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(4) (3) (2) (1)

Questions Always Sometimes Rarely Never

Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
1. I do things in order of priority
2. I accomplish what needs to be done
3. I always get assignments done on time
4. I feel I use my time efficiently
5. I force my self to make time planning
6. I prioritize my list in order of importance
7. I am able to meet deadlines without
rushing at the last minute
8. I prevent interruptions from distracting
me when doing my homework
9. I avoid spending too much time in
unimportant things
10. I spend enough time on academic things
11. I try to do the more important task
during the most energetic periods of the
12. I periodically re-assess my activities in
relation to my goals
13. I limit my phone/screen time while doing
14. I judge myself by accomplishment of
task rather than by the amount of
activity or “busy-ness”
15. My actions are determined primarily by
me, not my circumstances or by other
people’s priority
Dear respondents,
We are conducting a study about “Time management of academic tracks students” in according to
the 2 essentials of time management proficiency (prioritizing and organizing). All of your answers will
only be used in this study.

Name (Optional): ___________________________

Section: ___________________

Please check the following boxes that indicates your proficiencies in time management in
prioritizing and organizing.
4 – Always 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rarely 1 – Never

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