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Key Terms

Program Development Lifecycle Analysis

The formal process of developing a program. There are 5 general The first stage of the Program Development Lifecycle.
stages of his lifecycle; Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and A process of investigating the problem which leads to producing a
Maintenance. required specification for the program.

Common techniques include a Feasibility study, Fact finding and

Requirements specification.
Design Coding
The second stage of the Program Development Lifecycle. The third stage of the Program Development Lifecycle.
The process of designing how the program should work so that it Writing of the program/suite of programs in a chosen computer
can complete the required tasks. language.

Common techniques include State-transition diagrams, Pseudocode

and Flowcharts.
Testing Maintenance
The fourth stage of the Program Development Lifecycle. The fifth stage of the Program Development Lifecycle.
Testing the program with various methods to ensure that it works as Maintaining the program throughout its “lifespan”.
intended. This includes fixing errors, improving the program or adding new
features to the program for more use.
Techniques include a Dry run, Walkthrough, White-box and Black-
box testing, Alpha testing, Beta testing and Acceptance testing.
Waterfall Model Iterative Model
A type of development lifecycle whose core principle is that each A type of development lifecycle whose core principle is starting with
stage is fully completed before starting the next stage in the a small sub-system which is enhanced and expanded through
lifecycle. iterations of the ‘waterfall’ method. Waterfalls can be repeated
many times and the sub-system evolves into a full and final system
Suitable for smaller projects or developing in a short timescale. at the end

This is suitable for bigger projects or developing with a major idea,

but minor details may change with time.
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
A type of development lifecycle where the program is split into
different parts along with the development team and each team will
work on a part of the program and go through their own
development lifecycle. Each team works simultaneously.

This is suitable for big and complicated projects that needs to be

developed in short time frame or when developing with evolving
Key Terms
Structure Chart Finite-State Machines (FSM)
A modelling tool where a problem is decomposed into smaller sub- A mathematical machine that shows the set of fixed states that a
tasks. This chart shows the structure of the different modules and program can be in. The program transitions from one state to
how they connect and interact with each other. another state depending on the input/event. FSM are represented
by State-Transition diagrams and State-Transition tables.
State-Transition Diagram State-Transition Table
A diagram used to visually represent how a finite-state machine A table that displays every possible state in a finite-state machine,
transitions from one state to another with the use of nodes and each possible input and the state after a certain input.

Key Terms
Syntax Error Logic Error
An error caused by writing code that does not obey the grammar of A type of error where a running program executes a task incorrectly
a chosen computer language. A program cannot run with a syntax and gives the wrong outcome. This is caused by the design of the
error. program.
Run-Time Error Test Strategy
An error that occurs during a program’s run-time in which they come An overview of the testing of a particular program to determine if it
across a faulty piece of code that cannot be executed causing the meets the requirements. It contains information about how and
program to crash. when the program will be tested.
Test Plan Normal Test Data
A detailed list of all stages of testing and every test that will be Test data that a program should accept gracefully.
conducted on a particular program.
Abnormal Test Data Extreme Test Data
Test data that a program should reject gracefully. Test data that is the minimum or maximum of a range of data that
should be accepted by the program.
Dry Run Walkthrough
A method of testing. A person manually goes through a program or a A formal version of the Dry Run testing method. It involves more
module of a program. people, pre-defined test cases and the use of a table format to set
out a test plan and store results.
Trace Table White-Box Testing
A table used in the Dry Run testing method. It shows the process of A method of testing a program that tests the structure and logic of
dry running a program by showing the value of each variable as it every path through a program module.
changes in a column of the table. Effective in finding the source of the error.
Black-Box Testing Integration Testing
A method of testing a program that tests a module’s inputs and A method of testing. Tests combinations of program modules that
outputs. work together.
Quick and Easy.
Stub Testing Alpha Testing
Part of the Integration testing method. Modules that are needed for In-house test session on a complete or nearly program conducted by
testing but have not been written yet can be replaced by a dummy the development team.
module for testing purposes.
Beta Testing Acceptance Testing
Test session on a complete program conducted by a small group of Testing a program to prove to a customer that it works.
Corrective Maintenance Perfective Maintenance
Maintenance focused on fixing errors found during use. Maintenance focused on improving the performance of the
Adaptive Maintenance
Maintenance focused on altering the program so that it can perform
new tasks.

Key Terms
Data Type Identifier
A classification attributed to an item of data that determines the A unique name given to an item of data.
types of values it can store and how it can be used.
Records Composite Data Type
A composite data type comprising of several related items but have A data type constructed using several of the basic data types
different data types. available in a particular language.
Array Index
A data structure consisting of several elements of the same data An indicator of an item of data’s position within an array.
Lower Bound Upper Bound
The index of the first element within an array, usually 0 or 1. The index of the last element within an array.
Linear Search Bubble Sort
A method of searching an array. Each element of an array is checked A method of sorting an array, especially for a 2D array into
in order of the index. alphabetical or numerical order. Each element is compared to an
element in the slot adjacent to theirs. Depending on the evaluation,
the two elements may or may not switch slots.
File Abstract data types (ADTs)
A collection of data stored into secondary memory by a computer A collection of data and the type defines the set of operations on
program to be used again. that data.
Stack Queue
An ADT whose core principle is last in, first out (LIFO), meaning the An ADT whose core principle is first in, first out (FIFO), meaning the
first data item to be inputted is the last data item to be taken out. It first data item inputted is the first data item out. It consists of two
consists of two operations; “Push” which is inputting data and “Pop” operations; “Enqueue” which is inputting data and “Dequeue” which
which is takin out data. is taking out data.
Circular Queues Linked List
Queues can be made into a Circular queue which adds a rule that if An ADT where each item in the list points to the next item in the list.
both pointers should point to the lower bound of the array after an
operation where that pointer is pointing to the upper bound of the
array. This ensures the queue length does not exceed the size of the
array, making it more stable.

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