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I had this interesting experience with a particularly useful advertisement for Athletic

Greens vitamins. It happened when I was listening to Tim Ferris's podcast. Now, I have
to admit, I'm usually in the habit of skipping ads, especially when I'm using an app like
Snipd. But on this occasion, something made me stop and actually pay attention.

Tim Ferris was talking about Athletic Greens, and it caught my ear because he
mentioned something that struck a chord with me. He spoke about how, despite his best
efforts, he was lacking in some crucial nutrients. It got me thinking about my own diet
and health.

For the first time, instead of fast-forwarding through the ad, I decided to listen in. And it
wasn't just me; I noticed that a lot of people were discussing Athletic Greens. It had this
buzz around it, almost like a shared secret among the podcast's listeners.

So, I thought, "Why not give it a shot?" I purchased Athletic Greens, and it's been a
game-changer for my health. It was a useful advertisement because it provided valuable
information about something I genuinely needed but might not have discovered
to be in the habit of: To have a regular practice or routine of doing something.

catch someone's ear: Attract someone's attention or pique their interest.

strike a chord with: Resonate or evoke a strong emotional response in someone.

lack in nutrients: Experience a deficiency or insufficiency of essential substances for

the body.

it gets someone thinking: It provokes thought or consideration.

fast forward through the ad: To skip or bypass an advertisement, usually in a media
player, to reach the content more quickly.

it has buzz around it: It generates excitement, interest, or attention.

give it a shot: To try or attempt something.

game changer for: Something that significantly alters or improves a situation or


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