Beetroot-Cured Salmon Recipe by Nathan Outlaw - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

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08/02/22, 12:37 Beetroot-cured Salmon Recipe by Nathan Outlaw - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

Receita de salmão curado com beterraba

por Nathan Outlaw

: 4 r 2 horas

Salmão 1/2 lado de salmão

500g de beterraba crua

3g de sementes de erva-doce

1/2 maço de estragão

250g de açúcar mascavo

500g de sal marinho

Beterraba 500g de beterraba crua

25ml de vinagre de vinho branco

1 chalota de banana

1 dente de alho

100ml de azeite

sal marinho


Maionese 2 gemas

3/4 colher de chá de mostarda inglesa

3/4 colher de chá de vinagre de vinho branco

200ml de azeite light

sal marinho

Salada de vegetais de raiz 1 cenoura

1/2 aipo

1 nabo

1 beterraba crua

1 chalota 1/4
08/02/22, 12:37 Beetroot-cured Salmon Recipe by Nathan Outlaw - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

1 colher de chá de cebolinha, picada

sal marinho da Cornualha

Patê de salmão defumado 150g de salmão fumado

1/2 limão, espremido

50g de iogurte natural

50g de requeijão

sal marinho da Cornualha


Bolachas de tomilho 350g de farinha de trigo

1 colher de chá de sal marinho da Cornualha

5 ramos de tomilho fresco

3 colheres de fermento em pó

90g de manteiga sem sal, fria

140ml de água, fria


1 To make the salmon, peel the beetroot and cut into 3cm cubes. Blend the beetroot, fennel seeds, tarragon, sugar and sea salt in a food processor to
make the cure

- 500g of raw beetroot

- 3g of fennel seeds
- 1/2 bunch of tarragon
- 250g of caster sugar

- 500g of sea salt

2 Pin bone and trim the salmon, lay it onto a large tray and pour the cure over. Cover with cling film then leave in the fridge for 10 hours. Turn the
salmon over and cure for another 20 hours

- 1 side of salmon
- 1/2 side of salmon

3 Tip away the juices, wash off the cure and pat the salmon dry. At this stage your salmon is ready to eat, but you should chill until needed

4 To make the thyme crackers, finely chop the thyme and dice the butter. Combine the remaining ingredients in a mixer until it forms a dough. Divide
into 6 balls. Cover in cling film and chill for 1 hour

- 5 sprigs of fresh thyme

- 90g of unsalted butter
- 350g of plain flour
- 1 tsp Cornish sea salt
- 3 tsp baking powder

- 140ml of water

5 Roll the dough through a pasta machine, starting at the widest setting and working it down to setting 2. Cut into long, thin triangles, and put on a non-
stick baking sheet 2/4
08/02/22, 12:37 Beetroot-cured Salmon Recipe by Nathan Outlaw - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs
stick baking sheet

6 Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/Gas mark 4 for 12 minutes. Cool and store in an airtight container

7 To make the beetroot, wash the beetroot, cover with water in a pan, add a pinch of salt and a dash of vinegar

- 500g of raw beetroot

- sea salt
- 25ml of white wine vinegar

8 Bring to a simmer and cook until the beetroot is soft but not breaking up, which should take about 45 minutes. Leave to cool in the water

9 Peel the beetroot, dice into 1/2 cm cubes and put in a bowl. Finely chop the shallot and garlic, add to the bowl, season and add a dash of vinegar.
Cover with olive oil

- 1 banana shallot
- 1 garlic clove
- 10ml of white wine vinegar
- 100ml of olive oil
- sea salt
- pepper

10 To make the mayonnaise, put the egg yolks, mustard and white wine vinegar into a food processor and blend for 1 minute

- 2 egg yolks
- 3/4 tsp English mustard

- 3/4 tsp white wine vinegar

11 Very slowly, with the motor running, add the oil until the ingredients have emulsified. Season to taste

- 200ml of light olive oil

- sea salt

12 For the root vegetable salad, peel and finely chop the carrot, celeriac, parsnip and beetroot. Finely slice the shallot

- 1 carrot
- 1/2 celeriac
- 1 parsnip
- 1 raw beetroot
- 1 shallot

13 Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, including the chopped chives. Add enough mayonnaise to bind and season with Cornish sea salt

- 1 tsp chives

- Cornish sea salt

14 For the smoked salmon pâté, remove the skin and bones from the smoked salmon. Blend with the lemon juice in a food processor for 1 minute

- 150g of smoked salmon

- 1/2 lemon

15 Scrape down the side of the bowl, add the yogurt and cream cheese and blend for 2 minutes

- 50g of natural yoghurt

- 50g of cream cheese
16 Adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Transfer to a bowl and chill until required

- Cornish sea salt

- pepper 3/4
08/02/22, 12:37 Beetroot-cured Salmon Recipe by Nathan Outlaw - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs
- 1/2 lemon

17 Finely slice the salmon and fan across each plate. Scatter the diced beetroot over the salmon, and place a quenelle of the salmon pâté on top

18 In a side bowl, arrange a small heap of slaw, and finish with the thyme biscuits 4/4

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