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Treaty of

Signed between Spain and Portugal
◦ June 7, 1494
◦ Ratified by Spain July 2nd.
◦ Agreed to by Portugal on September 5th .
Designed to divide the world outside Europe.
Intended to resolve disputes between the two
powers when Columbus returned in 1493.
Talks were conducted because of a papal
1. Papal Bull Inter Caetera by Pope Alexander VI
2. All lands west of a meridian 100 leagues west
of the Cape Verde Islands would belong to
Spain. ( 345 miles). 
3. All discovered lands east of the line would
belong to Portugal. 
4. All territory currently under Christian rule
would remain untouched.
Time to Negotiate King John of
Portugal was not happy!

◦ Wanted the line moved west.
Told Spain that since it would go
all the way around the world, it
would limit Spanish control in Asia.
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
agreed. Their treaty countered the

papal Bull
◦ Uncontested by Pope Alexander VI
Sanctioned by Pope Julius II in a
new Bull in 1506.
Terms of the Treaty
1. Moved the line to a position 370
leagues west of the Cape Verde
Islands (1,277 miles).
2. Portugal gained a larger portion
of South America: Brazil. 
3. Spain gained control (on paper)
of most of the New World.
In broader context, the Treaty of
Tordesillas represents the
earliest instance of European
powers’ carving up the globe
among themselves in pursuit of
their own domestic, strategic,
and imperial designs, a tradition
that continued well into the 19th
century and after.
YEAR 1900 YEAR 1920 YEAR 1940 YEAR 1960

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