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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Office of the Principal


Title of the Activity ALOHA Mental Arithmetic Workshop

Objectives To accelerate children’s mental arithmetic skills
with the use of three key educational tools.
Date October 20, 2023
Venue Schools Division Office Conference Hall
Expected No. of Participants 50
Actual No. of Participants 45
Facilitator/s Dr. Leticia E. Eugenio
Budgetary Requirements NA
Narrative Report

Like any other subject, children will learn math best when they approach the
subject as something they enjoy. Many parents, alumni, and workshop participants
have attested that ALOHA Mental Math is math that kids enjoy. With its innovative
learning techniques, class games, abacus training, and more, ALOHA Mental Math
encourages kids to learn more about mathematics.

Appreciating math at this level sparks up students’ interest in studying the

subject, therefore making the absorption of the topics more effective and their
encouragement to learn more at the peak.

In ALOHA, they believe that each child is talented in their own way and can
overcome math anxiety given they are provided with the confidence and skills they
need. Our role is to unlock their potential to improve computational skills,
mathematical analysis, and accuracy, and ALOHA does that through mental

Today’s session start with preliminaries and a welcome message from Dr.
Tablan, at the end of her speech she leave a quote saying, “Mathematics give us hope
that in every problem there is a solution.” Moving on, Ms. Crystel Mae Bacay
introduces the ALOHA Mental Arithmetic Program, she stated how it is started, it’s
goals, mission, achievements and how they are doing now.

Phase 1 Bagong Silang Balanga City Bataan

Telephone No.: (047) 240-45-43
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Office of the Principal

Mental arithmetic is a practice that develops a skill of accurate and quick
counting using the mind. With mental arithmetic, not only will the child be able to
compute speedily but also get the right answer with each operation given to them.
More than math, it helps children learn to process new information and make
decisions quickly while also developing spatial and figurative thinking. Undeniably,
mental arithmetic is highly advantageous to children especially when studying
abstract subjects in school and even when they are in the outside world socializing.
With mental arithmetic, your child will be taught to appreciate and enjoy math and
apply such skill in the real world.

Mr. Michael Hizon spontaneously taught us how abacus works, with continuous
practice we are able to get it right away then proceed to the finger calculation up to the
basic mental computation. Mind you, you’ll just find it difficult at first since we are
new to the idea but once you go through it and be able to master how it is done you’ll
able to enjoy it.

The session filled with exciting computations, activities, games and even prizes.
Who would have thought that math can be as exciting as this. As our children go on
another school year this back-to-school season, the increased level of difficulty of
subjects may seem daunting, especially with mathematics. But worry no more because
we are here to tell you that your child does not have to be challenged by the added
level of hardness in their studies! The solution? Mental arithmetic. Avert school and
math anxiety by taking on a program that provides an advanced approach in all

Why does a child need mental arithmetic? More than the ability of quick oral
calculations, mental arithmetic has positive effects on the development of a child.
Taking mental arithmetic classes can: Improve memory, attention, thinking, and
imagination, increase information processing speed and retention, activate brain
activity, develop fine motor skills, and enhance ability to comprehend complex
problems and more!

Phase 1 Bagong Silang Balanga City Bataan

Telephone No.: (047) 240-45-43
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Office of the Principal

Whether your child is already good at math or having problems with regard to
their school performance, mental arithmetic is an ideal skill for them to learn and
master. After all, entering a new academic term comes with the opportunity to try new
things for your child.

Prepared by:

Teacher I


Master Teacher I



Principal II

Phase 1 Bagong Silang Balanga City Bataan

Telephone No.: (047) 240-45-43
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Balanga City

Office of the Principal


Photos taken during the workshop of ALOHA Mental

Phase 1 Bagong Silang Balanga City BataanArithmetic
Telephone No.: (047) 240-45-43
Email Address:

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