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Restaurant relay:

Objective: the first couple to finish the race without dropping the balls


- The wife should first remove the balls from the fabric and place them in the plates, and then the
husband should race while holding the plates with the balls in them without dropping them.


Materials needed: fabric and ball toys (or anthyiting na bilog)

3 legged team:

Objective: The couple who has the most balloons wins.


-Each player should stand next to his or her partner and wrap their arms around the waist of
their partner. The inside legs of the partners should touch, specifically the left leg of the partner on the
right and the right leg of the partner on the left. The balloon must be transported from one location to


Materials needed: balloons and string (kahit anong Pantali)

How well do we know each other:

Objective: The couple who scores the highest wins.


The couple is seated back to back, and we are going to ask them a question that only the two of them
might know the answer to. They must write it down and raise it within a certain amount of time, and
if their answers are the same, they receive a point.


Materials needed: board (pwedeng sketch pad) and pen

Father and son

Egg catching:

Objective: The team that didn't break its egg last wins.


- Toss an egg to their partner without breaking it. Every level, the gap getting wider.


Materials needed: egg (plastic para di makalat pag nabasag)

Guess the song?

Objective: The team with the highest score wins.

Mechanics: the first duo who can guess the title, artist and able to sing the song got a score

-The song's melody is played first, and the first person to reach the mic , have a chance to
respond must name the song's title and performer. They can also earn points if they can sing it

Reference: knowing bros

Materials needed: sound system and monitor

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