Read&Write Reviewer

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Module 5 : CRITICAL READING texts they sift through archives, this

device gives them relevance and clarifies

INTERTEXTUALITY their understanding of the new texts
● It refers to work whose meaning is
shaped by referencing other texts. Importance of Intertextuality
● Other texts help add meaning to Intertextuality shows how much a culture
the current text. can influence its authors, even as the
● The reader gets to understand the authors in turn influence the culture.
context of the piece through other
text which is parallel to it. HYPERTEXT
● Is the modeling of a text’s ● Is a nonlinear way of showing
meaning by another text. It is information.
defined as the connections ● It is characterized by the external
between language, images, links embedded in a text by the
characters, themes, or subjects writer. Here, the reader can read
depending on their similarities in the text in a non-linear way,
language, genre or discourse. because he is led to others links
outside the main text.
➢ The definition of intertextuality ● It enables the reader to arrive at
was created by the French the intended interpretation
semiotician Julia Kristeva in the ● It is taken through given
1960s. She created the term from links/commentaries directly
the Latin word intertexto, which connected to the text being read
means “to intermingle while
weaving.” Kristeva argued that all
works of literature being produced CRITICAL READING
contemporarily are intertextual ● Engaging in what you read by
with the works that came before it. asking yourself questions such as,
‘what is the author trying to say?’
or ‘what is the main argument
being presented?’
Also… ● Critical reading involves
Intertextuality does NOT require citing or presenting a reasoned argument
referencing punctuation (such as that evaluates and analyses what
quotation marks) and is often mistaken you have read. Thus, Critical
for plagiarism (Ivanic, 1998). Reading, in the MOST strict sense
in advancing one’s understanding


A majority of writers borrow ideas from

previous works to give a layer of meaning
to their own works. Since readers new
TYPES OF CLAIMS IN ARGUMENTATION - You can OPEN UP your topic by comparing
and contrasting your problem with a similar one
CLAIM in another time and/or place.
- It is a single statement
- The topic of an argument Example:
- It is not a question ● Honesty is the best policy
- It is phrased against the status quo. ● The most beautiful women are found in
- The central argument of thesis the Philippines
Statement of the text.
- It is what the writer tries to prove in
the text by providing details, explanations,
and other types of evidence CLAIM OF POLICY
- typically provide a solution or another series
of questions in response to the claims of facts
- It is a statement that indicates that action
CLAIM OF FACTS must be taken in specific policies.
- It is a statement of something that - Claims of policy are often procedural,
has existed, exists, or will exist. organized plans.
- It argues whether something is true - A counterclaim of policy posits that
or untrue. the problem exists, it's good to solve it
- It’s argument must have potential certain way, but there is a better solution
controversy. than the one you have proposed.
- It must be specific as to time, place, - It could involved a new procedure
people Involved, and situation. regarding prize, or making this
- It may be based on the author’s interpretation part of some pedagogy.
point of view, which you may find untrue.
Example: ● To attract more students, this
● Excessive alcohol consumption may University must review and revise its
lead to many illnesses. curriculum.
● The existence of nuclear weapons ● Philippines should protects its
has prevented the outbreak of World War III domestic industries with tariffs and quotas.


- It is based on preference such as likes
dislikes (good or bad) ● These are errors in reasoning that invalidate
- It shows that everyone has a bias of and argument. As a critical reader, you have to
Sorts, often embedded in social, religious, Identify and examine fallacies and manipulative
and/or culture values. language found in the text.
- It involves interpretations of the text ● It is therefore important that you know
determine what id good. bad, peasing, etc. What are some of the common fallacies.
Appeal to Occurs when a If you do not
Fallacy Description Example Force threat instead of admit that
reasoning, is evolution is not
used to argue. real, we will
include you
False Occurs when an Either you fully
from the group
Dilemma arguer presents devote yourself
his/her to the company
argument as one or you quit.
of only two Appeal to Occurs when Please do not
options despite Pity the element of fire me for being
the presence of pity is used absent all
multiple instead of month, I have a
possibilities. logical sick mother and
reasoning. a special child to
Appeal to Occurs when The writer does support
Ignorance something is not talk about
instantly the connection Appeal to Occurs when You can't
concluded to be between the Consequenc unpleasant believe that
true just victim’s killer es consequences of colonialism is
because it is not and his sister, so believing bad because if it
proven to be there must be something are were, then we
false and vice none. pointed out to would not be
versa show that the civilized
belief is false
Slippery Occurs when a If we ban
Slope series of computer shops, Bandwagon Occurs when an Most Filipinos
increasingly then students argument is want to have fair
superficial and will not be able considered to be skin because
unacceptable to do research. valid because it they think they
consequences is And if they do is what the look beautiful.
drawn not have tools majority thinks Therefore,
for research, having fair skin
these students must be the real
will fail their standard of
subjects. beauty

Complex Occurs when Have you Attacking Occurs when I cannot accept
Questions two or more stopped cheating the person someone tries to your argument
points are rolled on exam? refuse an because unlike
into one and the argument by me, you were
reader is attacking the not educated at
expected to character of a Harvard
either accept or person instead University.
reject both at of attacking the
the same time, ideas of the
when one point argument
may be
while the other
is not.
Appeal to Occurs when Bill Gates, the Wrong Occurs when Liver damage
Authority the argument co-founder of Direction the direction leads to
quotes an expert microsoft, between cause alcoholism
who is not recommends the and effect is
qualified in the effective fabric reserved
particular softening
subject matter properties of Complex Occurs when We were not
Downy fabric Cause the explanation able to solve the
softener. for an event is problem because
reduced to one of limited time,
Anonymous The Authority Expert claim thing when even if all the
Authority in questions is that eating there are other other groups
not mentioned peanuts causes factors which were able to do
or named pimples also contributed so
to the event.
Hasty Occurs when Martha, the
Generalizati sample is not foreigner form Irrelevant Occurs when an We must support
on significant or France, is very Conclusion argument which the fight for
enough to impolite. French is supposed or gender equality
support a people are mean prove between men
generalization and rude something and women.
about a concludes Woman have
population something else suffered enough
instead. violence at
False Occurs when a Drugs are like home. Violence
Analogy writer assumes massages: they against women
that two make you feel must be stopped
concepts that good
are similar in
Straw Man Occurs when Opponent: We
some ways are
the position of should relax the
also similar in
the opposition law governing
other ways
is twisted so the allowed
Accident Occurs when a Jaywalking is that it is easier smoking areas in
general rule is not allowed, so to refute the city.
applied to a you should not Fallacy: We
situation, even have done that should not do it
when it should even when you because the
be an exception were being number of
chased by smokers might
terrorists increase.

Post Hoc Occurs when a Dina saw a Affirming Any argument If you are
general rule is black cat when the of the form: If drinking wine,
applied to a they went home. Consequent A is true then B you have a
situation. even Along the way, is true. If it true, problem.
when it should they crashed into therefore A is Therefore, If
be an exception. a tree. The black true you have a
cat must be the problem you are
reason why they drinking wine.
met an accident
Denying the Any argument If you are 4. Establish your credibility by citing reliable sources.
Antecedent if the form: If A drinking wine, 5. Limit your position paper to two pages.
is true then B is you have a 6. Analyze your target readers and align your
true, Id A is not problem. arguments to their beliefs, needs, interests, and
true then B is Therefore, If motivations.
not true you are not
drinking wine, 7. Summarize the other side's counter-arguments
you do not have and refute them with evidence.
a problem 8. Use an active voice as much as possible. This will
make your tone dynamic and firm.
Inconsisten Occurs when a Frank is older
cy arguments than Jake, Jake 9. Arrange your evidence logically.
contradict one is older than 10. Check your paper for fallacies and revise
another Noli, and Noli is accordingly.
older than Frank

Paragraph One – Issue and Position


• Utilize this paragraph to clearly outline the main
- It is an essay that presents an
problems associated with your topic.
opinion about an issue - typically that
• The point of the paragraph is to provide a
of the author or some specified entity.
basic foundation as to the current situation
- It is a critical analysis of current facts,
associated with your topic.
data and research literature.
• After generally describing the issue, give your
- It present the arguable opinion about
country’s policy regarding the issue, and state
an issue.
specially why your country supports that policy.
• Policy statements can often be as short as
stating your country supports a certain action
- Help you understand your nation’s view
followed by a detailed qualification regarding this
and interests on the various issues that you w
policy decision.
discuss during the conference.
• This section of your position paper should not
- To generate support from the readers
exceed five to six sentences.
Though strong and valid assertions
- To generate support on an issue. It
describes a position on an issue and the
Paragraph Two – Detailed Background Information
rational for that position.

• This paragraph is an opportunity for you to
1. Begin the writing process with in-depth
show the depth of your knowledge about the
research about the issue at hand.
past and current situations regard your topic. Be sure
2. Be aware of the various positions about
to discuss:
the issue and explain and analyze them
a. Historical origin of the problem, particularly why
the problem arose.
3. Reflect on your position and identify its
b. How does the issue relate to the international
community and why is it of international ★ Your critique must be objective, so
concern. support it with evidence rather than instinct
c. Previous actions taken to try and solve the or emotion.
problem (if any)
d. Successes and failures of past actions and RESEARCH PROPOSAL
they succeeded or failed
e. Problems that continue to exist or ones A research proposal sets out the broad topic you
that have not yet been addressed. would like to research (substance), what the research
would set out to achieve (aims and objectives),
how you would go about researching it
Paragraph Three - Proposed Solutions (methodology), how you would undertake it
Regard ng the Issue within the time available (outline plan) and what
the results might be in relation to knowledge and
understanding in the subject (potential outcomes).
• This paragraph is the one that will set your
paper apart from the others. PURPOSE
• After identifying the problems in paragraph ➢ Research proposal is intended to convince
two, utilize this paragraph to list your others that you have a worthwhile research project
solutions to all the problems you and that you have the competence and the work-plan
enumerated above. to complete it.
• The quality of your solutions could be a ➢ The purpose of a proposal is to sell your idea
great determinant in the overall evaluation to the funding agency. This means that the investigator
of your position paper must convince the funding agency that:
• Mechanically, your position paper should ➢ The problem is significant and worthy of study
follow the guidelines set forth by the ➢ The technical approach is novel and likely to
conference, such as margin width and font yield results
size. ➢ The investigator and his/her research team
• Limit your position paper to one-two is/are the right group of individuals to carry out
pages, and do not write about both topics and accomplish the work described in the research
in the same position paper. proposal.


★ A critique is not (only) a criticism ➔ Title

★ A critique is a specific style of essay ➔ Abstract
in which you identify, evaluate, and respond ➔ Table of Content
to an author's ideas, both positively and ➔ Section A: Introduction
negatively. It is usually applied to academic ➔ Section B: Review of the Related Literature
sources. ➔ Section C: Methodology
★ You are expected to engage with the ➔ Section D: Ethical/ Legal Consideration
article rather than just summarize it, by ➔ Section E: Time Schedule
considering its content carefully, and from ➔ References
different angles.
1. BLOCK - Each line of every part begins at the left
BUSINESS LETTERS margin. At least one line space between each part.
★ a letter from one company to another, Time saving method and beautiful to look at, also
or between such organizations and their known as American style.
customers, clients, or other external parties. 2. INDENT - New paragraphs begin about 1.5
★ An effective business letter elicits the centimeters to the right of the left margin. This style is
expected response from the readers. This also known as Hanging style. This method consumes a
can be achieved through a concise, tactful, lot of time, looks shabby , therefore out of practice.
an accurate writing style. 3. SEMI BLOCK/MODIFIED BLOCK - Some parts are
★ They are used for different purposes; typed in block method and other parts are indented.
like placing orders, making inquiries’, Return address, date, closing and signature start just
making credit request, requesting claims and to the right of the center of the page or may be flush
adjustment, to apologize for a wrong or with the right margin. Most widely followed method
simply to convey goodwill. etc. in our country, especially in the government. offices.
★ Even today, they are very useful
because it produces a permanent record, MEMORANDUM
they are confidential, formal and delivers
persuasive, well-considered messages. ➢ also called as "memo", is meant to inform as
★ Style of letter depends on the well as to persuade people within an organization.
relationship between the parties concerned. ➢ A written statement you prepare specially for
a person or communicate an order to give them
PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER information about a particular method.
➢ A memorandum is considered “inside”
1. Letterhead correspondence.
2. Date ➢ It follows the inverted pyramid structure.
3. Inside Address ➢ A memo should be designed to get your
4. Attention Line message across quickly. Busy people do not want
5. Salutation to waste time reading unnecessary information.
6. Body ➢ It’s purposes are:
7. Complimentary Close o To Inquire
8. Signature Block o To Remind
9. Identification Initials o To Inform
10. Enclosure notation o To Promote Goodwill
11. Copy notation Format and Mechanics
12. Reference line o Use enumerations to list important items
o Use solid capitals and centering to emphasize an
important detail
o Use columns with headings to make reading and
understanding easier
o Use underlining and side headings to show natural
o Use bullets to emphasize several points BODY
o Use boldface and italics when appropriate ➢ Present your academic qualifications,
o Use color coding to attract attention extracurricular involvement, community activity
engagements, and some personal qualities with
specific evidence.
ELECTRONIC MAIL ➢ Organize your thoughts and segregate them
- a system in which people in any part into paragraphs. You may separate paragraphs by
of the world can communicate from one theme (one for academic qualification and one for
computer or device to other devices. extracurricular activities)
➢ State the benefits the university can obtain by
Few common email habits that cause admitting you. Do not just give facts; explain how
problems... these facts will benefit the university.
o Changing the topic without changing the sub
o Including multiple subjects CONCLUSION
o Misaddressed recipients ➢ Indicate your interest for an interview.
o Displaying addresses of recipients who are s ➢ Indicate how the interviewer can contact you.
o Replying vs. Forwarding ➢ Express you hope for a positive response from
the Admission Director.
➢ Say thank you.
➢ It is a tool that summarizes your skills,
★ It shows your interest in the university educational background, experiences and other
you are justifying why you are qualifies at qualifications.
the same time. ➢ It helps you market your skills to a prospective
★ It also serves as a cover letter for all employer.
your other college admission documents.
★ It follows a standard letter format FUNCTIONS:
★ It presents your academic
qualifications, accomplishments, and ● It informs the employers of the skills that you
reasons for applying for admission. can bring to the company.
● It shows how qualified you are for the job.
INTRODUCTION: ● It functions as a persuasive document which
➢ State who you are and what you are allows you to proceed to the next stage of the
applying for. recruitment process, the interview.
➢ State an eye-catching statement
about yourself. TYPES:
➢ Show your enthusiasm to study in the
university you are applying to. ● Reverse Chronological
● Functional
★ It is a type of personal business ➢ Always sign the letter.
correspondence which states your intention ➢ Use a letterhead w/c includes your full name,
to work in a particular organization. address, phone number & email address.
★ It is enclosed every time you send ➢ Use a business letter format.
your resume. ➢ Use 1-1.5 margin on all sides.
★ It can be a response to a job ➢ Have an appropriate page fill.
advertisement, an unsolicited inquiry to a ➢ Use font size of at least 10-12.
prospective employer as part of your direct
mail strategy, or a letter to a recruitment

➢ Introduce yourself and state your
➢ Indicate the source of info in learning
about the job vacancy.
➢ Add interesting statement about
➢ Show your enthusiasm to work in

➢ Present your qualifications with
specific evidence: experience, trainings,
academic and personal qualifications.
➢ Organize your paragraphs accordingly.
(1 for work experience, 1 for education)
➢ Explain the employers benefits if they
hire you.
➢ Lastly, suggest your strongest
credentials position.

➢ Indicate your interest for an interview
at a time most convenient to the employer.
➢ Indicate how the interviewer can
contact you.
➢ Express an expectation of a positive
response from the employer.
➢ Thank the employer.

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