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English Conversation 26

J: Marie, this is Ms. Novak. She’s from Chicago. Marie is our receptionist.

M: It’s nice to meet you.

N: It’s nice to meet you, too.

J: I’ll get your tickets.

N: You look very familiar to me, Marie. Have we met before?

M: I don’t think so. No.

N: Well, I never forget a face. I’m sure I know you from somewhere. I don’t look familiar to you?

M: I’m sorry. No.

N: I know. We met in Chicago. You were a waitress in a restaurant. Near the art institute.

M: I’ve never been to Chicago.

N: Have you ever driven a taxi in Egypt?

M: No.

N: Oh, you were the pilot on a small airplane in china. You flew me over the great wall.

M: No.

N: Have you ever gone snorkeling in Australia?

M: No.

N: Driven a bus in Peru?

M: Ms. Novak, I’m quite sure we’ve never met before. I came here only a year ago from Paris.

N: Paris? Oh, my sister, Katerina, lived there for a year.

M: Katerina? Katerina Novak? She lived with me!

N: Of course! You were in all the pictures she sent home.

M: What a coincidence!

N: You see, I never forget a face.

J: I have your tickets.

N: Oh, thank you. Did you know that Marie knows my sister, Katerina?

J: Really? It’s a small world, isn’t it? So, are you going sightseeing before you leave?

N: No, I’m going back to the hotel to read.

J: What? You’re visiting our great city and you’re not even going to see it?

N: I’ve come here once a month for 8 years. I’ve seen it all before.

J: I’m sure I can think of something you haven’t seen.

N: I think you’re wrong.

J: Have you visited the Riley Museum of art?

N: 20 times.

J: Have you ever been to the top of the Olson Building?

N: Just last month.

J: Have you eaten at Andre’s café?

N: Twice.

J: Ever been to cold beach?

N: Yes.

J: Seen the city opera?

N: Yes.

J: Toured the Japanese Gardens?

N: Yes.

J: You can’t have done everything in this city.

N: I’m afraid it’s true.

J: Have you ever visited the Museum of Cheese?

N: There’s no Museum of Cheese.

J: Aha! It is really amazing. Everyone goes there. I can’t believe you haven’t been there yet! Marie, could you
call the Museum of Cheese and reserve tickets for Ms. Novak and me?

N: You’re not serious.

J: I am. It’s at the corner of 17th and Oak. I’ll see you there at 4:00.
N: Ok, I’ll see you there. Thank you. Good-bye, Marie.

M: Say hello to Katerina for me. Mr. Evans, is there really a Museum of Cheese at 17 th and Oak?

J: It’s a wonderful little cheese shop. They have every kind of cheese. Some of it’s very old, so, yes, I’d say it’s a
Museum of Cheese. Ms. Novak will love it.

M: So, what do you want to do? Hey, isn’t that David Doolittle? The famous british actor?

S: You’re right, it is!

B: Let’s go say hi.

S: No, don’t! What are you doing?

P: Aren’t you David Doolittle?

D: Yes, I am.

B: Wow! We really like your movies.

D: Thank you.

P: You’re great!

D: Thank you very much.

P: Remember that movie where you were that dancer? What was that called?

D: The Dancer.

P: That’s it! That was unforgettable!

B: I love that one where you’re the chef. What’s that one called?

D: Doctor Fork?

B: That’s it! That was so funny! Unforgettable, man.

D: Thank you.

P: My favorite is the one where you’re that robot musician named…

D: DD-42.

P: Yeah, I just saw that movie again last week. That’s a great movie. What’s that called?

D: Songs of Love.

P: Yeah, man. That’s unforgettable.

D: Thanks. You know what? I have to go soon, and I should finish my lunch…

B: Oh, right, yeah, sorry. It was nice to meet you.

D: You too, Take it easy.

B: Isn’t that what you say at the end of that movie where you’re the pilot?

D: Uh~ Pie in the sky.

P: Yeah, that was unforgettable, man.

B: Unforgettable.

D: Would you guys care to join me?

P: What’s your favorite movie?

J: Hello, Top Notch Travel. One moment please. Hello, Top Notch. Just a moment please. Hello, Top Notch.
Hold please. Hello, hi, Mrs. Beatty. Cheryl? I’m afraid Cheryl’s not here. You’re not satisfied with your hotel?
No bellman? I’m sorry. Cheryl will call you back. Ok, good-bye. Hello? Yes, hello, Mr. Rashid. Cheryl’s not here.
Can I take a message? You want a cheaper hotel in Budapest- a hotel without breakfast is ok. Very good. I’ll
give Cheryl your message. Good-bye. Hello? Oh, hi, Ms. Novak. She’ll be right back. Is there a message? Can
your cat stay with you at your hotel in Rio? And you’d like to reserve a king-size bed. I’ll ask her to check and
call you. Bye-Bye. Oh! You’re back. I have 3 messages for you. Let’s see, Mrs. Beatty wants a cheaper cat. Mr.
Rashid isn’t satisfied with his breakfast. And Ms. Novak thinks the bellman needs a king-size bed. They’ll
explain it all to you.

S: What?

S: Hello, I’d like to speak to a guest, Mrs. Beatty in room 514. Thank you.

B: Hello?

S: Hello, Mrs. Beatty? This is Cheryl from Top Notch. How’s Los Angeles?

B: Well, the hotel isn’t very nice, dear.

S: I’m sorry to hear that. Are you ok? You sound tired.

B: My room is on the 5th floor. I had to walk up with my luggage.

S: there’s no bellman? No elevator?

B: No. And I wanted a non-smoking room with a king-size bed.

S: And I requested that for you.

B: Well, they gave me a smoking room with a twin-size bed. It’s all they have.

S: I’d better check your reservation. What hotel are you at?

B: The Candle Inn, I think. And another thing. They didn’t make up the room. The towels are dirty.

S: Did you call housekeeping?

B: They’re not answering. And there are all these students everywhere. I thought you said that movie stars
stay at this hotel.

S: Mrs. Beatty, your reservation is for the Chandler Inn. You’re in the wrong hotel. The Chandler Inn is a much
nicer hotel.

B: Oh, well, I’d better call a taxi.

S: How will you get your bags to the front desk?

B: I’m sure I can find a student to help. I’ll say I’m a movie star. I’ll be fine.

S: Ok, good luck.

B: Ok, good bye.

P: Hello.

M: Paul, what happened to you?

P: I had an accident with the van.

S: Oh, no. Are you ok?

P: I’m fine. I was wearing my seat belt. No one was hurt but I think we’re going to need a new van.

B: What happened?

P: I was driving on 6th Street. And there were a lot of fish on the road.

M: A lot of what?

P: Fish.

M: Why were there fish in the road.

P: I don’t know. Anyway, I tried to turn but I had a problem with the steering wheel.

B: The steering wheel broke?

P: No, it came off. So, I drove over the fish. The fish mad the road slippery so when I tried to stop I hit a parked
B: Oh, no!

P: I’m not finished. The car behind me was tailgating so, he hit me. A car on the opposite side of the road hit a
stop sign. The stop sign fell and smashed my hood.

S: Oh, no!

P: Then, worst of all when I got out to look at the damage a piano fell on the van.

M: What? Where did It come from?

P: I don’t know but the van does not look good. The bumpers are damaged. So is the hood. The doors won’t
open. The windows won’t close. The engine’s not working. The headlights are smashed. The horn won’t honk.
And it smells like fish.

B: Are there any parts that are ok?

P: The steering wheel still looks good.

B: Great. All we need is a van to go with it.

S: We’re going to need a van this afternoon. You’re taking the tourists from Chile to the Museum. I’ll call the
rental company.

B: Are you hungry?

P: Yeah.

B: Want some of my fish sandwich? Oh, sorry. Guess not.

S: Hi, is this autorent? I need a rental car.

P: Van.

S: Do you rent vans? That’s great. We’ll need to pick it up right away. We’ll probably need it for 2 weeks. Could
we return it on the 15th of the month? Great!

P: 4-wheel drive. I could take the group from France to the mountains.

S: Do you have any 4-wheel drive vans? They don’t have 4-wheel drive vans.

P: How about a luxury van with DVD player and stereo?

S: Do you have any luxury van with DVD player and stereo? Stereo, yes, DVD, no.

P: How about a convertible van? Ask them.

S: Do you have any convertible vans? No. What color do you want?

P: Blue. No, read. No, green.

S: White will be fine. Insurance? Yes, we’d like insurance. Lots and lots of insurance, please.

M: Cheryl, your hair looks gorgeous.

S: Thank you! I have a new shampoo, Bright ‘n clean.

M: I’d like to try it. Did you find it at the drugstore?

S: No, I bought it at my salon on Friday. I’ll pick some up for you next time I’m there.

M: Great, thanks!

S: Would you like some too, Bob?

B: I have shampoo, thanks.

S: But mine will make your hair softer and cleaner-smelling.

B: Uh, thanks, but no thanks.

M: Come on, Bob, don’t you care about how you look?

B: Of course I do. I shampoo, shower, and shave every day.

M: That’s all?

B: Is there more to do?

M: Don’t you use any skin care products – body lotion or skin cream?

B: No… Should I?

M: If you want your skin to stay young and healthy. Do you use any conditioner?

B: That’s for women.

S: Lots of men use it, too.

B: Really?

M: Sure. Women like men who take care of their appearance.

B: Really? Ok, well, what else should I do? You don’t want me to wear makeup, do you? Lipstick, mascara, eye

S: No, but how about a manicure? I’m serious. Look at your nails. They’re a mess.

B: Men get manicures?

M: Many do, yes.

S: We can give you one right here.

B: Really?

M: Piece of cake.

B: Well…. OK!

S: Great! Then we can talk about your haircut, facial, and face-lift.

B: What?

B: What is this stuff on my face?

S: It makes your skin soft and smooth.

B: It tastes terrible.

S: Oh, sorry.

B: I can’t believe you cut my hair. And what did you put in it?

S: Some hair spray.

B: Hair spray!

S: Not much. You’ll like it. There.

B: Wow! My nails look great! Could I get a pedicure, too?

M: Uh, no!

B: My hair looks great, too!

S: See what a little personal care can do?

B: Wow! Thank you so much.

M: You know, it’s customary to tip the person who gives you a haircut.

B: How do I look?

M: Good!

S: You look really, really good! You look amazing!

B: Then let’s get pizza, my treat.

S: Great!

B: You can never tell anyone about this. Especially the facial.
S: Deal.

B: Now when can I get an appointment for another manicure?

S: I think everything’s ready. Why don’t we sit down?

M: This smells so wonderful! What are we having to eat?

S: There’s roast chicken, baked potatoes, salad, broccoli with garlic, red cabbage, and rice. Help yourself,

P: Wow! That’s a lot of vegetables.

S: Vegetables are very healthy for you. Mr. Evans, would you like some chicken?

J: Just a little, thank you. I’m not a big chicken eater.

S: How about some potatoes?

J: I’m sorry, I’m avoiding potatoes.

S: Some broccoli?

J: I’ll pass. I’m afraid it doesn’t agree with me.

S: Cabbage?

J: Sorry, I’m allergic.

S: Mr. Evans, I’m so sorry. There’s very little here for you to eat.

J: I’m crazy about rice.

S: Well, then pass the rice please.

M: Sheryl, this tastes so delicious. Bob, you’re not eating very much tonight. Don’t you like the food?

S: Bob’s on a diet.

B: I’m trying to lose weight.

J: Good for you, Bob.

P: I’m on a diet, too.

M: Why are you on a diet? You’re so skinny.

P: I’m trying to gain weight.

B: I can’t stand it.

S: Bob!

P: Sheryl, that was fantastic. The rice was terrific.

S: Cookies, anyone?

M: Yes, one please!

P: I’ll take 2, thanks.

J: Do you eat sweets, Mr. Evans?

J: I used to. But I can’t anymore.

M: No dessert for you, Bob?

S: Not on his diet.

M: But weren’t you eating cookies today at work?

B: I was eating carrots.

M: Didn’t I see you snacking on candy this afternoon?

B: That was an apple.

M: What about that ice cream you ate yesterday?

B: Fruit salad.

M: My mistake.

P: These cookies are terrific.

S: If you like the cookies, you’ll love this cake. Would you eat some strawberries, Mr. Evans?

J: Strawberries are my passion!

S: Really?

J: I’d eat strawberries on anything – cereal, pasta, even rice.

P: I’m crazy about chocolate cake! I can gain weight with every bite!

S: I think I’ll have a cookie. Bob, could you pass the… Oh, where’d they go?

M: I have one.

P: I have 4.

J: I have none.
B: Hey… you only live once.

S: What do you think about this color?

P: What is that color?

S: It’s tomato red. How does this color make you feel?

P: Happy.

M: Sad.

B: Tired. I don’t feel like looking at nay more colors.

S: Quit complaining.

S: How about this one?

P: Happy.

M: Sad.

B: Awful. I can’t stand looking at it. Do you plan to do this all night?

S: This one?

S: Be sure to look carefully.

P: Happy.

M: Sad.

B: Very, very nervous.

S: Nervous about what?

B: I’m nervous you’re going to paint the whole wall that color.

S: It’s my apartment, Bob.

B: Yeah, but we come here a lot. Can we discuss leaving the walls just like this?

S: I’m tired of looking at yellow walls.

B: Fine. Can you at least choose a color we’ll all be excited about?

S: There is no color you all like. Paul’s feeling happy about everything, Marie’s feeling sad about everything,
and you just seem to hate color, don’t you Bob?

B: I love color. Just not those colors.

S: Ok, then why don’t you find a color that everybody likes?

B: What do you think of this color?

P: I like it.

M: I like it, too, actually.

B: I love it.

S: I’m not painting the walls the same color as my sofa. The whole room would be green.

B: You could change the color of the sofa.

S: To what?

B: The color of the walls would be a nice color.

S: Marie, you’ve been so quiet. Are you ok?

M: I’m just a little down in the dumps.

S: Oh, I’m sorry. We’ve been arguing about colors and you’re feeling blue. Hmm… blue!

P: What’s wrong, Marie?

M: Don’t know, I can’t put my finger on it. I’ve just been feeling… out of sorts.

P: Don’t worry. I can help. Dr. Cheer is here.

M: Dr. who?

P: At school, people called me Dr. Cheer because I’m always happy and I enjoy cheering people up.

B: You know, that’s true. You’re always cheering me up.

M: How do you do that?

P: I practice laughing every day.

M: Laughing at what?

P: Nothing. I just choose to laugh.

M: You just decide to laugh? I can’t do that. It’s not in my nature.

P: How do you know? Just try it. Let me hear you laugh.

M: Haha.

P: Louder.
M: Haha.

P: Come on, keep laughing.

M: Haha.

P: You’re right. It’s not your personality.

M: What now, Dr. Cheer?

P: Chocolate?

M: Yes!

P: Works every time.

J: Hello, everyone! You remember Ms. Novak.

N: Hello.

Everyone: Hi!

J: Ms. Novak has just opened an art gallery here. I’ve asked her to find some pieces to decorate our office.
She’s brought some things for us to look at today.

N: I have a painting, a sculpture and a photograph that I think you’ll like. Here’s the painting. This was painted
by a Russian artist that I really like. It’s called “Sun on the water”. The artist was inspired by looking at the sea.
What do you think?

P: I think I can do that.

S: It’s… fantastic.

M: How… interesting!

B: It’s very… blue.

N: Yes!

J: It’s gorgeous.

N: Oh, good! Here’s the sculpture. It was made by a British sculptor. It’s called “City of Gold”.

P: Is it really gold?

N: No, it’s made of wood. It was painted gold. What do you think?

S: It’s… cool.

B: Mr. Evans, I think it would look good in your office.

M: I think I prefer the painting.

J: I’m fascinated by it.

N: Good!! And here’s the photograph. It’s called “Winter”. It was photographed in Paris.

P: There’s nothing there.

N: It’s a photograph of snow in a park.

J: Maybe I should buy them all. What do you think?

Everyone: Great!

N: Excellent.

P: Hey, look. I’m an artist. Here’s my latest work. It’s called “Office walls”. I was inspired by looking at the walls
of the office.

N: Are you a photographer?

P: Yes, well, no, I… I take a lot of pictures.

N: Hmmm, I’m not so crazy about that one but I do like what you’ve done here. I’m very moved by it, actually.
It’s a fascinating mixture of eastern and western traditions. You have talent.

P: I do?

N: I think I could sell this.

P: Really?

N: It’s very good.

P: I’m crazy about photography.

N: Do you have any more of your work here?

P: Uh, no.

N: Here’s my card. Why don’t you bring me some pieces on Friday?

P: Ok.

N: Bye-bye.

P: Bye-bye.

S: So… where are we going to put this thing?

P: Hang it by my desk.
M: Really?

P: Yeah. As an artist, I’m really starting to like it. As a matter of fact, I think it’s.. one of the most interesting
works I’ve ever seen.

M: Bob, can you help me with something?

B: Sure!

M: I’m trying to print a file, but the printer won’t work.

B: Push the green button on the printer.

M: Why?

B: It won’t print unless it’s on.

M: Oh, right. Silly me. Thank you.

P: Hey, Bob. My laptop crashed and I can’t get it to do anything. I type on the keyboard and nothing happens.

B: Stick this here.

P: Why?

B: To restart the computer.

P: You sure? Ok, thanks.

S: Bob, I could use a hand with something.

B: What is it?

S: Somebody sent me an Email, but I think it has a virus in it.

B: Don’t open the attachment. Click on the no-virus icon on the toolbar.

S: Why?

B: To clean the computer and stop the virus.

S: Thanks.

M: Bob, can I ask you another question?

B: I’, sorry, but I can’t get any work done with all these questions! Please! I have some very important stuff I
need to finish right now.

..’Game over’..

M: Very important stuff?

B: How can I help you?

B: Hey, Mr. Evans?

J: Yes.

B: You asked me to build a website for the company.

J: Oh, yes, how’s it coming along?

B: Well, sir, I think I need some new technology.

J: What do you need?

B: A new scanner.

J: What’ that?

B: It’s a scanner, sir. But it’s not nearly as good as this one. This one will give us much better photos.

J: Ok.

B: And a digital camera would be good.

J: What’ that?

B: It’s not a digital camera, sir. It won’t take pictures as easily as this one.

J: Ok.

B: And also a new laptop. It’s not as fast as this one.

J: I see. Anything else?

B: A new DVD drive. And I could also use a new joystick.

J: A joystick? Isn’t that for computer games?

B: Well, I don’t really need the joystick.

J: What’s all this going to cost me? What?

B: Well, actually, we can do without the DVD drive… and the laptop… and the camera.. and the scanner.

J: Great!

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