Abrir Technology Plan

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Planning technology

Por: Marta, Alvaro C, Alvaro M y Elvira

Materials used
• Plastic sheets • Water • Sandpaper
• Wood cut by us • Plastic Cups • Cotton strings
• Clay (for the plants) • Coardboard
• Saw • Silicone
• Wood sticks • Grey, green and black Pompons
• Black and white paint • Paintbrushes
• Apple and lentils seeds • Scissors

Álvaro Carrión
Álvaro M Work
• Cutting wood
• Painting the base
• Glu some wood
• Make plastiline
• Take the soil
• Take photos
• Paint wood
• Clean the station Álvaro Moreno
Work Contribution
• Measured the plastic sheets.

• Cutted the platic sheets and pasted them in to the structure

• Plastiline flowerpots

• Painted the sticks black

• Painted the tiles white and the some of the sticks black

• Cutted wood into smaller pieces to create the structure

• Glued some wood

• Created the base, by measuring and cutting coardboard.

Álvaro Carrión
• Painting base
Elvira's work
• Make a plastiline


• Cut plastic paper

• Glue plstic paper

• Measure some sticks

• Paint white shelves

• Help paint black sticks

• Laminate sticks Elvira


Álvaro Moreno
I believe that throughout
the project I was
knowledgeable, due to I consider, we were principle at the
the fact that I knew how hour of choosing the materials, as
to apply the knowledge we tried to give some wastes a
applied within the second life. We did this so as to not
greenhouse presentation, use once so many new materials
and later on translate it that we knew we were going to end
into the project. up throwing.

I consider I was a risk taker,

principally because one of our I think I was a communicator, not
project's mate abbandoned the only because of the way I knew
group, and intead of giving up, I how to share my ideas with my
knew it wad the time to make sure project mates, but also I comsoder
the project was finished with a that I put all of my effort in order
magnificient result, which I to understand other's suggestions
consider we had achieved. and applying them on the

I consider there were some days that
I could improve, as I was kind of
I guess that most ofthe days I worked
very hard to bcarry this project to the
end in the best way I could, therefore
I'm proud.
I think I was pretty engaged with the
activity, as I was continously thinking
about improvements I could apply.
I admit that sometimes I was such
concentrated with my job that I
wasn't focused on the fact that maybe
my group needed my help.

I would like to believe that throught
this project I have shown aspects of When it comes to being
being knowledgable when principle we definatly kept our
transfering the information of our 1st mind open to how we can
evaluations project into this one. I do reduce waste, remain
think that I could've used more of responsible and always try to
mu knowledge in certain things sich chose the correct materials.
as estimating measurements.

I believe me and all my work

partners have been risk takers I think I lacked a bit of
when things didn't go our way and communication with my work
we had to change up some stuff mates, I failed to explain certain
with the project that might've things even though throught the
seamed as though we weren't going whole project I attempted to remain
to have time to compleate it but by cmmunkcation with my mates
taking risks we have definatly although I am certain that I could've
achieved the finish goal. worked harder to communicate.
I definatly believe that I attempted to
show my best, however I can't say that
I successfuly did some times. Some
days I lacked motivation and others I
fully believe that I could've tried

Even though I definatly could've tried

to show my best, I think that taking in
acount how much effort I put in, I
think I worked as good as I could.
When it comes to how engaged I was
with this project, I can surely say that
some days I was consentrated in the
work weather as other days I lacked
engagement and got distracted with
other things..
I think one thing that my team did well
was teamwork, I believe that we
cooperated very well and managed to

I definatly believe that I didn't shown
the best version fo me, as doing a
proyect in lot of classes is not the best
thing I can do, the task wasn't easy but
also wasn't hard, and taking into
account the fact that the time was long
enough to make it a really easy task.

Eventhough I definatly could've tried

to show my best and make the
complex proyect of all the class. But it
wasn't really necessary to do so. As we
just need to create a functional
I think I was engaged within the
activity but I could have definitly
shown much more.
I personally think that the
communication within my teamates
was really good and the confidence I
felt working with my mates really
boosted the quality of our final
Álvaro Carrión

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