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Consolidating a Warehouse Network: A Physical

Programming Approach

Emanuel Melachrinoudis

Achille Messac

Hokey Min

Corresponding Author

AchilleMessac, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor and Department Chair
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Syracuse University, 263 Link Hall
Syracuse, New York 13244, USA

Tel: (315) 443-2341
Fax: (315) 443-3099

Bibliographical Information
Melachrinoudis, E., Messac, A., and Min, H., “Consolidating a Warehouse Network: A Physical
Programming Approach,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 97, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-

Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

Consolidating a warehouse network:

A physical programming approach
Emanuel Melachrinoudisa,, Achille Messacb, Hokey Minc
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA
UPS Center for World Wide Supply Chain Management, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA
Received 1 June 2003; accepted 1 April 2004
Available online 22 July 2004


Faced with mounting cost pressure, many companies consider downsizing their distribution networks in ways that
involve consolidation or phase-out of some of their existing warehousing facilities. To effectively re-configure a
warehouse network through consolidation and elimination, this paper proposes a novel multiple criteria methodology
called physical programming (PP). The proposed PP model enables a decision maker to consider multiple criteria (i.e.,
cost, customer service and intangible benefits) and to express criteria preferences not in a traditional form of weights,
but in ranges of different degrees of desirability. The proposed model is tested with real data involving the
reconfiguration of an actual company’s distribution network in the United States and Canada.
r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Network design; Supply chain; Physical programming; Multiple criteria decision making

1. Introduction the Warehouse Education Research Council (e.g.

WERC, 1999, 2002) predicted a gradual decline in
Faced with increasing competition and mount- the total number of warehouses that caused an
ing cost pressures, a growing number of firms are increase in their average size throughout the
considering re-configuring or re-engineering their supply chain.
corporate structures through the consolidation Such a trend can be illustrated by the following
and phase-out of some of their existing ware- two cases, one from the industry and another from
houses. In fact, the recent surveys conducted by the Government:

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-617-373-4850; fax: +1- (1) Gillette embarked on a very ambitious re-
617-373-2921. structuring program by closing several fac-
E-mail address: (E. Melachrinoudis). tories and 13 distribution centers worldwide,

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

which is intended to generate savings of more lead-time, and consequently may deteriorate cus-
than $125 million annually on an ongoing tomer service. This is because the fewer the
basis (e.g. Johnson, 2001). Specific program warehouses, the longer the distances from custo-
activities included streamlining the supply mers. To maintain an acceptable level of customer
chain via warehouse consolidation, followed service, many companies want to offer next-day
by the downsizing and centralization of corpo- delivery services to the majority of their customers.
rate functions. Considering hours of service regulations, stipu-
(2) In addition to providing all fuel, medical care, lated by the US Federal Highway Administration
subsistence and clothing support, the defense (FHA), a majority of the company’s customers
logistics support command (DLSC) of the should be within 10 hours of driving time from its
Department of Defense is responsible for warehouses.
procuring, storing, and distributing 85% of Other factors affecting warehouse network
the consumable spare parts required by US reconfiguration are labor-management relations,
military services. The worldwide logistics net- labor quality (e.g. skill and educational level of the
work encompasses the Defense Distribution available workforce in the potential site), tax
Center, 5 inventory control points, and 24 incentives and market potentials. The high risk
distribution depots. DLSC has dramatically of labor strikes or employee turnover is a key
reduced its infrastructure by streamlining concern in warehousing operations because such a
business practices and downsizing excess ca- risk can disrupt the smooth flow of products to
pacity. The 27% reduction in warehouse space customers (e.g. Ackerman, 1994). Thus, a com-
resulted in a 29% drop in personnel over a 5- pany may wish to consolidate a warehouse at a site
year period, representing millions of dollars of where good labor-management relations exist and
savings in military spending and a subsequent the quality of life can help the company retain a
decrease in the financial burden of the Amer- highly skilled workforce. On the contrary, a
ican taxpayers (e.g. Morton, 1999). company may wish to close or relocate a ware-
house with a history of strikes or high employee
As illustrated above, the consolidation of ware- turnover. In their efforts to attract business, many
houses can help a company save transportation, states today provide tax refunds, job training
inventory and warehousing costs due to economies grants and direct grants for facility relocation/
of scale. To elaborate, the square root rule shows expansion (e.g. Bowman, 1998). Indeed, labor
that the reduced number of warehouses can quality, tax incentives, and loans are considered
decrease total inventory carrying costs (e.g. the most important location factors by thousands
Ballou, 1999). Also, the lower variance of the of economic development executives (e.g. Venable,
aggregate demand can reduce the chance of stock- 1996). Another factor in favor of maintaining a
outs (e.g. Bordley et al., 1999). Total transporta- warehouse, or even expanding it, is the potential
tion costs can be reduced, due to increased for increasing a market share. In a broad sense, the
opportunities for large-volume shipments and the market potential of a trading area is dictated by
subsequent negotiation leverage for better freight demographics, the business climate, and level of
rates. Total transportation costs can be further competition. These intangible benefits of ware-
reduced by eliminating cross-hauling among too house sites should therefore be part of the criteria
many warehouses. Furthermore, material handling in order to best determine which warehouses to
costs would decrease due to increased opportu- keep open and which to phase-out or consolidate
nities for bulk storage and mass picking at with others.
centralized locations. Central administrative costs The literature on the location of production
can be lessened through managing fewer ware- plants and warehouses is extensive and broad in its
houses. scope (see, for example, Meidan (1978), Krarup
Despite its various cost saving potentials, ware- and Pruzan (1983), Aikens (1985), and Geoffrion
house consolidation has a drawback. It lengthens et al. (1995) for excellent reviews of the related

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 3

literature). Most of the existing models, however, inventories. For example, Ballou (1981) used a
are not designed to deal with dynamic changes in regression analysis model for estimating aggregate
parameters. For instance, a few years after a safety stock of consolidated stocking points by
distribution network has been in operation, using actual data. His model revealed that the
customer bases may have shifted, warehousing safety stock aggregation differed from industry to
and transportation costs may have changed, and industry. Das (1978) proposed a dynamic pro-
customer expectations for better service may have gramming approach to allocate inventory over a
risen. Thus, the need for periodic re-evaluation number of locations and compared the total cost
and reconfiguration of a distribution network is of centralized versus decentralized inventories.
paramount for the survival and viability of a Although the aforementioned models identified
company. certain benefits of warehouse consolidation, there
Despite such a need, the literature on restructur- is no mathematical model in the literature that
ing a distribution network is very sparse. Mela- took into account all factors affecting the con-
chrinoudis et al. (2000) developed a multi-criteria solidation of a distribution network. To fill such a
model for relocating a single plant/warehouse void, we developed a multiple objective model for
facility by assessing the impact of relocation on the Consolidation of a Warehouse Network. Three
the whole supply chain, including suppliers, criteria are considered: (1) minimization of total
manufacturing plants, warehouses and customers. distribution costs comprised of production costs,
Watts (2000) used a personal computer-based fixed and variable warehousing costs, warehouse
center of gravity model to solve the problem of relocation costs, inbound and outbound distribu-
consolidating regional chemical distribution facil- tion costs; (2) maximization of customer services
ities in the Midwest and Eastern United States. that can be rendered to customers in terms of
Min and Melachrinoudis (2001) outlined various acceptable delivery time (coverage), and (3) max-
strategies and models for restructuring a ware- imization of intangible benefits associated with the
house network. They modified a traditional p- new distribution network.
median model to dramatically reduce the number The model is structured within a novel multi-
of warehouses of a major manufacturer and objective optimization framework, linear physical
distributor of plastic films in the United States programming (LPP). To clarify the link between
and Canada. In this paper, the same authors physical programming (PP) and existing methods,
present a more comprehensive multi-criteria model a brief review of multiobjective methods is under-
for consolidating a warehouse network and taken in Section 2. LPP is described in Section 3.
validating it using the company’s data. The model is presented in Section 4 and it is tested
Several authors have recognized the benefits of and validated in Section 5 using actual data
warehouse centralization versus decentralization. obtained from a company that considered con-
Patton (1986) summarized the benefits of ware- solidating its distribution network. The paper ends
house centralization: reduced inbound shipping with a summary and conclusions in Section 6.
costs, improved inventory management, reduced
safety stock and better opportunity for negotiating
transportation services. On the other hand, he 2. Multiobjective methods
listed some benefits of warehouse decentralization:
rapid response to customers and reduction in There are many methods in the literature for
outbound shipping costs. Similarly, Chopra (2003) solving multiobjective models. We present a brief
observed that as the number of warehouses synopsis of multiobjective methods for the purpose
increased, inventory and facility costs increased, of establishing the relationship between the
whereas, inbound transportation costs increased proposed method, PP, and existing ones. As
and outbound transportation costs decreased. Ignizio and Cavalier (1994) note, solution methods
Some authors addressed the question of how to are based upon certain philosophies and there is
achieve centralization through the consolidation of no ‘‘one right way’’ to approach a problem

4 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

involving multiple, conflicting objectives. Some level in the hierarchy using a 1–9 scale that
methods require the decision maker (DM) to expresses the importance or dominance of one
articulate his/her preferences early on in the element over another. A strength of this method is
decision-making process, others require a progres- that generally DMs find the pairwise comparison
sive articulation of DM’s preferences, and yet form of preference information straightforward
others do not require any input from the DM. and convenient. On the other hand, doubts have
Therefore, an important characteristic of solution been raised about the method’s theoretical foun-
methods is the amount and type of preference dation and about the possibility of occurrence of
information requested from the DM. Another the rank reversal phenomenon.
important classification of multiobjective methods A rather different approach from the previous
is according to the solution space. Certain two methods is followed by the outranking
methods are more suitable for problems with a methods. They use the so-called outranking
discrete number of alternatives while others apply relationship to eliminate alternatives and thus
to problems exhibiting continuous solution spaces. reduce the original set to a subset of alternatives.
Among the discrete methods, also called multi- In simple terms, an alternative outranks another
criteria analysis (MCA) methods, the best known if it outperforms the other on enough objectives
are (a) the multiattribute utility theory (e.g. of sufficient importance (as reflected by the sum
Keeney and Raiffa, 1976), (b) the analytic of criteria weights) and is not outperformed by
hierarchy process (AHP) (e.g. Saaty, 1988) and the other alternative in the sense of exhibiting
(c) the outranking methods (e.g. Benayoun et al., inferior performance on any one objective. All
1966; Roy, 1971). All these methods involve alternatives are then evaluated in terms of the
implicit or explicit aggregation of each alterna- extent to which they exhibit sufficient outranking
tive’s preference across all objectives (criteria) to as measured against a pair of threshold para-
form an overall assessment of each alternative, on meters. The main concern about this method is
the basis of which the set of alternatives can be that it is dependent on some rather arbitrary
compared. The principal difference between the definitions of what constitutes outranking and
methods is the way in which this aggregation is how threshold parameters are set and later
performed. manipulated by the DM.
Multiattribute utility is an elegant axiomatic Among the continuous methods, also called
theory that can be used in making decisions under multi-criteria optimization (MCO) methods, the
uncertainty. The preference information is elicited best known are the (a) generating method (e.g.
from the DM in an elaborate process using Steuer, 1986), (b) interactive methods (e.g. Cohon,
lotteries to build individual utility functions of 1978; Hwang and Masud, 1979), and (c) goal
the objectives (attributes). Although well regarded programming methods (e.g. Lee, 1972; Ignizio,
and effective, in its most general form, the method 1976) including fuzzy programming (e.g. Zimmer-
is relatively complex in that it demands significant mann, 1978, 1985).
time and expertise from the DM. When certain The generating method or vector-maximum
conditions are satisfied however the aggregate approach generates all efficient extreme points of
objective function can be reduced to two simple a model from which the DM selects his/her most
forms, the additive (linear) function and the preferred one. It does not require any input from
multiplicative function of the individual utility the DM. Although the method’s theoretical
functions of the objectives. foundation is solid and the idea of efficiency is
An AHP develops a linear aggregate function in undisputable, the method has some drawbacks.
a less sophisticated way. The distinctive feature of Among the problems associated with this method
the method is the structuring of the objectives and are its high computational requirements to com-
alternatives (elements) in a tree hierarchy. The pute all efficient solutions and the difficulty of the
DM’s preferences are elicited in the form of DM to sort out the large number of generated
pairwise comparisons among the elements of each solutions for the most-preferred one.

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 5

The interactive methods require a progressive membership function value of an objective is

articulation of preferences from the DM, i.e., they defined as the deviation from the goal divided by
involve extensively the DM throughout the solu- that objective’s range, thus a value between 0 and
tion process. An efficient solution is first identified, 1. Fuzzy programming finds the solution that
followed by the DM’s expression of his/her minimizes the largest fuzzy membership function.
preference usually in terms of tradeoffs, which in Thus, it is identical to Chebyshev GP, except that
turn defines a search direction for another solu- the maximum deviation is weighted by the ranges
tion. These steps are repeated until an acceptable in the goal constraints (e.g. Ignizio and Cavalier,
solution is reached. Although most researchers 1994). In addition to the goals, other input
agree that these methods have a clear advantage parameters can be represented by fuzzy numbers
among MCO methods, because they actively and fuzzy arithmetic can be used to combine fuzzy
involve the DM in the decision-making process, numbers based on fuzzy set theory (e.g. Zadeh,
these methods have not been used significantly in 1965). Thus, fuzzy extensions to conventional
practice. The reason for these methods limited use MCA methods have been developed, such as fuzzy
is that, to be effective, the DM needs to be very utility theory, fuzzy AHP and fuzzy outranking
unusual—one who is willing to commit a great methods. Fuzzy programming has enjoyed popu-
deal of time and effort to the (technical aspects of larity because it responds to the imprecision that
the) solution process (e.g. Ignizio and Cavalier, surrounds much of the data, including goals, in
1994). multiobjective problems and the explicit way of
The distinctive feature of goal programming representing that vagueness via fuzzy sets.
(GP) methods is the establishment of a goal level Goal programming penalizes small and large
of achievement for each objective. A solution is deviations from a given goal alike through the
sought that achieves the goals ‘‘as closely as same weight. To offset that criticism, Charnes and
possible’’. Depending how closeness is defined, Cooper (1977) devised a more elaborate means of
three most popular (as well as practical) forms of penalizing deviations by defining multiple achieve-
GP have been developed: (a) the Archimedian GP, ment levels. The resulting penalty function is
(b) the lexicographic GP, and (c) the Chebyshev piecewise linear with multiple weights. Although
GP. All of them minimize some function of more accurate, the new version of Archimedian
deviations from the goals, the penalty function. goal programming has not been extensively
The Archimedian GP minimizes the sum of the applied due to the inherent difficulty in determin-
weighted deviations from the goals; the lexico- ing additional weights. In fact, a general criticism
graphic GP prioritizes the goals and minimizes of several multiobjective methods is that the DM
deviations according to priorities starting with the has a great difficulty in determining weights,
highest priority goal; the Chebyshev GP minimizes therefore in many situations is unwilling to specify
the maximum (minimax) deviation over all goals. weights (e.g. Lootsma, 1997) or the weights
Another multiobjective method that was devel- specified may not reflect accurately his/her pre-
oped independently of GP, fuzzy programming, ference function. A method that circumvents the
appears to be very similar to Chebyshev GP. Each weight difficulty while maintaining the benefits of
objective function value of any given feasible Charnes and Cooper representation of each
solution can be considered a fuzzy number objective through the multiple levels of desirability
between the best and worst values of that is PP. PP captures the idea that our natural
objective. The latter are obtained by maximizing language in discussing achievement or perfor-
and minimizing each objective independently mance is not precise, much like what the fuzzy
subject to the original set of constraints. The best sets approach advocates. For example, the DM
objective values are considered as goal levels and specifies the ideal range of an objective, the
the range of each objective is computed as the desirable range of an objective, the tolerable range,
difference between the maximum and minimum and so on. Next, we provide a synopsis of the PP
value. For a given feasible solution, the fuzzy method.

6 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

3. Linear physical programming

LPP is a multiobjective optimization method

that develops an aggregate objective function
of the criteria in a piecewise Archimedian
goal programming fashion. The PP approach in
its nonlinear (general) form was developed by
Messac (1996) and it has been used primarily in
engineering design optimization; see, for example,
Messac and Hattis (1996), Messac and Wilson
(1998), Messac (1998, 2000), Messac et al. (1999)
and Messac and Ismail-Yahaya (2002). In its
piecewise linear form, LPP has been used in
several diverse applications. Maria et al. (2003)
used LPP in production planning. Melachrinoudis
et al. (2000) used LPP to optimize relocation
decisions for a manufacturing/distribution facility.
This section provides a brief outline of LPP. For a
comprehensive presentation, see Messac et al.
Within the LPP procedure, the DM expresses
his/her preference with respect to each criterion
using four classes, i.e., the DM declares each
criterion as belonging to one of four distinct
classes. Fig. 1 depicts the qualitative and quanti-
tative meaning of each class. Let x be the
decision vector and gp ðxÞ be the pth generic linear
objective function. The value of this objective
function is on the horizontal axis, and the penalty
function that is minimized for that criterion, zp ,
Fig. 1. LPP class functions.
is on the vertical axis. A lower value of the
penalty function is better than (more valuable
than) a higher value thereof. The ideal value of the
penalty function is zero. The penalty functions The PP lexicon comprises terms that characterize
become additive constituent components of the the degrees of desirability of each criterion, using
aggregate objective function (to be minimized). A six types of ranges. For Class 1S, shown in Fig. 1,
criterion falls into one of four classes of penalty the ranges are defined as follows:
functions, hereby called class functions, defined as
follows: Ideal range (gp ptþp1 ; Range-1): A range over
which every value of the criterion is ideal (the
Class 1S smaller-is-better, i.e., minimization
most desirable possible). Any two points in that
Class 2S larger-is-better, i.e., maximization
range are equally desirable to the DM.
Class 3S value-is-better
Desirable range (tþ p1 pgp ptp2 ; Range-2): An
Class 4S range-is-better
acceptable range that is desirable.
Tolerable range (tþ p2 pgp ptp3 ; Range-3): An

The structure of the above class functions acceptable, tolerable range.

Undesirable range (tþ p3 pgp ptp4 ; Range-4): A
provides the means for DMs to express the ranges
of differing levels of preference for each criterion. range that, while acceptable, is undesirable.

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 7

Highly undesirable range (tþ p4 pgp ptp5 ; Range-

subject to:
5): A range that, while still acceptable, is highly
ps ptp;s1 ; d ps X0; gp ðxÞptp5
gp ðxÞ  d þ þ þ þ
Unacceptable range (gp 4 tþ p5 ; Range-6): The
ðfor all classes 1S; 3S; 4S; p ¼ 1; . . . ; P;
range of values that the criterion may not take. s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5Þ (2)

The range-boundaries (target levels), tþ gp ðxÞ þ d    

ps Xtp;s1 ; d ps X0; gp ðxÞXtp5
p1 through
tp5 , are physically meaningful values that are ðfor all classes 2S; 3S; 4S; p ¼ 1; . . . ; P;
chosen by the DM (company executive) to s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5Þ (3)
quantify the preference associated with the pth
criterion. The ranges for the other classes and the x 2 S: ð4Þ
associated target levels are defined in a like
The variables dand
ps dþ
psin the above formula-
manner. Consider for example the customer
tion are the negative and positive deviations of
coverage objective in this study. The DM expresses
the objective function (goal) value gp ðxÞ from
his preference regarding the percentage of custo- þ
target levels tp;ðs1Þ and tp;ðs1Þ , respectively, and
mer demand that can be delivered from ware-
gp ðxÞ is a linear function of x. Following the
houses to customers within 10 hours or less as
Archimedian objective function (1) are two
follows: (1) ideal, at least 97%; (2) desirable,
types of goal constraints. Goal constraints (2)
90–97%; (3) tolerable, 80–90%; (4) undesirable,
apply to criteria belonging to all classes but Class
70–80%; (5) highly undesirable, 50–70%; and (6)
2S, while goal constraints (3) apply to criteria
unacceptable, lower than 50%. These ranges are
belonging to all classes except Class 1S. Finally,
set based on the industry norms and the com-
constraints (4) define the feasible region S of the
pany’s past service performances. LPP uses the
decision vector, x; i.e. they are the system
preceding information—and similar statements
regarding other criteria—to determine incremental
It is important at this point to make some
criteria weights and form the aggregate objective
important observations. Regarding the specifica-
function. Thus, LPP removes the necessity to
tion of desirability ranges, rather than that of the
choose weights, which is undoubtedly a difficult
typical weights for each objective, the reader is
task. LPP allows the DM to reflect his preferences
encouraged to read the papers that develop the
for each criterion in an explicit and flexible
method (e.g. Messac, 1996; Messac et al., 1996).
We summarize here by saying that the process of
Certain desirable properties of the class func-
changing the preference ranges is physically mean-
tions are used to provide the theoretical frame-
ingful, unlike changing the weights. If the desirable
work for their computation. These properties are
cost is changed from 15 to 10, it is very clear what
summarized in the appendix. Based on the proper-
one is doing by changing the associated preference
ties of class functions, LPP determines the weights
numbers. However, the corresponding weights
(w~ þ ~
ps and w ps ) that represent the incremental slopes
might involve a change from 753 to 1053, which
of the penalty functions, zp , thus enabling zp to be
are both void of physical meaning. The only thing
expressed as a piecewise linear function of criterion
that one knows is that the weight needed increase,
gp . The aggregate objective function (to be
but not its magnitude. Further, assigning one
minimized) is then constructed as a weighted sum
weight for each criterion fails to reflect the
of deviations over all ranges (s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5) and
different desirability level for different regions.
criteria (p ¼ 1; . . . ; P). The resulting LPP formula-
To do so, the ability to form a preference function
tion is as follows:
of the type of Fig. 1 is required. Unfortunately, the
X  notorious difficulty that would entail determining
min J ¼
w~  ~þ
ps d ps þ wps d ps ð1Þ four to eight weights (slopes) for each criterion is
d ps ;d ps ;x p¼1 s¼2 well known. LPP indeed provides (i) the means to

8 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

offer the flexibility of Fig. 1, (ii) the ability to factors, outlined in the previous section, constitute
directly define preference in terms of the values of the intangible benefits objective to be maximized.
the criteria explicitly, and (iii) an algorithm that The proposed model is designed to determine
automatically defines the weights (slopes) for use which warehouses to close, which to retain, and
in the model (the DM does not need to guess what which to consolidate with others. In addition,
these slopes should be). the model properly reassigns customers to ware-
In addition, we note that the linear LPP method houses in the new distribution network, and
provides for a discrete set of weights (slopes). This reallocates the plants’ production to the various
approach is in general adequate for problems that warehouses.
are formulated in the linear programming domain. The mathematical notation and formulation are
Using the linear LPP model allows the process to as follows:
fully take place in the linear programming domain. Indices: n is an index for manufacturing plants
However, if for any reason it is deemed desirable (n 2 N). k is an index for customers (k 2 K). i is an
to have a continuous change rather than a discrete index for existing warehouses (i 2 I).
set of changes, then the nonlinear PP model Model variables: yni is the volume of products
(Messac, 1996) can be used. However, the asso- supplied by plant n to warehouse i. xik is the
ciated complication is that the immense benefit of volume of products shipped from warehouse i to
linear programming will no longer apply. The customer k,
authors advise that when the problem model is 8
> 1 if capacity of warehouse j is relocated
linear, the linear LPP model be used. >
< to site i ðiajÞ; or if existing warehouse
zji ¼
> j ði ¼ jÞ; remains open
4. Model design 0 otherwise:

Prior to developing the mathematical model, we The negative and positive deviations from range
make the following underlying assumptions: targets are d  þ
ps and d ps (p ¼ 1; . . . ; 3, s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5),
 A company produces and distributes a single Objectives: g1 is the total annual cost (in millions
product. of dollars). g2 is the total customer demand (in %)
 Existing warehouse capacities are given in terms that can be delivered within the stipulated
of maximum annual throughput (volume of access time t. g3 is the aggregate intangible benefits
products). No partial capacity is consolidated of all warehouses weighted by the proportion of
into another warehouse. That is, either a ware- demand they serve (aggregate score between 0
house is closed (and its capacity lost), or its and 100).
whole capacity is relocated and consolidated Model parameters: ci is the throughput capacity
into another existing warehouse. of existing warehouse i. bk is the demand of
Considering the multitude of conflicting objec- customer k. fi c is the cost per unit capacity of
tives affecting the reconfiguration of a distribution warehouse i. fi m is the fixed cost of maintaining
network and the types of decisions to make, as warehouse i (excluding capacity cost). fi s is the cost
outlined in Section 1, we formulate the warehouse savings resulting from the closure of existing
consolidation problem as a multi-criteria mixed- warehouse i. li is the extent of intangible local
integer programming model. The first objective is incentives for warehouse i (in scores ranging from
to minimize annual costs, or equivalently, to 0 to 100). qn is the production capacity of
maximize annual potential cost savings due to manufacturing plant n. rji is the cost of moving
phase-out and consolidation. The second objective and relocating unit capacity from warehouse j to
is to maximize customer service by maximizing centralized (consolidated) site i (jai). sik is the cost
customer coverage within a stipulated distance of warehousing a unit product at warehouse i
(i.e., ten hours of driving distance). The other (based on average warehousing time) and shipping

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 9

it from warehouse i to customer k. t þ

ps and tps are 3. Goal constraints
the range targets (p ¼ 1; . . . ; 3, s ¼ 1; . . . ; 5). hik is
1s pt1;s1 ;
g1  d þ þ
s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5; ð9Þ
the delivery time (in hours) from warehouse i to
customer k. t is the maximum allowable delivery g1 ptþ
1;5 ; ð10Þ
time (hours) from warehouses to customers. vni is
the cost of producing and warehousing a unit of g2 þ d  
2s Xt2;s1 ; s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5; ð11Þ
product at manufacturing plant n plus shipping a
unit product from manufacturing plant n to g2 Xt
2;5 ; ð12Þ
warehouse i. C(i) is the set of customers that can
be reached from warehouse i in t hours, or g3 þ d  
3s Xt3;s1 ; s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5; ð13Þ
CðiÞ ¼ fkjhik ptg. w~  ~þ
ps and w ps are the incremental
weights associated with negative and positive g3 Xt
3;5 ; ð14Þ
deviations from range targets (p ¼ 1; . . . ; 3,
s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5). These weights are determined by dþ  
1s ; d 2s ; d 3s X0; s ¼ 2; . . . ; 5: ð15Þ
LPP. The formulation equations are presented
next, and a description of these equations im-
4. System constraints
mediately follows. X
yni pqn 8n 2 N; ð16Þ
4.1. Physical programming formulation yni ¼ xik 8i 2 I; ð17Þ
n2N k

1. Piecewise Archimedian aggregate function: X X

xik p cj zji 8i 2 I; ð18Þ
5  k j2I
Minimize J ¼ w~ þ ~
1s d 1s þ w ~
2s d 2s þ w3s d 3s ð5Þ X
s¼2 xik ¼ bk 8k 2 K; ð19Þ
subject to: X
2. Criteria zji pjIjzii 8i 2 I; ð20Þ
g1 ¼ vni yni þ sik xik þ rji zji X
n2N i2I i2I k2K j2I i2I zji p1 8j 2 I; ð21Þ
þ f ci cj zji þ fm
i zii

i2I j2I i2I

0 ! 1 yni X0 8n 2 N; i 2 I; ð22Þ
 @f s 1  zji þfm zji A; xik X0 8i 2 I; k 2 K; ð23Þ
j j
j2I i2I fi2I;iaj g
(6) zji 2 ð0; 1Þ 8j; i 2 I: ð24Þ
The formulation consists of four parts: the
!, ! aggregate objective function, the criteria, the goal
X X X constraints and the system constraints. The
g2 ¼ 100 xik bk ; ð7Þ
aggregate objective function (5) minimizes the
i2I k2CðiÞ k2K
weighted sum of deviations from all range targets.
Expressions (6)–(8) define the three criteria: the
!, !
X X X first (cost) is to be minimized, while the second
g3 ¼ li xik bk : ð8Þ (demand coverage) and the third (intangible
i2I k2K k2K benefits) are to be maximized. Each criterion gives

10 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

rise to five goal constraints, one for each range Table 1

Warehouse locations and local incentives
target. Criterion (6) generates constraints (9) and
(10), criterion (7) generates constraints (11) and Warehouses Intangible
(12), and criterion (8) generates constraints (13) benefits
and (14). Constraint (15) restricts all deviational i City State Zip code
variables to nonnegative values.
1 Terre Haute IN 47408 68
Part 4 of the mathematical formulation contains 2 Greenville TN 37744 62
the system (ordinary) constraints. Constraint (16) 3 Memphis TN 38118 60
ensures that the total volume of products shipped 4 Richmond VA 23231 63
to warehouses does not exceed the capacity of a 5 Paterson NJ 07501 45
6 Orlando FL 32824 70
manufacturing plant to supply such products.
7 Bensenville IL 60106 50
Constraint (17) ensures that the total volume of 8 Indianapolis IN 46242 65
products shipped from all the manufacturing 9 Little Rock AR 72114 90
plants to each warehouse equals to the total 10 Minneapolis MN 55414 58
volume of products shipped from that warehouse 11 Winnipeg MB R2 H 0Z7 46
12 Montreal QC H4Y 1E7 38
to its customers. Constraint (18) requires that the
13 San Leandro CA 91710 40
total volume of products shipped to customers 14 Toronto ON M8Z 5P7 35
does not exceed the throughput capacity of the 15 York PA 17403 55
serving warehouse. Constraint (19) ensures that 16 Dallas TX 75228 75
each customer’s demand is satisfied. Constraint 17 Platteville WI 53818 58
18 New Castle DE 19720 46
(20) states that the current capacity of an existing
19 Fond du Lac WI 54935 57
warehouse cannot be consolidated into another 20 Laredo TX 78045 80
existing warehouse, unless such a consolidated 21 Atlanta GA 30336 70
warehouse remains open. Herein, |I| stands for
cardinality of set I. Constraint (21) specifies status
options for an existing warehouse j in the new
network. It remains open (zjj ¼ 1), or its capacity tributors of plastic film used (i) for packaging such
is consolidated into another existing warehouse items as bakery goods, and cigarettes, and (ii) for
i 2 I, iaj, (zji ¼ 1), or it is closed (zjj ¼ 0). labeling soft drink bottles and cans. To honor the
Constrains (22) and (23) restrict decision variables, wish of the company to remain anonymous, the
yni , and xik to nonnegative values, respectively, company will be referred to as the ‘firm’.
while constraint (24) restricts the variable zji to The firm provided customer demands and
binary values. warehouse capacities and inventories over a 1-year
period. Most of the warehouses were substantially
underutilized under the current distribution net-
5. Model testing work. According to the warehouse-utilization ratio
(the total number of pallets at the warehouse
The model is tested with the actual data divided by the theoretical capacity of the ware-
obtained from a company that considered reconfi- house during the given period) used by the firm, all
guring its distribution network. The network warehouses have less than 50% of the average
consists of 1 plant located at Terre Haute, Indiana, annual utilization ratio for the last few years. Since
and 21 warehouses serving 281 customers located the firm maintains the number of pallets sufficient
throughout the United States and Canada. The to accommodate unexpected demand surge, some
warehouse and customer locations were given by pallets may remain empty throughout the year.
city and zip code. The cities hosting the ware- However, the product that the firm deals with does
houses, 18 in the United States and 3 in Canada, not have dramatic seasonal peaks and valleys, the
are listed in Table 1. The company is one of the firm seldom needs the number of pallets to exceed
largest North American manufacturers and dis- the average annual demand.

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 11

To obtain some idea as to how large the were $68.05 million, 98.05% and 59.78 for the
customers are and how far away they are located cost, demand coverage, and intangible benefits,
from the warehouses, the annual customer de- respectively. The criteria preference-ranges were
mand versus access time from the closest ware- then set accordingly. For example, for the cost
house is plotted in Fig. 2. Therein, a dot represents criterion, the most ideal situation would be a
a customer, and demand is in cwt units decrease in total costs by at least 15%, thus
(1 cwt=100 lbs). Access times between warehouses tþ
p1 ¼ 0:85 68:05 ¼ 58:8. Similarly, it was
and customers, identified by their respective zip thought that a 5% cost decrease was desirable
codes, were obtained on the highway transporta- (tþ þ
p2 ¼ 64:6), a 2% decrease tolerable (tp3 ¼ 66:6),
tion network of the United States and Canada while any decrease below 2% was undesirable
using a Geographic Information System at the (making it not worthy of pursuing network
University of Louisville. As Fig. 2 shows, the restructuring). On the other hand, a cost increase
majority of the customers have demands less than from its current level (tþ p4 ¼ 68:05) is highly
70,000 cwt, and can be accessed within 10 hours undesirable and a cost increase of 3% or more
delivery time from one of the warehouses (many (tþ
p5 ¼ 70:1) was considered unacceptable. Given
dots overlap near the origin). However, (i) there the ranges for each criterion, the associated
are five large customers with demands ranging incremental weights are derived using the LPP
from 80,000 to 250,000 cwt, and (ii) there are eight algorithm (e.g. Messac et al., 1996). The desir-
relatively small customers with access times of ability ranges along with the associated weights (in
more than 10 hours and as high as 23 hours. Some italic) are shown in Table 2.
cost data were provided by the company but the The resulting single objective mixed-integer
bulk of them were estimated by the authors using linear programming model, displayed in (5)–(24),
several indices, such as cost of living index (e.g. has 6381 continuous variables, 441 binary vari-
Savageau and D’Agostino, 2000). The warehouse ables and 385 constraints. It was solved by the
capacities were assumed equal to 250,000 cwt. The commercial software package, LINGO (e.g. LIN-
cost of living index was used together with the DO, 2001). It took 38 minutes to solve on a
quality of life index to estimate the intangible Pentium III PC. The use of a speedier Pentium IV
benefits of the warehouses at their various loca- PC would have solved the problem even more
tions (last column of Table 1). quickly. Since both LINGO software and Pentium
In order to set the desirability ranges, we first III PC are readily available to the company
evaluated the three objectives for the current executive, the proposed model can be applied to
distribution network (status quo) to gain a sense many practical settings dealing with warehouse
of the current performance, and what the reason- restructuring.
able expectations could be. The status quo values As Table 3 shows, the baseline model (t ¼ 10 h)
suggests to (a) phase-out 8 warehouses, (b)
relocate 4 warehouses and consolidate them with
300,000 3 other existing warehouses, and (c) maintain 6
warehouses at their current locations without any
Customer demand (cwt)


changes. In particular, the following warehouse
consolidations are suggested by the model: the
warehouse at Terre Haute, IN, is moved 65 miles
100,000 to be merged with the warehouse at Indianapolis,
50,000 IN; the warehouses at Platteville and Fond du Lac,
WI, are moved 159 and 152 miles, respectively, to
0 5 10 15 20 25 be merged with the warehouse at Benseville, IL;
Access time from closest warehouse (hours)
and the warehouse at New Castle, DE, is moved 73
Fig. 2. Access time-demand distribution (Units: 1 cwt= miles to be merged with the warehouse at York,
100 lbs). PA. In all cases, the relocation distance is less than

12 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

Table 2
Desirability ranges and associated weights

Goals Ideal Desirable Tolerable Undesirable Highly undesirable Unacceptable

Cost (in $106) 0–58.8 58.8–64.6 64.6–66.6 66.6–68.05 68.05–70.1 >70.1

Incremental weight (0) (0.1515) (1.8485) (9.4286) (50.9304)
Customer coverage (%) 100–97 97–90 90–80 80–70 70–50 o50
Incremental weight (0) (0.1429) (0.2571) (1.2) (0.2075)
Intangible benefits (in scores) 100–80 80–65 65–55 55–45 45–40 o40
Incremental weight (0) (0.0667) (0.3333) (1.2) (23.3436)

Table 3
Optimal network configurations for various values of access time (t)

Warehouse locations t (h)

7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Terre Haute IN R | | 8 R R | 8
2 Greenville TN | | | | | |
3 Memphis TN X | X X X X
4 Richmond VA R X X X X X
5 Paterson NJ X X X X X | 18
6 Orlando FL X X X X X X
7 Bensenville IL | 1 17 | 17 19 | 17 | 17 19 | 17 19 | 17 19
8 Indianapolis IN | X R | 1 | 1 R
9 Little Rock AR | | | | | |
10 Minneapolis MN | X X X X X
11 Winnipeg MB | | | | | |
12 Montreal QC X X X X X X
13 San Leandro CA | | | | | |
14 Toronto ON | | | X X X
15 York PA | 4 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 X
16 Dallas TX X X X X X X
17 Platteville WI R R R R R R
18 New Castle DE R R R R R R
19 Fond du Lac WI X R X R R R
20 Laredo TX | | | | | |
21 Atlanta GA | | | | | |

X, Warehouse closes; |, warehouse remains open; R, warehouse is relocated; #, warehouse # is consolidated.

160 miles, so that relocation costs will be relatively are either underutilized, or have low intangible
low, and disruption of supply chain operations benefits and high costs. It is also interesting to note
during transition less severe. In the map of Fig. 3, that most of the retained warehouses, including
warehouses are indicated with numbers ranging the consolidated ones, are either at the center, or in
from 1 to 21 and customers with dots. The open the vicinity of the center of concentrated demand
warehouses in the downsized distribution network locations.
are circled. Arrows originating at the warehouses Fig. 3 also displays with different shades the
to be relocated and directed toward the ware- geographical regions served by open warehouses.
houses to be consolidated signify relocation for The consolidated warehouse (#15) in York, PA,
consolidation. We note that the majority of will serve customers located in Eastern Pennsylva-
warehouses suggested for phase-out or relocation nia, New Jersey, Delaware, New York and New

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 13

Fig. 3. Optimal distribution network.

England States. The Greenville-based warehouse mers in the Midwestern and Northwestern United
(#2) will serve customers located in Eastern States. Finally, the Winnipeg-based warehouse
Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, (#11) will serve a high-volume customer in the
West Virginia, North Carolina and South Caroli- same city, which is using 99% of its capacity, and a
na. The Atlanta-based warehouse (#21) will serve few small customers scattered over Midwestern
customers located in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Western Canada from Ontario to the West
Mississippi, Western Louisiana and all but Eastern Coast.
Tennessee. The consolidated warehouse (#8) at Table 4 shows the improvements achieved in the
Indianapolis, IN, will serve customers located in three measures of performance for the restructured
Missouri, Southern Illinois, all but Eastern Ken- network, and the base line scenario (t ¼ 10 hours)
tucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Northern Penn- over the current network configuration, consisting
sylvania, Southeastern Ontario and Quebec, of all 21 warehouses and assuming optimal
Canada. The Little Rock-based warehouse (#9) demand allocation to customers. The cost shifts
will serve customers located in Arkansas, Western favorably from the intersection of the undesirable
Louisiana, Northern Texas, Oklahoma, New and highly undesirable ranges, $68.05 million, to
Mexico, Colorado and Southern Oklahoma. The $61.457 million, which is in the desirable range.
Laredo-based warehouse (#20) will serve all The demand covered within 10 hours access time
customers located in Texas, except Northern worsens from 98.05% to 97%, but it remains in
Texas. The San Leandro-based warehouse (#13) the ideal range. This can be explained by the fact
will serve customers located in California, Nevada that the DM considers any value greater than or
and Arizona. The consolidated warehouse (#7) at equal to 97% as ideal. By reducing the covered
Bensenville, IL, will serve customers located in the demand to 97%, however, better values for the
highly concentrated demand regions of Northern other objectives (better tradeoff) can be achieved.
Illinois and Wisconsin, as well as isolated custo- Finally, the intangible benefits improved by shifting

14 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

Table 4
Objective value improvements

Criterion Ideal Desirable Tolerable Undesirable Highly undesirable Unacceptable

Cost in US$ 106 0 58.8 64.6 66.6 68.05 70.1

Customer coverage 100 97 90 80 70 50

Intangible bene“ts 100 80 65 55 45 40

K Original network; J optimized network.

from the undesirable range (59.78) to the desirable labor-management relations and tax incentives. In
range (66.03). this paper, these factors are combined in a multi-
Table 3 illustrates the sensitivity of the optimal criteria model that can aid the management of a
network configuration to changes in the parameter company in reconfiguring its distribution network
t. As access time increases from t ¼ 10 to as part of downsizing (or ‘‘right-sizing’’) decisions.
11 hours, the optimal configuration remains un- In addition to the new distribution network of
changed. Further increase to t ¼ 12 hours changes plants and warehouses, the model determines the
only the mix of consolidated warehouses. The total demand allocations of plants to warehouses and
costs are reduced to $60.88 million mainly due to warehouses to customers. The model was applied
decrease in inbound shipping costs (the warehouse to a company that wanted to restructure its
at Terre Haute is in the same city as the plant), distribution network over the USA and Canada.
while 97% of demand (ideal) is served within For potential implementation, the model results
12 hours of access time. On the other hand, in were presented to the company executive and
order to maintain a desirable performance in the management team. Since the model implementa-
coverage criterion, as t decreases from 10 to tion entails several years of organizational re-
7 hours, two fewer warehouses are phased-out and structuring and business reengineering, the
only two (instead of three) warehouses are firm in this case study has not fully implemented
consolidated. In the event of more stringent the detailed phase-out plan recommended
accessibility requirements (t ¼ 7 hours), the model by the model builders at this stage. However,
finds a solution that worsens all criteria but in a the company executive and management team
balanced way, i.e., all objective values are in the acknowledged that solutions based on the
desirable range. As compared to the base line proposed model clarified the potential cost–benefit
scenario, the cost increases to $63.92 million, the accrued from the warehouse restructuring
covered demand within 7 hours decreases to decision.
93.65%, and the intangible benefits decrease by The recently developed LPP approach was
one point to 65. used to formulate the multi-criteria model.
Under the LPP framework, the decision maker
expresses his/her preference for objective function
6. Summary and conclusions values in terms of ranges of differing degrees
of desirability. Specifically, the DM provides
The reconfiguration of a distribution network numerical values that define each of these ranges
entails the consideration of all pertinent factors. for each criterion. Thus, LPP removes the
These include: relocation/consolidation costs, in- necessity to choose weights—which is undoubtedly
bound and outbound transportation costs, ware- a difficult task—and allows decision makers to
housing costs, relocation costs, customer delivery reflect their preferences in an explicit and flexible
time, and intangible factors, such as labor quality, manner.

E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17 15

Despite numerous merits, the proposed model The first property is evident. The second
points to a number of directions for future work: property means that, as one travels across a
given range type (say, undesirable range-4), the
1. The model can be extended to include multiple
change in the class function will always be of
products, risk and uncertainty of costs and
the same magnitude, z~4 (see Fig. 1), regardless
other factors, as well as customer demand
of the criterion in question. This behavior of
uncertainty over the time horizon.
the class function at the target levels is a critical
2. Regarding the LPP approach, sensitivity analy-
factor that makes each range type have the
sis tools of the user’s specified preference ranges
same numerical penalty value for different criteria.
should be developed. Initial work in the non-
This same behavior also has a normalizing effect
linear Physical Programming domain shows
and results in favorable numerical conditioning
interesting and promising results (e.g. Tappeta
properties. For example, consider the behavior
et al., 2000). They indicate that the obtained
of two distinct criteria over the undesirable
optimal solutions are not unduly sensitive to the
range. The first criterion values vary between
range settings.
5000 and 12,000, while the second vary between
3. More efficient solution techniques for solving
1.9 and 4.2. Since both of those ranges are
the resulting large mixed-integer linear pro-
undesirable, the respective class functions will
gramming problem should be developed,
change over that range by the same amount, z~4 .
especially when the above extensions are
The third property needs some clarification. The
implemented and additional runs are needed
OVO rule entails the following inter-criteria
for performing sensitivity analyses.
preference for each criterion, gp : If two options
are considered, viz.,
Option 1: ‘‘Full improvement of gp across a
given range (say, range-3)’’; and
Option 2: ‘‘Full reduction of all the other
criteria across the next better range (i.e., range-
The authors are grateful to the management
2)’’; then option 1 shall be preferred over option 2.
team of the anonymous firm for providing us with
This is to say that the worst candidate entails a
the data and their insight into the distribution
higher penalty.
network restructuring problem and to the two
A comment on the ideal range: we wish to
anonymous referees who provided valuable sug-
explicitly emphasize the point that, according to
gestions for improving this paper. Support for Dr.
the definition of the ideal range, any two points of
Achille Messac under the NSF grant number DMI
the ideal range are of equal value/desirability.
0196243 is hereby acknowledged.
Consider the case of Class 1S. The class function
will seek to minimize its criterion only until
the target value tþ p1 is reached. Below that
point, Class 1S expresses explicit indifference. If
a smaller value of the criterion is always better, the
The following are the three most important
ideal range does not apply. In this case, the DM
properties of class functions:
should set tþp1 to a value outside of the feasible
(I) A class function is nonnegative, continuous, space in order to exclude solutions in the ideal
piecewise linear, and convex, range. By being mindful of the above comment,
(II) the value of a class function, zp, at a given the DM will easily preclude the possibility of
target level (say, tþ
p3 ) is the same for any class- obtaining (incorrect) dominated solutions. A
type, and similar discussion would apply to the cases of
(III) the magnitude of the class function’s vertical Classes 2S and 4S. For more details on the
excursion across any range must satisfy the class function properties and their rationale, see
One versus Others (OVO) rule. Messac (1996).

16 E. Melachrinoudis et al. / Int. J. Production Economics 97 (2005) 1–17

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