Test Bank For Making Europe The Story of The West 2nd Edition

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Test Bank for Making Europe The Story

of the West, 2nd Edition

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Making Europe: The Story of the West
Developed by a team of authors who have spent many years making history
accessible to a diverse range of readers, each chapter of MAKING EUROPE
begins with clear learning objectives and timelines, and continues with an
accessible narrative that uses focus questions throughout the text to help
all readers understand historical concepts. The ""Check-In"" feature and the
""Test Yourself"" questions at the end of each chapter help you assess your
understanding of the material. The text uses stories of ordinary people and
their impact on history, and visually stunning images and maps that make
learning history interesting. Available in the following split options: MAKING
EUROPE, Second Edition Complete; Since 1300; Volume 1: To 1790; and
Volume 2: Since 1550.

1. Half Title
2. Title
3. Statement
4. Copyright
5. Brief Contents
6. Contents
7. Maps
8. Features
9. Preface
10. About the Authors
11. Ch 1: The Origins of Western Civilization in the Ancient Near East, 3000–1200 B.C.E.
12. Chapter Outline
13. Introduction
14. Before History, 2,000,000–3000 B.C.E.
15. Mesopotamian Civilization, 3000–1200 B.C.E.
16. Egyptian Civilization, 3000–1200 B.C.E.
17. Lost Civilizations of the Bronze Age, 2500–1200 B.C.E.
18. Summary
19. Test Yourself
20. Ch 2: Iron Age Civilizations, 1200–500 B.C.E.
21. Chapter Outline
22. Introduction
23. Merchants and Traders of the Eastern Mediterranean, 1200–650 B.C.E.
24. The Hebrews and Monotheism, 1800–900 B.C.E.
25. The Assyrians and Their Successors, 900–550 B.C.E.
26. The Persian Empire, 550–500 B.C.E.
27. Summary
28. Test Yourself
29. Ch 3: The Rise of Greek Civilization, 1100–387 B.C.E.
30. Chapter Outline
31. Introduction
32. The Development of Greek Identity, 1100–776 B.C.E.
33. The Archaic Age, 776–500 B.C.E.
34. Sparta and Athens
35. The Classical Age, 500–387 B.C.E.
36. Summary
37. Test Yourself
38. Ch 4: From Polis to Cosmopolis: The Hellenistic World, 387–30 B.C.E.
39. Chapter Outline
40. Introduction
41. Alexander the Great, 387–323 B.C.E.
42. The Hellenistic World, 323–30 B.C.E.
43. Hellenistic Culture and Science
44. Identity in a Cosmopolitan Society
45. Summary
46. Test Yourself
47. Ch 5: The Rise of Rome, 753–27 B.C.E.
48. Chapter Outline
49. Introduction
50. The Development of Roman Identity, 753–509 B.C.E.
51. The Evolution of the Roman Republic, 509–146 B.C.E.
52. The Effects of Roman Expansion, 146–88 B.C.E.
53. The End of the Republic, 90–27 B.C.E.
54. Summary
55. Test Yourself
56. Ch 6: The Roman Empire, 27 B.C.E.–284 C.E.
57. Chapter Outline
58. Introduction
59. Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empire, 27 B.C.E.–14 C.E.
60. The Roman Peace, 14–192 C.E.
61. Religion in the Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity
62. The Roman Empire in Crisis, 193–284 C.E.
63. Summary
64. Test Yourself
65. Ch 7: Late Antiquity, 284–527
66. Chapter Outline
67. Introduction
68. The Restoration of the Roman Empire, 284–337
69. The Christian Empire, 312–415
70. Late Romans and Their World
71. The Fall of the Western Roman Empire, 364–476
72. The Post-Roman World, 400–527
73. Summary
74. Test Yourself
75. Ch 8: The Eastern Mediterranean, 500–1000
76. Chapter Outline
77. Introduction
78. Justinian and the Revival of the Empire in the East, 500–650
79. The Rise of Islam, 600–700
80. The Expansion of Islam, 700–800
81. Middle Byzantine Period, 600–1071
82. Summary
83. Test Yourself
84. Ch 9: The Kingdoms of Western Europe, 500–1000
85. Chapter Outline
86. Introduction
87. Regional Rule, Local Views, 500–750
88. The Western Church, 500–800
89. Charlemagne and the Revival of Empire in the West, 700–900
90. Order and Disorder in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
91. Summary
92. Test Yourself
93. Ch 10: The High Middle Ages, 1000–1300
94. Chapter Outline
95. Introduction
96. Church Reform and Spiritual Renewal
97. The Crusades
98. The Growth of Royal Authority
99. The Growth of Towns and Trade
100. The Building of Cathedrals and the Spread of Learning
101. Summary
102. Test Yourself
103. Ch 11: Reversals and Disasters, 1300–1450
104. Chapter Outline
105. Introduction
106. Famine and Plague
107. One Hundred Years of Warfare
108. Resistance and Revolt
109. A Worldly Church
110. The Contraction of Europe’s Borders
111. Summary
112. Test Yourself
113. Ch 12: The Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe, 1350–1550
114. Chapter Outline
115. Introduction
116. A New Climate of Cultural Expression
117. The Northern European Renaissance
118. The Cities of Renaissance Italy
119. Renaissance Ideals in Transition, 1400–1550
120. Summary
121. Test Yourself
122. Ch 13: Europe’s Age of Expansion, 1450–1550
123. Chapter Outline
124. Introduction
125. Economic and Social Change
126. Resurgent Monarchies
127. Europe’s Global Expansion
128. Exploration, Expansion, and European Identity
129. Summary
130. Test Yourself
131. Ch 14: Reform in the Western Church, 1490–1570
132. Chapter Outline
133. Introduction
134. The Context of Church Reform, 1490–1517
135. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, 1517–1550
136. The Protestant Reformation Across Europe, 1520–1570
137. Catholic Reform, 1500–1570
138. Reformation and Society, 1517–1570
139. Summary
140. Test Yourself
141. Ch 15: A Century of Crisis, 1550–1650
142. Chapter Outline
143. Introduction
144. Europe’s Economy and Society
145. The Fate of Spain and the Flourishing of the Netherlands
146. Political Contests and More Religious Wars
147. Reformation and Revolution in the British Isles
148. Christian Reform, Religious Wars, and the Jews
149. Summary
150. Test Yourself
151. Ch 16: State-Building and the European State System, 1648–1789
152. Chapter Outline
153. Introdcution
154. Absolutism in France, 1648–1740
155. The Austrian Habsburgs, 1648–1740
156. The Rise of Prussia, 1648–1740
157. Russia and Europe, 1682–1796
158. The English Constitutional Monarchy, 1660–1740
159. Two World Wars, 1740–1763
160. Summary
161. Test Yourself
162. Ch 17: The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, 1550–1790
163. Chapter Outline
164. Introduction
165. A Revolution in Astronomy
166. The Impact of the New Science
167. The Enlightenment
168. Society and the Enlightenment
169. Enlightenment Debates
170. Summary
171. Test Yourself
172. Ch 18: Trade and Empire, 1700–1800
173. Chapter Outline
174. Introduction
175. Economic Recovery
176. The Atlantic World
177. European Society in the Age of Enlightenment
178. The Beginning of Industrial Production
179. Summary
180. Test Yourself
181. Ch 19: Revolutionary France and Napoleonic Europe, 1775–1815
182. Chapter Outline
183. Introduction
184. From Crisis to Constitution, 1775–1789
185. The Constitutional Monarchy, 1789–1792
186. The Republic and the Reign of Terror, 1792–1795
187. The Rise of Napoleon, 1794–1804
188. The Napoleonic Empire, 1804–1815
189. Summary
190. Test Yourself
191. Ch 20: Restoration and Reform: Conservative and Liberal Europe, 1814–1847
192. Chapter Outline
193. Introduction
194. The Old Order and New Challenges
195. The Beginnings of Modern Ideology
196. Political Pressures on the Continent
197. Reform in Great Britain
198. Summary
199. Test Yourself
200. Ch 21: Industrialization and Society, 1800–1850
201. Chapter Outline
202. Introduction
203. The Spread of Industrialization
204. The Middle Classes
205. Working Classes
206. Critics of Industrialization
207. Summary
208. Test Yourself
209. Ch 22: The Triumph of the Nation-State, 1848–1900
210. Chapter Outline
211. Introduction
212. The Revolutions of 1848
213. New Nation-States and Nationalist Tensions
214. The Expanding Role of the State
215. Nationalism and Its Opponents
216. Summary
217. Test Yourself
218. Ch 23: The Culture of Industrial Europe, 1850–1914
219. Chapter Outline
220. Introduction
221. The Second Industrial Revolution
222. Mass Society
223. Art and Industrial Society
224. Science and Social Science
225. Summary
226. Test Yourself
227. Ch 24: The Age of Imperialism, 1870–1914
228. Chapter Outline
229. Introduction
230. Motives and Methods of the New Imperialism
231. The Scramble for Africa
232. The British Raj in India
233. Imperialism and the Muslim World
234. The Far East
235. Consequences and Critics
236. Summary
237. Test Yourself
238. Ch 25: War and Revolution, 1900–1918
239. Chapter Outline
240. Introduction
241. A New Century, 1900–1914
242. The Unexpected War, 1914
243. Total War, 1914–1918
244. Russia in Revolution, 1917
245. The Turning of the Tide, 1917–1918
246. Summary
247. Test Yourself
248. Ch 26: A Decade of Revolutionary Experiments, 1918–1929
249. Chapter Outline
250. Introduction
251. The Search for Stability, 1918–1924
252. Postwar Political Experiments, 1924–1929
253. The New Soviet State
254. Social and Cultural Experiments
255. Summary
256. Test Yourself
257. Ch 27: Democracy Under Siege, 1929–1945
258. Chapter Outline
259. Introduction
260. Responses to the Great Depression, 1929–1939
261. The Soviet Union Under Stalin, 1929–1939
262. The Third Reich, 1933–1945
263. World War II, 1939–1945
264. Summary
265. Test Yourself
266. Ch 28: Europe Divided, 1945–1968
267. Chapter Outline
268. Introduction
269. The Iron Curtain, 1945–1958
270. The Revival of Western Europe
271. The Restructuring of Eastern Europe
272. Superpower Conflicts and Colonial Independence Movements, 1945–1968
273. Cultural Developments and Social Protest
274. Summary
275. Test Yourself
276. Ch 29: Lifting the Iron Curtain, 1969–1991
277. Chapter Outline
278. Introduction
279. Politics in Western Europe
280. Social Change in the West
281. Growing Crisis in the Communist East
282. Cultural Leaps over the Wall
283. The Collapse of the Soviet System, 1989–1991
284. Summary
285. Test Yourself
286. Ch 30: Europe in a Globalizing World, 1991 to the Present
287. Chapter Outline
288. Introduction
289. Eastern Europe After Communism
290. European Integration
291. Europe and Globalization
292. The Future of the West
293. Summary
294. Test Yourself
295. Answers to the Test-Yourself Multiple-Choice Questions
296. Index

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