for proactively
reporting human trafficking to the appropriate Related policies and processes
authorities. If you know or suspect that human • C
 ode of ethics
trafficking is occurring/has occurred in any parts
• C
 ognizant’s ethics &
of our business or supply chains of any supplier,
compliance helpline
promptly inform your manager, local HR Manager, or
the Ethics & Compliance Helpline. • S
 upplier code of conduct

• M
 aintain a safe and healthy workplace. Always • A
 nti-corruption policy
follow all applicable safety and health laws and • S
 tatement on modern slavery
regulations, as well as internal requirements • W
 histleblower and
within our Cognizant facilities and our client sites. nonretaliation policy
Immediately report any potential health or safety
issues to your manager.
• C
 onsider our supply chain. Cognizant has zero courtesy. Never engage in discriminatory conduct,
tolerance for human rights abuses in the supply abuse of authority, or harassment of any kind.
chain. Our Supplier Standards of Conduct Cognizant associates can learn about our six
prohibits and addresses human rights abuses and principles that create conditions
isembedded into every vendor contract throughout for everyone to thrive, access tools that create
our supply chain. a culture of inclusion, and access training
opportunities and leadership messages about
• R
 espect freedom of association. Cognizant respects equity and inclusion at Cognizant.
the right of all its Associates to join or not to join a
trade union of its own choosing, engage in peaceful • C
 ompete ethically. As outlined in our Anti-Corruption
assembly and bargain collectively in accordance Policy, always compete ethically for our business
with the law. Associates are expected to show the without paying bribes, kickbacks or giving anything
same respect to their colleagues. Associates and of value to secure an advantage in connection with
their representatives are free to openly communicate Cognizant’s business.
and share ideas and concerns with management
without fear of discrimination, reprisal, intimidation Disciplinary consequences
or harassment. Subject to local laws and regulations, a violation of
• E
 nsure fair and merit-based employment decisions. this policy could result in disciplinary action, up to and
Cognizant Associates are entitled to fair treatment including termination. If you are aware of a violation
in respect to all aspects of their employment, of this policy, you have an obligation to report it to the
including compensation and working conditions, Company. As stated in Cognizant’s Whistleblower and
consistent with local law. Be mindful that Cognizant Non-Retaliation Policy, Cognizant does not tolerate
does not tolerate discrimination against a person’s retaliation against any individual who submits a good
legally protected characteristics, such as race, faith report of a violation or possible violation of law,
color, religion, gender identity,age, national origin, the Code of Ethics, or other Cognizant policies.
sexual orientation, mar ital status, disability status, or
veteran status when making employment decisions. To report a possible violation of this policy,
visit Cognizant’s Ethics & Compliance Helpline
• T
 reat others with dignity and respect. Always treat (a secure and confidential reporting system) at:
each other, and others we interact with in work-
related situations, with respect and professional

Version history
Revision date Description of change
Jun-22-2023 Initial release

Policy control information

Policy name: Human rights policy Department: Environmental social governance
Revision date: Jun-22-2023 Effective date: Jun-22-2023
Policy owner:  Aya Kiy
Environmental social governance - legal

Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) engineers modern businesses. We help our clients modernize technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they can stay
ahead in our fast-changing world. Together, we’re improving everyday life. See how at or @Cognizant.

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Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Fax: +91 (01) 44 4209 6060
Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277

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