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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VI ( Enam )
Hari/ Tanggal : Rabu, 29 November 2023

1. Tulislah nama, kelas, nomer absen dan mata pelajaran di bagian atas lembar jawaban!
2. Bacalah tiap-tiap soal dengan sebaik-baiknya!
3. Kerjakanlah dulu soal yang dianggap mudah!
4. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang sudah disediakan!
5. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar soal dan jawaban kamu serahkan
kepada Bapak/Ibu Guru!

I. Answer the questions below by choosing (X) A, B, C or D!

1. Where is the bag? It is … the chair.
A. On
B. In
C. Under
D. In front of

2. Where is the mouse? It is … the box.

A. Between
B. Above
C. In
D. Next to

3. Where is the lamp? It is … the beds.

A. Near
B. Between
C. Below
D. Behind

4. We can see so many stars ...... us at night.

A. on
B. above
C. among
D. beside
5. Putri : … is the shopping center?
Ana : It is in the north of the museum.
A. Where
B. What
C. Who
D. When
6. What sign is this?
A. Go straight
B. No Parking
C. Turn right
D. Turn back

7. … please help me find a way to the bank?

A. Could
B. May
C. Which
D. What

8. The sun set in the ......

A. West
B. East
C. North
D. South
9. Post office is …

A. A place where people play soccer

B. A place where the airplanes take off

C. A place where people can send letters

D. A place where people can buy daily needs

10. My mom will go to … to buy some

daily needs.
A. Bus station
B. Supermarket
C. Church
D. Restaurant

11. I will buy medicine in the ….

A. Pharmacy / Drugstore
B. Museum
C. Bakery
D. Bookstore
12. Post office is …

E. A place where people play soccer

F. A place where the airplanes take off

G. A place where people can send letters

H. A place where people can buy daily needs

13. Diana : … much is it?

Shopkeeper : It is RP 100.000
A. When
B. Why
C. How
D. What

14. The weather is very cold. I think you should buy ….

A. Tie
B. Jacket
C. Ribbon
D. Short

15. We can see many kinds of clothes in the clothes shop, such as …
A. Shoes, soap, skirt
B. Short, plate, hat
C. Trousers, t-shirt, sock
D. Spoon, shirt, singlet
16. Intan wants to go swimming. She wear . . .

A. Swimsuit

B. Skirt

C. Long dress

D. Jacket

17. Kuta is popular … in Bali.

A. Mount
B. Forest
C. Garden
D. Beach

18. If you want to see many kind of animals, you may go to the ….
A. Zoo
B. River
C. Sea
D. Beach

19. Ara : … do you go to Kintamani?

Bagus : Next week
A. Who
B. Why
C. When
D. How

20. Uluwatu is the place for…

A. See sunset and temple
B. Sunbathing and Surfing
C. See monkeys
D. See the historical of Bali

II. Fill in the blanks!

1. The clock is hanging … the wall.
2. Andira is sitting … the tree.
3. The opposite of north is ….
4. The sunrise is in the ….
5. Maria wants to buy cake. He goes to ….
6. My brother will go to Buleleng by bus. He is going to the … to get the bus.
7. Putu wants to see the highest statue in Bali, so she goes to ….
8. I will go to Kintamani to see beautiful …. in the morning.
9. Is – how – this – much – cap?
The best answer is ….
10. …. size are you? I think I fit M.

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