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Alamein University Deep Learning

Faculty of Computer science & Course Code: AIE231


Assignment 1
Video Classifier Using CNN and RNN

The objective of this assignment is to build a video classifier that can effectively classify
video sequences into predefined categories or classes using Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). This assignment will provide
you with the opportunity to explore and implement deep learning techniques for video
data, which is particularly useful for applications such as action recognition, video
summarization, and more.

Assignment Description:
In this assignment, you will develop a video classifier that can process sequential frames
of a video and make predictions about its content. You will use a combination of CNNs
to extract spatial features from individual frames and RNNs to capture temporal
dependencies between frames.
The primary steps of the assignment include:
1. Dataset Selection: Choose an appropriate dataset for video classification. You can
consider datasets like UCF101, HMDB51, or create a custom dataset if needed(As
the attached files).
2. Data Preprocessing: Prepare the dataset by resizing video frames, normalizing
pixel values, and splitting videos into manageable sequences.
3. Feature Extraction: Implement a CNN architecture (e.g., ConvNet or ResNet) to
extract spatial features from individual frames. You may use transfer learning by
fine-tuning pre-trained models.
4. Sequence Modeling: Utilize an RNN-based architecture (e.g., LSTM) to capture
temporal dependencies between the extracted frame features. This will help in
understanding the video's context over time.
5. Model Training: Train the combined CNN-RNN model on the prepared dataset
using appropriate loss functions and optimization techniques.
6. Model Evaluation: Evaluate the model's performance in terms of accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1-score. Visualize the results using confusion matrices and
other relevant metrics.
7. Fine-tuning and Optimization: Experiment with different hyperparameters,
model architectures, and data augmentation techniques to optimize the model's
8. Documentation: Prepare a detailed report or presentation summarizing the
methodology, results, and conclusions. Include code documentation and
explanations for each step.

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Alamein University Deep Learning
Faculty of Computer science & Course Code: AIE231

A well-documented Jupyter notebook or code files containing the implementation of the
CNN-RNN video classifier.
A comprehensive report or presentation summarizing the project, including dataset
description, methodology and results.

Grading Criteria:
Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Proper implementation of the CNN-RNN architecture.
Accuracy and performance of the model on the chosen dataset.
Clarity of the documentation, code quality, and organization.
Experimentation with different techniques to improve model performance.
Depth of analysis in the report or presentation.

Additional Notes:
Plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration with peers is strictly prohibited. All code and
documentation must be your own work.
Good luck with your assignment, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or
need assistance!

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