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A. Label the parts of the pelvis and identify the view of the pictures below.

B. What comprises the pelvic wall on each side?


ANTERIOR Bodies of pubic bone, Pubic rami, and symphysis pubis

POSTERIOR Sacrum, Coccyx, piriformis muscle, and parietal pelvic fascia

LATERAL Hip bone, obturator membrane, sacrotuberous and

sacrospinous ligaments, obturator internus muscle and its
covering fascia.

ROOF Paired levator ani and coccyges muscle and their covering
fasciae from the pelvic diaphragm

FLOOR Pelvic viscera (pelvic diaphragm and associated fascia)

C. Identify the structures that stabilize and hold the pelvic wall together and identify
what parts of the pelvis it connects
1) Levator Ani Muscle: Anterior part of the pelvic diaphragm.
2) Coccygeus Muscle: Forms the posterior portion of the pelvic diaphragm.
3) Sacroiliac joints: between articular surface of sacrum and iliac bones.
4) Sacrococcygeal joints: Between the last sacral vertebrae and first coccygeal
5) Symphysis Pubis: Between two public bone.

D. Identify and illustrate the different pelvic measurements on the picture below and its
approximate numeric Value

E. Illustrate the different types of pelvic and define its characteristics

Gynecoid Present in 41% of women. It is the typical pelvis.

Android Present in 33% of White female and 16% of Black females, is

the male or funnel-shaped pelvis with a contracted outlet.
Anthropoid Present in 24% of White female and 16% of Black females, is
long, narrow, and oval shaped.

Platypelloid Present in only about 2% of women, is a wide pelvis flattened

at the brim, with the promontory of the sacrum pushed forward.

F. illustrate the pelvic floor and label all its parts

F. Illustrate and identify the blood vessels that enter and exit the pelvic wall

G. Label the sacral plexus and identify their nerve distribution

H. Draw and label the branchings of the internal iliac artery as it enters the pelvis
I. Differentiate the male and female pelvis in terms of the following:


Inlet Heart-shaped Transversely oval

Cavity funnel shaped Roomier

Outlet Smaller Larger

Depth triangle cone circular curved

Sacrum long, narrow, and straight short, wider, and flatter

Subpubic angle narrower 70 degrees V- rounded and wider


Bone Structure heavier and sturdier lighter and Broad

False pelvis Deep Shallow

Function For Heavy Body build For Childbearing

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