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Green Dashboard Template

Date Prepared:
Submitted by:

A. Basic Information B. List of SSF Equipment C. SSF Focal Person(s)

Name of SSF Cooperator A. Description B. Date Established C. Current Status Contact Details
Name Gender
Region Cellphone Email Address



Primary SSF Products

Number of MSMEs Assisted

D. Greening Hotspots and Objectives

Greening Hotspots Green Objectives for the Greening Hotspots

1. Energy Management

2. Water Resource Management

3. Solid Waste Management

4. Transport Management

5. Supply Management

6. Natural Resources Management

7. Green and Resilient Building Design

E. Green Outcomes and Strategies

Target Green Objectives

Green Objectives for the Greening Hotspots Baseline Figure Data Source
Target Change Achievement Date Green Strategies to Achieve Outcomes
Increase Decrease (Year)

F. Green Activities
Timetable Rersource Requirement
Green Activities to Support Green Strategies Green Action Lead
Start End Description Amount Source
Form 2: Green Activity Level Reporting

Reporting Period:

Timetable Status As of Reporting Timetable Status As of Timetable Status As of

Greening Hotspots Green Activity* Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3
Period Reporting Period Reporting Period
Start End Start End Start End
1. Energy Management Inventory of electrical appliance and regular monitoring of Monthly Power consumption
power consumption monitored

2. Water Resource Management

3. Solid Waste Management

4. Waste Water Management

5. Transport Management

6. Supply and Procurement

7. Climate Resilient building designs

*Use the Green Action Plan as reference

Form 3: Green Performance Indicator Target Setting

Reporting Period:

Baseline Information Target

Unit of
Greening Hotspots Green Performance Indicators*
Measure Monthly Annual Monthly Annual
Increase (%) Decrease (%)
Quantity Peso Value Quantity Peso Value Quantity Peso Value Quantity Peso Value

1. Energy Management Reduced fossil-based electricity consumption KWH

2. Water Resource Management Reduced water consumption Cubic Meter

3. Solid Waste Management Reduced volume of solid waste generated Kilograms N/A N/A

4. Waste Water Management Reduced volume of waste water generated Cubic Meter N/A N/A

5. Transport Management Reduced fossil-based fuel consumption TBD

6. Supply and Procurement Increased quantity of locally sourced inputs TBD N/A N/A

7. Climate Resilient building designs Reduced amount of climate change effects on building and operations TBD

*Use the Green Action Plan as reference

Form 4: Green Outcomes Monitoring and Reporting

Reporting Period:

Baseline Data Target Change Achievement

Green Outcomes Outcome Indicators Assumptions/Risks

Timing Unit of Measure Actual Units Monetary Value Reference Value Increase Decrease Date
Decrease in consumption cost of fossil-based power as percentage of Power Consumption Annual Kwh 30,000.00
total production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00 -25% 2021
Decrease in consumption cost for water as percentage of total Water Consumption Annual Cubic Meter 12,000.00
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00 -25% 2021
Decrease in volume of solid wastes as a percentage of production Solid Waste Generation Annual Kilograms 500.00
volume Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00 -25% 2021
Decrease in consumption cost for transportation as percentage of total Transportation Cost Annual Peso 10,000.00
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00 -25% 2021
Increase in percentage share of locally and sustainably produced Volume of Local Inputs Annual TBD 200
10% 25% 2021
inputs to total production inputs Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in climate change related damages to building and operations
Amount of Damages Annual Peso 200,000.00 200,000.00 -25% 2021

Actual Data Target Change Year 1

Green Outcomes Outcome Indicators
Timing Unit of Measure Actual Units Monetary Value Actual Value Actual Change Increase Decrease

Decrease in consumption cost of fossil-based power as percentage of Power Consumption Annual Kwh 30,000.00
30% 0.0% -5%
total production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in consumption cost for water as percentage of total Water Consumption Annual Cubic Meter 10,000.00
10% -16.7% -5%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in volume of solid wastes as a percentage of production Solid Waste Generation Annual Kilograms 500.00
25% 0.0% -5%
volume Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in consumption cost for transportation as percentage of total Transportation Cost Annual Peso 10,000.00
10% 0.0% -5%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Increase in percentage share of locally and sustainably produced Volume of Local Inputs Annual TBD 100
5% -50.0% 5%
inputs to total production inputs Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in climate change related damages to building and operations Amount of Damages Annual Peso 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.0% -5%

Actual Data Target Change

Green Outcomes Outcome Indicators
Timing Unit of Measure Actual Units Monetary Value Actual Value Actual Change Increase Decrease

Decrease in consumption cost of fossil-based power as percentage of Power Consumption Annual Kwh 20,000.00
20% -33.3% -10%
total production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in consumption cost for water as percentage of total Water Consumption Annual Cubic Meter 10,000.00
10% -16.7% -10%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in volume of solid wastes as a percentage of production Solid Waste Generation Annual Kilograms 500.00
25% 0.0% -10%
volume Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Transportation Cost
Decrease in consumption cost for transportation as percentage of total Annual Peso 10,000.00
10% 0.0% -10%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Increase in percentage share of locally and sustainably produced Volume of Local Inputs Annual TBD 200
10% 0.0% 10%
inputs to total production inputs Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in climate change related damages to building and operations Amount of Damages Annual Peso 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.0% -10%

Actual Data Target Change

Green Outcomes Outcome Indicators
Timing Unit of Measure Actual Units Monetary Value Actual Value Actual Change Increase Decrease

Decrease in consumption cost of fossil-based power as percentage of Power Consumption Annual Kwh 30,000.00
30% 0.0% -10%
total production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in consumption cost for water as percentage of total Water Consumption Annual Cubic Meter 12,000.00
12% 0.0% -10%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Decrease in volume of solid wastes as a percentage of production Solid Waste Generation Annual Kilograms 500.00
25% 0.0% -10%
volume Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in consumption cost for transportation as percentage of totalTransportation Cost Annual Peso 10,000.00
10% 0.0% -10%
production cost Total Production Cost Annual Peso 100,000.00
Increase in percentage share of locally and sustainably produced Volume of Local Inputs Annual TBD 200
10% 0.0% 10%
inputs to total production inputs Total Production Volume Annual TBD 2,000.00
Decrease in climate change related damages to building and operations
Amount of Damages Annual Peso 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.0% -10%

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