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Israeli Construction in East Jerusalem,


State-of-Play of Actual and Anticipated Projects

)As of April 1, 2008(

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis


• Since the November 2007 Annapolis Peace Conference,

there has been an unmistakable "surge" in Israeli
settlement-related activity in East Jerusalem.

• This activity includes both the issuance of new tenders

for construction and technical steps taken to prepare the
way for and expedite additional projects and tenders.

• This presentation summarizes the state-of-play of all

known Israeli settlement projects in East Jerusalem.

• The maps and data included herein reflect publicly-

available information and information provided by
reliable sources within the Israeli bureaucracy.

• It is probable that additional projects are being worked

on within the various ministries and the Jerusalem
municipality; as these come to light, the presentation will
be updated accordingly.
Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Tenders Published by the Government of

)Israel since Annapolis )822 units

The publication of tenders – i.e., invitations by the government of(

Israel for private contractors to purchase construction rights – is
a significant step towards implementation of a project. Once
third-party interests are involved, stopping a project becomes
exponentially more difficult, requiring, among other things, the
).government to financially compensate the third parties involved

).Gilo )Plan 3062 – 75 units, approx -

)East Talpiyot )Plan 7984 – 440 units -

)Har Homa )Plan 7509 – 307 units -

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

)Anticipated Tenders )1277 units

Government-owned properties for which required planning(

.)is complete and tenders may be issued at any time

Ramot -
)Plan 5330 – 158 units(
)Plan 8186 – 180 units(

Pisgat Ze’ev -
)Plan 7928 – 274 units(
)Plan 8150 – 252 units(
)Plan 8151 – 233 units(

East Talpiyot -
)Plan 7977 – 180 units(
Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Combined Current and Anticipated Tenders for

Israeli-Government Sponsored East Jerusalem

Total: 2099 units

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

East Jerusalem Town Planning Schemes

)Deposited for Public Review )3648 Units

Deposit for public review is the final stage before the(

approval of a Town Planning scheme, after which
building permits may be issued and construction may

Ramot -
)Plan 6885 – 105 units(

Neve Ya’acov -
)Plan 6513A – 393 units(

Givat Ha’matos -
)Plan 5834A – 2337 units(
)Plan 5834C – 813 units(
Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

East Jerusalem Town Planning Schemes Awaiting

Deposit for Public Review
)units 9031(
Town Planning Schemes “in the pipeline” that could be(
deposited for public review at any time. Some, like E-1 and
Herod’s Gate, are less likely to move forward anytime soon due
to strong international political opposition. Others may proceed
).quickly. All should be monitored carefully

Rekhes Shuafat -
)Plans 1185 and 11094 – 1960 units(
- Neve Ya’acov East
)Plan WB 240/3 – 1200 units(
- Mishteret Shal/Ras al Amud
)utilizes existing buildings – 120 units(
- Kidmat Tziyon/Abu Dis )Plan 7659 – 200 units(
- Har Homa C )Plan 10310 – 975 units(
- Herod’s Gate )Plan 9870 – 30 units(*
- E-1 )West Bank Plan 420/4 – 3500 units(*
- Shepherd’s Hotel )Plan 2591 – 246 units(**
**)Sheikh Jarrah )Plan 12705 – 200 units -
*** )Pisgat Ze’ev )Plan 11647 – 600 Units -

..Not likely to be implemented under the current Government *

Private construction requiring Municipal and/or Governmental **

.planning approval

.Estimated location ***

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Combined Current and Anticipated Town

Planning Schemes for Israeli-Government
Sponsored East Jerusalem Construction

Total: 12,679 Units

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Future )Distant( Construction Schemes

)units 22,500(

These construction schemes are being worked on in various(

ministries and the Jerusalem Municipality, but the statutory
).approval process has yet to commence

)Atarot )11,000 units -

)Mufti’s Grove )300 units -

)Givat Yael )3500 units -

)Mazmoriyyah )6000 units -

)Mordot Gilo )1700 Units -

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Combined Current, Anticipated, and Future

Town Plans for Israeli-Government
Sponsored East Jerusalem Construction

Total: 35,179 units

Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

East Jerusalem Construction Schemes Expedited

)after Annapolis )4470 Units

Expedited" refers to construction schemes that, since”(

Annapolis, the Government of Israel has brought
significantly closer to implementation, either by means of
publication of tenders or the deposit of Town Planning
Schemes for public review. The details of each scheme
.)appear in previous slides

)Ramot )Plan 6885 – 105 units -

)Neve Ya’acov )Plan 6513A – 393 units -
)Givat Hamatos A )Plan 5834A – 2337 units -
)Givat Hamatos B )Plan 5834C – 813 units -
).Gilo )Plan 3062 – 75 units, approx -
)Har Homa )Plan 7509 – 307 units -
)East Talpiyot )Plan 7984 – 440 units -
Governmental Construction in East
Jerusalem Post-Annapolis

Current, Anticipated and Future

Construction Schemes in East Jerusalem

Current tenders… ……... 822 Units

Anticipated tenders….…. 1277 Units

Current town plans…….. 3648 Units

Anticipated town plans… 9031 Units

Future town plans……..22,500 Units

Grand Total: 37,278 units

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