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Q1. Entropion Can Be Due To :-
A. Untreated Trachoma (T)
B. After Trauma The Eye Lid (F)
C. Congenital (T)
D. Paralysis Of Third Cranial Nerve (F)

Q2. Sty :-
A. Chronic Infection Of Meibomian Gland (F)
B. Lid Cellulitis Is Common (T)
C. Treatment Of Choice Is Surgical Evacuation (F)
D. Usually Pointes Through Tarsal Conjunctiva. (F)

Q3. Ectropion:-
A. Is A Common Complication Of Trachoma (F)
B. Rarely Seen In Children (T)
C. Frequently Follows Lid Trauma. (T)
D. Is A Feature Of Myasthenia Gravis (F)

Q4.Basal Cell Carcinoma Of The Lid :-

A. Spread Via Lymphatic.(F)
B. Is Radiosensitive (T)
C. Usually Multiple (F)
D. More Commonly Seen In Young Females.(F)

Q5.Lower Lid Entropion Can Be :-

A. Congenital (T)
B. Seen After Facial Nerve Palsy (F)
C. Associated With Spring Catarrh (F)
D. A Cause Of Epiphora (F)

Q6. Symblepharon Can Result From :-

A. Conjunctival Chemical Burns (T)
B. Ocular Pemphegoid (F)
C. Entropion (F)
D. Steven Johanson Syndrome (T)

Q7. Ptosis Is Seen With :-

A. Paralysis Of The Sympathetic Supply To The Eye (T)
B. Myasthenia Graves (T)
C. Grave's Disease (F)
D. Paralysis Of Parasympathetic Supply To The Eye (F)

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Q8. Ectropion:-
A. Usually Presents With Epiphora (T)
B. Is Usually Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle (F)
C. Frequently Complicate Trachoma Infection (F)
D. May Follow Facial Nerve Palsy (T)

Q9. Upper Lid Ptosis Can Be Due To A Lesion In :-

A. Third Nerve (Oculomotor) (T)
B. Superior Cervical Ganglia (T)
C. Trochlear Nerve (F)
D. Facial Nerve (F)

Q10. Which Of The Following Is Not Typical Complication Of Entropion:-

A. Epiphora (F)
B. Corneal Erosion (T)
C. Trichiasis (T)
D. Red Eye (T)

Q11. Ectropion:-
A. More Common In Lower Lid (T)
B. Frequently Complicate Facial Nerve Palsy (T)
C. Can Be Associated With Exposure Keratitis (T)
D. May Occur Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle (T)

Q12. Lagophthalmos:-
A. May Complicate 3rd Nerve Palsy (F)
B. Commonly Seen After 7th Nerve Palsy (T)
C. Lead To Exposure Keratopathy (T)
D. Patching The Eye Is Helpful (T)

A. Is An Acute Suppurative Infection Of Mebomian Glands (F)
B. Associated With Lid Cellulitis (F)
C. Responds Well To Topical And Systemic Antibiotics (F)
D. Surgical Evacuation Is Contraindicated. (F)

Q13 .The Typical Consequences Of Entropion Are:-

A. Epiphora (F)
B. Trichiasis (T)
C. Corneal Erosion (T)
D. Red Eye.(T)

1- The Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle Supply By:-

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A- Superior Division Of Oculomotor
B- Inferior Division Of Oculomotor
C- Facial Nerve
D- Sympathetic Supply

2- Regarding Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle All The Following True

A- Is Supplied By The Oculomotor Nerve.
B- Is The Main Elevator Of The Eye Ball.
C- Is Responsible Of Closure Of The Eye.
C- Is Responsible Of Opens Of The Eye.

3- Regarding Orbicularis Oculi Muscle All The Following False Except:-

A- Supplied By The Oculomotor Nerve.
B- Supplied By Facial Nerve.
C- On Contraction It Open The Inter-Palpebral Fissure.
D- Lies Posterior To The Tarsal Plate.

4- Regarding Ulcerative Blepharitis All The Following True Except:-

A- Usually Caused By Streptococcal Infection.
B- Readily Responds To Antibiotic Ointment.
C- Can Lead To Madarosis.
D- Can Lead To Keratitis.

6- Regarding Chalazion All The Following False Except:-

A- Is Caused By Staphylococcal Infection.
B- May Progress To Cause Lid Cellulitis.
C- Usually Disappears Spontaneously.
D- Inflammation Of Meibomian Gland. ‫معـــــز شلفـيط‬.‫د‬
8- Trichiasis Is Not Caused By:-
A- Chemical Injuries Of The Lid Margin.
B- Trachoma.
C- Ulcerative Blepharitis.
D- Dacryocystitis.

9- Madarosis Caused By:-

A- Repeated Electrolysis. B- Leprosy.
C- Ulcerative Blepharitis. D- Scaly Blepharitis.
E- All The Above

6- Regarding Ptosis All The Following True Except:-

A- Grave's Disease. B- Myasthenia Gravis.
C- Lesion Of The Pulmonary Apex D- Horner's Syndrome.

12- Regarding Myasthenic Ptosis All The Following True Except:-

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A- Unilateral In Most Cases.
B- Increase After Prolonged Fixation.
C- Cannot Be Compensated By Frontalis Muscle.
D- Improved After Prostigmine Injection.

13- Regarding Horner's Syndrome All The Following True Except:-

A- Caused By Lesion In The Sympathetic Pathway.
B- There Is Severe Ptosis.
C- The Difference In Pupil Size Is Better Seen In The Dark.
D- Usually Unilateral.

13- Regarding Horner's Syndrome All The Following False Except:-

A- Is Due To Defect In Parasympathetic Supply Of Eye.
B- Usually Bilateral.
C- Miosis Is Not Affected By Atropine.
D- There Is Excessive Sweating Of The Face.

13- Regarding Ectropion All The Following False Except:-

A- Usually Presents With Epiphora.
B- Is Usually Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle.
C- Frequently Complicate Trachoma Infection.
D- May Follow 3rd Nerve Palsy.

13- Regarding Ectropion All The Following True Except:-

A- More Common In Lower Lid.
B- May Occur Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle.
C- Frequently Complicate Trachoma Infection.
D- Can Associated With Exposure Keratitis.

18- Yellow Plaque On Eyelid Near The Inner Canthus Is Called:-

A- Molluscum Contagiosum. B- Telangiectases.
C- Xanthelasma. D- Rodent Ulcer.

20- The Following Causes Of Symblepharon True Except:-

A- Is A Complication Of Chemical Burn.
B- May Cause Limitation Of Ocular Motility.
C- Is Seen After Advanced Trachoma.
D- Is Precancerous Condition.

20- The Following Causes Of Symblepharon Except:-

A- Hemorrhagic Viral Conjunctivitis. B- Ocular Chemical Burns.
C- Ocular Pemphegoid. D- Chronic Trachoma.

13- Regarding Ectropion All The Following False Except:-

A- Usually Presents With Epiphora.
B- Is Usually Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle.
C- Frequently Complicate Trachoma Infection.

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D- May Follow 3rd Nerve Palsy.

13- Regarding Ectropion All The Following True Except:-

A- More Common In Lower Lid.
B- May Occur Due To Spasm Of Orbicularis Oculi Muscle.
C- Frequently Complicate Trachoma Infection.
D- Can Associated With Exposure Keratitis.

20- The Following Causes Of Symblepharon True Except:-

A- Is A Complication Of Chemical Burn.
B- May Cause Limitation Of Ocular Motility.
C- Is Seen After Advanced Trachoma.
D- Is Precancerous Condition.

20- The Following Causes Of Symblepharon Except:-

A- Hemorrhagic Viral Conjunctivitis.
B- Ocular Chemical Burns.
C- Ocular Pemphegoid.
D- Chronic Trachoma.

13- Regarding Entropion All The Following True Except:-

A- Of Upper Lid Is Always Cicatricial.
B- Which Is Congenital Only Involves The Lower Lid.
C- Which Is Congenital Requires Treatment In Most Cases.
D- Most Common Type Senile.

21- About Lid Tumor All The Following False Except:-

A- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is Less Aggressive Tumor Than Basal Cell Ca
B- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is The Most Common Malignant Eyelid Tumor.
C- Basal Cell Carcinoma Is Slow Growing But Have Distant Metastasis.
D- Basal Cell Carcinoma Is Most Common Malignant Eyelid Tumor.

22- Regarding Basal Cell Carcinoma Which Of Following Wrong

A- More Common In Upper Lid.
B- Often Bleeds.
C- Is Related To Ultra Violet Exposure.
D- Spreads Only Locally.

23- Regarding Basal Cell Carcinoma Of The Lid Which Of Following True:-
A- Spread Via Lymphatic.
B- Is Radiosensitive.
C- Usually Multiple.
D- More Commonly Seen In Young Females.

25- Basal Cell Carcinoma:-

A- Are Commonest On Upper Lid.
B- Are Commonest On Lower Lid.

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C- Radiotherapy Is Effective.
D- Chemo Therapy Is Effective.

1- Angular Blepharitis Is Infection Caused By:-

A- Staphylococcus Aureus.
B- Morax-Axenfeld Diplobacillus.
C- Kock Week's Bacillus.
D- Pneumococci.

2- Chalazion Is:-
A- Acute Suppurative Infection Of Meibomian Glands.
A- Chronic Suppurative Infection Of Meibomian Glands.
A- Chronic Granulomatous Inflammation Of Meibomian Glands.
A- Chronic Granulomatous Inflammation Of Zeis Glands.

5- Adhesion Of Eyelid To The Globe Is Called:-

A- Trichiasis-
B- Lagophthalmos.
C- Blepharophimosis.

7- Distichiasis Is:-
A- An Extra Row Of Eye Lashes Behind The Gray Line.
B- An Extra Row Of Eye Lashes In Front Of Gray Line
C- An Extra Row Of Eye Lashes In Gray Line
D- None Of The Above.

8- Lagophthalmos Is:-
A- Incomplete Closure Of The Palpebral Fissure When The Eye Looks Downwards.
B- Inability Of The Globe To Rotate Upward On Eyelid Closure.
C- Incomplete Closure Of The Palpebral Fissure When The Eyelids Are Closed.
D- Passive Forward Protrusion Of The Eyeball.

9- Small Basal Cell Carcinoma Of The Lid Management Includes All Except:-
A- Surgical Excision.
B- Radiotherapy.
C- Chemotherapy.
D- Cryotherapy

Q1. Muller's Muscle Is Supplied By The :

A- Third Cranial Nerve
B- Sympathetic Nerve Fibres
C- Parasympathetic Nerve Fibres
D- Seventh Cranial Nerve

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Q4. Which Of These Is A Common Occurrence With Chalazia :
A- Complete Spontaneous Resolution With Time
B- Conjunctival Side Of The Lesion Is Reddish Or Purplish
C- Transformation To Malignancy
D- Presentation As Nodule at lid margin

Q10. Chalazion :
A- Is Also Called As Tarsal Cyst
B- Can Result In Preseptal Cellulitis If Untreated
C- Heals If The Affected Lash Is Pulled Out
D- Is A Non-Suppurative Inflammation Of Zeis Gland

Q14. Cicatricial Ectropion Can Result From All Of The Following Except :
A- Chalazion Treatment
B- Burns
C- Trauma
D- Eyelid Skin Incision

Q22.Which Of The Following Statements Is Most Correct:

A- Styes Involves The Meibomian Glands
B- Chalazions Are Caused By Infections
C- Chalazions Are Often Painless
D- Hordeolums Are Bilateral And Styes Are Unilateral
E- All Of The Above Are Correct

Q37.All Of The Following Types Of Entropion Are Known Except

A- Spastic Entropion
B- Senile Entropion
C- Paralytic Entropion
D- Cicatricial Entropion

Q38.All Of The Following Are Causes Of Lagophthalmos Except

A- Facial Nerve Palsy
B- Proptosis
C- Cicatricial Ectropion
D- Third Nerve Paralysis

Q39.Ectropion Of The Upper Lid Most Commonly

A- Spastic Ectropion
B- Senile Ectropion
C- Paralytic Ectropion
D- Cicatricial Ectropion

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C1 A B C D E

Q 4
28 OF EYE LID ‫معـــــز شلفـيط‬.‫د‬

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