Maritime Transportation

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Why maritime transport is the most efficient

Maritime is one of the most efficient ways of transport not only talking about how fast
it is when transporting things but also how it affects the environment and why is it
safer than other ways of transport, according to bureau transportation statistics the
maritime is between the third and second place of being the safest way of transport,
but this doesn't mean that maritime transportation is perfect it still has lots of problems
with ship crashing, but that doesn't mean that it is indeed one of the best ways of
transport for going to a place to another or transporting items of big business, going
from a place to another and even more.
Maritime transportation today's days have some problems when it comes to dangerous
waters this making some of these boats crash and stay in water for a lot of time, not
only that this type of transportation is really slow you can spend days or even months
waiting for something, and it also depends on how is the water cause' it also can delay
this service, but even with all these problems we can use it easily, and it is a really
important way of transport for trading and even more.

Plus, there is a city in Italy called Venezia which transportation depends on small
boats called “gondolas” which move around town.Furthermore, 90% of international
goods are transported in cargo ships because of how spacious a ship can be compared
to a plane or truck.Plus, Also, maritime transport is also a cheap way of transport.
Still, one cargo ship emits the same amount of co2 as fifty cars but there aren’t only
needed more than 50 cars to move the same amount of goods, there are boats used for
short travels which move with the wind. Furthermore, compared to air transport, the
weight that can carry a ship is a lot more than a plane because planes need to have all
of the weight to the minimum but ships are able to carry more weight and more people
because ships have been used for more time than planes which helped them improve.
In conclusion, even if maritime transport isn’t as echo friendly as cars it is still a great
alternative because of how cheap and reliable it can be to transport both cargo and
people around the world or towns and the options it gives such as moving with the
wind or a small speedboat are truly some of the reasons maritime transport is so

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