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Unit 19
Dawn of Modern
➢Black-body Radiations
➢Photo-electric Effect
➢Compton Effect
➢Wave-particle Duality

Learning Objectives:
Explain the particle model of light in terms of photons with particular energy.

Black-Body Radiations:
The radiations emitted from a hollow black coated having small hole due to
temperature are called black body radiations. The wave length of such radiations
decreases with the increase of temperature.
Ideal/ Perfect Black Body:
A body which absorbs all the radiations incident upon it is called an ideal/perfect black
When platinum wire is heated, it appears dull red at 500°C, cherry red at 900°C
Orange red at 1100°C, yellow at 1300°C White at 1600°C.

Photo-electric Effect:
When the light of a suitable frequency is
incident on metal surface, the electrons are
emitted from surface which are called
photo electrons and this process is called
photoelectric effect.

Photo-electric Current:
The current produced by these photo
electrons is called photoelectric current.

Stopping potential:
The negative potential of anode at which photoelectric current becomes zero is called
stopping potential. Photoelectric current increase with intensity of light.

Threshold frequency:
The minimum value of frequency of incident light at which electrons are emitted from
a metal surface is called threshold frequency

Work Function:
The minimum energy required to escape the electrons from metal surface is called
work function  = hf . SI unit of work function is joule.
Energy of incident photon Work function Max K.E of electrons.

Einstein Photoelectric Effect Equation:

hf=𝜑 + 2 𝑚𝑣 2
hf- 𝜑=2 𝑚𝑣 2

Important Experimental Results of Photoelectric Effect:

▪ Photoelectrons are emitted with different energies.

▪ Maximum energy of photoelectrons depends upon surface metal and frequency
of light.
▪ Number of emitted electrons depends upon intensity of light.

Compton Effect:
The phenomenon in which the wavelength of
scattered X-rays is larger than wavelength of
incident rays is called Compton Effect. It was
observed by Holy Compton in 1923.

Formula for Compton Shift:

The change in wavelength is called
Compton shift.

∆𝜆=𝑚 𝑐(1− cos)
Compton suggests that X-rays consists of photons when they collide with electron like
billiards balls. In this collision, a part of incident photon energy and momentum is
transferred to an electron.

Pair Production:
When a high energy of gamma ray photon is converts into an electron and positron
pair by collision of heavy nucleus is called pair production.

Materialization of Energy:
Because According to Einstein equation E=mc2 energy (light) is converted into matter
(electron, positron). It is called materialization of energy.

It is a particle having mass and charge equal in magnitude to that of electron but
charge being of opposite nature. It is anti-electron. The existence of positron
predicted by Dirac in 1928 and discovered by Anderson in 1932 and received Nobel
Prize in 1935.

De Broglie Hypothesis:
“Electromagnetic waves as well moving electrons sometimes behave like wave and
sometimes like particles” this is called de-Broglie hypothesis. He proposed this
hypothesis in 1924.

De-Broglie Wavelength:
ℎ ℎ
The formula for de-Broglie wavelength, 𝜆 = 𝑝=𝑚𝑣 holds only for microscopic particles.

De-Broglie Wavelength for Electron:

ℎ 6.63×10−34
𝜆= = =7×10−10m
𝑚𝑣 9.1×10−31 ×1×106
De- Broglie wavelength associated with the wavelength of X-rays.

Wave Particle Duality:

Light behave as stream of particles/photons from a source when propagated act as
wave and when it strikes anything and exchange energy it acts as particle, interference
and diffraction confirms its wave nature and photoelectric effect, Compton effect
prove its particle nature.

Assessment 01
1. The photoelectric threshold frequency of a metal is fo. When light of frequency 4fo is
incident on the metal, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectron is:
a) 4hfo
b) 3hfo
c) 4

2. An electron and a proton have the same de-Broglie wavelength. Then the kinetic energy of
the electron is:
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Equal to the kinetic energy of the proton
d) Greater than the kinetic energy of the proton

3. A stopping potential:
a) 𝐾. 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑉𝑜
b) 𝐾. 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 > 𝑒𝑉𝑜
c) 𝐾. 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑒𝑉𝑜
d) 𝐾. 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 < 𝑒𝑉𝑜

4. In photoelectric effect experiment, stopping potential depend upon:

a) Intensity of light
b) Photoelectric current
c) Frequency of light
d) Both A and B

5. Light of frequency 2 times the threshold frequency is incident on the metal surface. If the
frequency is by quartered and intensity is doubled, the photo electric becomes:
a) Quadrupled
b) Zero
c) Doubled
d) Halved

6. The threshold frequency of a metal is f . When light of frequency 4f is incident on the

metal, the maximum K.E of photo electrons is:
a) 4 hf0
b) 2hf0
c) hf0
d) 3hf0

7. The maximum wavelength of p-fund series is ____________:

a) 3𝑅
b) 𝑅𝐻

(c) R2
d) None of these

8. The reverse process of photo-electric effect is called:

a) Pair production
b) Annihilation of matter
c) X-rays production
d) γ-rays

9. The rest mass of X-ray photon is:

a) Infinite
b) 9.1  10−31 kg
c) 1.67  10−27 kg
d) Zero

10. The speed of X-ray photon is:

a) Equal to laser light
b) Larger than laser light
c) Smaller than laser light
d) May be larger or equal to laser light

Assessment 02
1. Compton effect shows that:
a) X-rays are particles
b) X-rays have high energy
c) X-rays can penetrate matter
d) X-rays have momentum

2. Two photons approach each other. Their relative velocity will be:
a) c
b) 2 c
c) 2
d) Zero

3. Which conservation law is obeyed in Einstein’s photoelectric equation?

a) Mass
b) Momentum
c) Energy
d) All of these

4. If the energy of incident photon and work function of metal are E and  respectively then the
maximum velocity of emitted photoelectron will be:
a) (E −𝜙 )
b) (E − f)
c) Zero
d) Infinite

5. At stopping potential, the photoelectric current become:

a) Minimum
b) Maximum
c) Zero
d) Infinite

6. The threshold wavelength for a photosensitive surface is 6000 Å and the wavelength of
incident light is 5000 Å. Then the maximum energy of emitted electrons would be:
a) 0.041 eV
b) 0.41 eV
c) 4.1 eV
d) 41 eV

7. If the frequency of light incident or a metal surface is doubled, then the maximum Kinetic
energy of the emitted photoelectrons becomes:
a) Double
b) Half
c) More than double
d) None of these

8. The work function for aluminum surface is 4.2eV and that of sodium surface is 2.0eV. The
two metal were illuminated with appropriate radiation so as to cause photo emission then:
a) both aluminum and sodium will have the same threshold frequency
b) the threshold frequency of aluminum will be more than that of sodium
c) the threshold frequency of aluminum will be less than that of sodium
d) the threshold frequency of aluminum will be more than that of sodium

9. The virtual mass of photon is:

a) m = 𝑐
b) m =ℎ𝑓
c) m= 𝑐 2
d) zero

10. Which of these series of hydrogen spectrum lies in the ultra-violet region?
a) Paschen series
b) Pfund series
c) Brackett series
d) Lyman series

Assessment 03
1. The ratio of longest and shortest wavelengths of Lyman series is approximately:
a) 4/3
b) 9/5
c) 9/4
d) 10/3

2. Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. It is excited by absorbing

a photon of energy 12.1 eV. The quantum number of orbits to which it is
excited is:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

3. The ratio of energies of first two excited states of hydrogen atom is:
a) 4
b) ¼
c) 4/9
d) 9/4

4. If potential difference applied to X-ray tube is V, then maximum frequency of X-rays

produced is proportional to:
a) V2
b) 1/V2
c) V
d) 1/V

5. Planck’s constant has same dimensions as that of:

a) Power
b) Angular momentum
c) Linear momentum
d) Stephan’s constant

6. The idea of matter wave was given by:

a) Planck
b) de-Broglie
c) Heisenberg
d) Einstein

7. The slope of the graph between K. Emax of photoelectrons and frequency of incident light
is equal to:
a) h
b) e/h
c) h/e

d) eh

8. The slope of the graph between K.Emax of photoelectrons and frequency of

incident light is equal to:
a) Photoelectric current decreases
b) Stopping potential increases
c) Photoelectric current increases
d) Stopping potential decreases

9. Which of the following shows the wave nature of light?

a) Photoelectric effect
b) Pair production
c) Compton effect
d) Polarization

10. If the temperature of black body is raised, the wavelength corresponding to maximum
a) Remains the same
b) Shifts towards longer wavelengths
c) Shifts towards shorter wavelength
d) Either A or C

Assessment 04
1. The name of the photon for quantum of light was proposed by:
a) Ampere
b) Thomson
c) Planck
d) Einstein

2. A brighter light as compared to a dimmer light of same color will eject:

a) More number of electrons
b) Electrons of greater K.E
c) Less number of electrons
d) Electrons of lesser K.E

3. Which photon out of red, green or blue lights carries the most energy and momentum?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Green
d) All have same value

4. Which cathode material emits photoelectrons for white light?

a) Potassium cathode
b) Cesium cathode oxidized silver cathode
c) Both A and B
d) Aluminum cathode

5. Photoelectric effect shows:

a) Particle nature of light
b) Dual nature of light
c) Wave nature of light
d) None of these

6. K.Emax of photoelectrons depends upon:

a) Intensity of light
b) Frequency of light
c) Energy of light
d) Both B and C

7. If stopping potential is 3 volts, then maximum K.E of photoelectron is:

a) 1.6 × 10–19 J
b) 4.8 × 10–19 J
c) 3.2 × 10–19 J
d) 6.4 × 10–19 J

8. Photon A has half the energy of photon B. The ratio of momentum of B to that of A is:
a) 1:2

b) 2:1
c) 4:1
d) 1:4

9. Discrete nature of radiation was introduced by:

a) Hertz
b) Max Planck
c) Einstein
d) Stephan Boltzmann

10. Light of frequency 2 times the threshold frequency is incident on the metal surface. If the
frequency is by quartered and intensity is doubled, the photo electric becomes:
a) Quadrupled
b) Zero
c) Doubled
d) Halved

Assessment 01
1. c
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. a

Assessment 02
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. c

Assessment 03
1. c
2. c
3. d
4. c
5. b
6. d
7. a
8. d
9. c
10. b

Assessment 04
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. c
10. b


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