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National Highway Brgy Songkoy Kitcharao-Alegria Boundary, Agusan del Norte

SUBJECT: PEDU202 Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development

Review the Psycho-social Stages and fill out the matrix below


PERSON (Include descriptions) (Include descriptions) (Include descriptions)
1 Infancy Basic trust versus Birth to 18 months Sensory Maladjustment- over Withdrawal- characterized by Hope- strong belief that
mistrust trusting, gullible, would not depression, paranoia, and even when things are not
believe anyone will harm them. possibly psychosis. going well, they will work
out well in the end.
2 Toddler Autonomy versus 2-4 years old Impulsive- a sort of shameless Compulsive- feels as if their Will power or
shame and doubt willfulness that leads you to entire beings rides on Determination- ‘’Can do’’ is
jump into things without everything that they do and their motto.
proper consideration of your everything must be done
abilities. perfectly.
3 Preschool-age Initiative versus guilt 3-5 years old Ruthlessness- to be heartless of Inhibition- will not try things Purpose- even better word
unfeeling, ‘’without mercy’’, if because ‘’ nothing ventured, or virtue is courage.
extreme, ‘’sociopathy’’. nothing lost’’, nothing to feel
guilty about.
4 School-age Industry versus 6-12 years old Virtuosity- not allowed to be Inertia- inferiority complexes. Competency- develop
inferiority children and pushed to greater competencies and
competence without allowing are better prepared for
development of broad interest, school.
kids without a life.
5 Adolescence Identity versus 10-19 years old Fanaticism- believe his way is Repudiation- to repudiate is to Fidelity- means loyalty, the
identity confusion the only way. reject. ability to live by societies
standards despite their
imperfections and

CELLPHONE #: 09177231006 | 09177238789 | 09177236481
National Highway Brgy Songkoy Kitcharao-Alegria Boundary, Agusan del Norte

SUBJECT: PEDU202 Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

incompleteness and
6 Young adulthood Intimacy versus 18-25 years old Promiscuity- referring Exclusion- refers to the Love- means being able to
isolation particularly to the tendency to tendency to isolate oneself put aside differences and
become intimate too freely, too from love, friendship, and antagonisms through
easily, and without any depth community, to develop certain ‘’mutuality of devotion’’.
to our intimacy. hatefulness in compensation
for one’s loneliness.
7 Middle age Generativity versus 40-60 years old Over Extension- no longer allow Rejectivity- an extension for Care- building positive
stagnation time to for themselves, for rest self relaxation no longer health habits.
and relaxation, no longer contributes well.
contributes well.
8 Older adulthood Integrity versus 60-120 years old Presumption- person Disdain- contempt of life, Wisdom- achieving wisdom
despair ‘’presumes’’ ego integrity one’s own or anyone. later in life involves
without facing difficulties of old revisiting previous crisis and
age. renewing psychosocial

CELLPHONE #: 09177231006 | 09177238789 | 09177236481

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