Botany Guess Paper - 3

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Botany gUess paper - 3


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Section - A
1. In diatoms
(A) Cell wall has stiff cellulosic plates
(B) Cell walls are indestructible due to silica deposition
(C) Heterotrophic mode of nutrition is present
(D) Fruiting bodies are formed in unfavourable condition.
2. Pellicle in Euglenoids is
(A) Rigid proteinaceous bilayer
(B) Proteinaceous, layer present outside the cell wall
(C) Found inside the cell membrane, unstriped, flexible
(D) Proteinaceous and flexible
3. Codon which has dual function is
4. Elements most readily mobilized are
(A)Ca, B, Fe
(B) K, P, Ca
(C) N, P, K
(D) Ca, S, B
5. Number of CO2 acceptor and carboxylating enzyme in a C4 plants
(A)2, 2 respectively
(B) 1, 1 respectively
(C) 2, 1 respectively
(D) 1, 2 respectively
6. One glucose on complete oxidation yields 38 ATP. During this
oxidation of glucose, what is the contribution of Krebs’ cycle?
(A) 11 ATP (B) 12 ATP
(C) 22 ATP (D) 24 ATP
7. A. Bryophytes are both homosporous and heterosporous
B. Pteridophytes show sporic meiosis
C. All algae form embryo but lack vascular tissues
Read the above statements and select the correct one(s).
(A)B only
(B) A only
(C) Both A and B
(D) Both Band C
8. Mark the wrongly matched pair for ETS of mitochondria.
(A) Complex II - found in inter membrane space
(B) Complex IV-contains cytochrome a and a3
(C) Complex V - ATP synthase
(D) Complex I-receives electrons from NADH
9. Select the odd one regarding genetic material
(A) It should be able to generate its replica
(B) It should be structurally and chemically unstable
(C) It should provide the scope for slow changes that are required for evolutions
(D) It should be able to express itself in the form of ‘Mendelian characters’.
10. Select the wrong statement :
(A) Maximum species diversity is associated with tropical rain forest
(B) Only biotic factors affect the magnitude of primary productivity
(C) Energy flow in an ecosystem is always unidirectional
(D) GFC is major conduit of energy flow in aquatic ecosystem
11. Select the mismatched pair :
(A) Turner’s syndrome – monosomy
(B) Thalassemia – Recessive autosomal
(C) Down syndrome – Trisomy
(D) Polygenes – Qualitative inheritance
12. The crucial step for the success of breeding experiment is
(A) Collection of variability
(B) Cross hybridisations
(C) Evaluation and selection of parents
(D) Selection and testing of superior recombinants
13. If ‘+’ sign is assigned to beneficial interaction, ‘–’ sign to
detrimental and ‘O’ sign to neutral interaction, then the
population interaction represented by ‘+’ ‘O’ refers to
(B) Parasitism
(C) Commensalism
(D) Amensalism
14. Which of the following is correct for K- selected species?
(A) Large number of progeny with large size
(B) Small number of progeny with small size
(C) Small number of progeny with large size
(D) Large number of progeny with small size
15. Yeasts are used in all, except
(A) Production of statins
(B) Formation of alcoholic beverages
(C) Baking industry
(D) Commercial production of acetic acid
16. In competition, herbivores are more adversely affected than
carnivores because
(A) Former have less alternative resources for their survival as
compared to carnivores
(B) Resources are never limiting for herbivores
(C) Herbivores are always fewer in number than carnivores
(D) Later being at higher trophic levels have high number of predators
17. Select the incorrect statement about nucleolus.
(A) It is the site for rRNA synthesis
(B) Larger nucleoli are present in the cells that are actively involved in
protein synthesis
(C) It is not bounded by a membrane
(D) It is found in the cytoplasm as it takes part in spindle formation
18. Water is not the electron donor during photosynthesis in
(B) Chara
(C) Nostoc
(D) Thiospirillum
19. Tobacco mosaic virus
(A) Has lipid envelope as outer most covering
(B) Is a ribovirus with ds RNA
(C) Was crystallised by W.M. Stanley
(D) TMV is living outside the living host
20. Which of the following is edible stem?
(A) Banana (B) Pea
(C) Ginger (D) Sweet potato
21. Select the correct statement regarding the given two plant cells
A and B which are placed together.
22. An enzyme called nitrite reductase
(A) Reduces nitrate to nitrite
(B) Is found in roots only
(C) Reduces nitrite ions to ammonia
(D) Contains molybdenum
23. It is said that C4 plants can perform photosynthesis even when the
concentration of C02 is very low. It is due to
(A) Presence of RuB is CO in mesophyll cells
(B) Absence of photorespiration
(C) Regeneration of PEP in bundle sheath cell
(D) Presence of strong C02 fixing enzyme called PE Pease
24. Select the incorrect statement
(A) Pyruvate dehydrogenase requires Mg2+ for its activity
(B) The complete oxidation of pyruvate releases three molecules of CO2.
(C) ETS takes place on the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
(D) Net gain of ATP in alcohol fermentation is 2 ATP whereas in lactic
acid fermentation it is 7 ATP.
25. A parent of a child is homozygous for allele IA and other parent has
two different alleles for blood group i.e. IA and 1B. Which of the
following pair of blood groups is possible in that child?
(A)A or AB
(B) A or 0
(C) B or AB
(D) AB or 0
26. During replication, a short primer strand of RNA is required because
(A) DNA polymerase catalyses polymerisation only in one direction
(B) DNA polymerase III is incapable of initiating DNA synthesis.
(C) DNA replication is semi conservative in nature
(D) DNA replication is continuous on both the Strands
27. Endemic species are those species which
(A) Are found everywhere hence called cosmopolitan species
(B) Are vulnerable and facing high risk of extinction.
(C) Are threatened due to over exploitation
(D) Are found In a particular area such as Western Ghats
28. How many bivalents can be observed if there are total 100
chromosomes in a diploid cell?
(A) 50 (B) 100 (C) 9 (D) 2
29. Floral formula of potato is
30. Select true(T) or false(F) for the given statements and mark the
correct option.
A. Heartwood does not conduct water
B. Sapwood is hard, durable and resistant to attack of microbes
C. Annual rings seen in a cut stem give an estimate of the age of tree
(A) T T T
(B) F T T
(C) T F F
(D) T F T
31. Haplo-dlplontic life cycle is exhibited by
(B) pteridophyte
(C) fungi
(D) both (A) and (B)
32. Asexual spores formed exogenously during favourable
conditions, is a feature of
(A)Egg fungi
(B) Sac fungi
(C) Conjugation fungi
(D) Club fungi
33. Which of the following features given below are correct for coconut fruit?
(a) Develop from monocarpellary ovary
(b) Fibrous mesocarp
(c) Formed from inferior ovary
(d) Hard stony endocarp
(e) Edible mesocarp
(A)a, c and d
(B) c, d and e
(C) b, c and d
(D) a, b and d
34. Select the wrong statement
(A) Mesosome is seen in bacteria
(B) Mesosome is membranous
(C) Mesosome helps in cell division
(D) Polar molecules can pass through the nonpolar lipid bilayer
35. Asexual buds produced in Marchantia are
(A) Multicellular, green and diploid
(B) Green and haploid
(C) Non-green, multicellular and stalked
(D) Stalked, green and unicellular
Section - B
36. Select the incorrect statement about the nitrogenase enzyme
(A) Present in Prokaryotes only
(B) Present in prokaryotes and a all eukaryotes also
(C) Is Mo-Fe protein
(D) Functional in anaerobic conditions
37. Which of the following features is not associated with centrioles?
(A) Helps in formation of basal body
(B) Helps in spindle formation
(C) '9 + 0' arrangement of microtubules
(D) Surrounded by membrane
38. DNA is the predominant genetic material in most of organisms because
(A) It possesses 5-methyl uracil
(B) DNA provides scope of mutation at slow rate
(C) The two strands of DNA when separated by heating comes together as
they are parallel
(D) Both (A) and (B)
39. Cyclosporin A, a bioactive molecule is used as
(A) Clot buster
(B) Immunosuppressive agent
(C) Cholesterol lowering agent
(D) An enzyme for clearing of juices
40. Which phytohormone is used to speed up the malting process in
brewing industry?
(C) Zeatin
(D) GA3
41. Different shapes and types of chromosomes are given in column A and
B respectively. Select the correct option after matching the following
Column-A Column-B
a. V-shape (i) Acrocentric
b. L-shape (ii) Metacentric
c. J-shape (iii) Submetacentric
d. I-shape (iv) Telocentric
(A) a (iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
(B) a(ii), b-(iii), c(i), d(iv)
(C) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii)
(D) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
42. If a colour blind man marries a woman whose father was colour
blind, the probability of their son being colour blind is
(A) 50% (B) 75% (C) 10% (D) 25%
43. DNA dependent RNA polymerase does not catalyze transcription
on one strand of the DNA which is called the
(A) Coding strand
(B) Non coding strand
(C) Anti sense strand
(D) Template strand
44. Collateral, conjoint, endarch and closed vascular bundles are
characteristics of
(A)Dicot stem
(B) Dicot root
(C) Monocot stem
(D) Monocot root
45. Which of the following is a perispermic seed?
(A)Black pepper
(B) Wheat
(C) Maize
(D) Ground nut
46. How many hot spots of biodiversity in India have been
(A) 25 (B) 3 (C) 43 (D) 17
47. The chief producers in the oceans are
(A)Coral reefs
(B) Green algae
(C) Diatoms
(D) Dinoflagellates
48. The distinguishing feature of archaebacteria is their
(A) Type of DNA
(B) Type of ribosome
(C) Cell wall composition
(D) Mode of nutrition
49. Parietal placentation is found in
(B) Argemone
(C) Pea
(D) Waterlily
50. The pyramid of number in tree ecosystem
(B) Upright
(C) Spindle
(D) All of the above
Answer key
1. (b 16. (a 31. (d 46. (b
2. (d 17. (d 32. (b 47. (c
3. (a 18. (d 33. (d 48. (c
4. (c 19. (c 34. (d 49. (b
5. (a 20. (c 35. (b 50. (c
6. (d 21. (a 36. (b
7. (a 22. (c 37. (d
8. (a 23. (d 38. (d
9. (b 24. (d 39. (b
10. (b 25. (a 40. (d
11. (d 26. (b 41. (b
12. (d 27. (d 42. (a
13. (c 28. (a 43. (a
14. (c 29. (a 44. (c
15. (d 30. (d 45. (a

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