2023-1 - Mech. of Materials (Lecture) - 2

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2023 1st Semester

Mechanics of Materials
(Lecture 01)

School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering

Prof. Hyoung-Seock Seo
Chap.1 Stress
1.3 Axially Loaded Bars <3>

a. Centroidal (axial) loading

⚫ Bar carrying uniformly distributed normal loads of intensity p
▪ When the loading is uniform, its resultant P=pA passes through the centroid of the loaded
→ axial or centroidal load
▪ Although the loads in Figs. 1.6(a) & (b) are
statically equivalent, they do not result in
the same stress distribution in the bar.
▪ In the case of the uniform loading, internal forces are also uniform.

• normal stress at any point on a cross section :

 = P/ A (1.4)

FIG. 1.6 A bar loaded axially by

(a) uniformly distributed load of intensity p.
(b) a statically equivalent centroidal force P = pA.

❑ Acting Point of Centroidal Load

• moment = (distance from the moment axis or point to the centre of physical quantity)
 (physical quantity)
• Let ( x, y ) be the acting point of stress rsultant. Then, moment due to P are :
_ _
M x = P y , M y = −P x (a)
Moment due to uniformly distribute d stress
over the cross section :
M x =   ydA =   ydA , M y =   xdA = −  xdA (b)
Since moments given by Eqs.(a) & (b) are same,
_ _
P y =   ydA , P x =   xdA

 ydA , _
 xdA → Coordinate of centroid

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⚫ Stress distribution due to the concentrated load (Fig. 1.6(a))

▪ The stress distribution is more complicated.
▪ Maximum stress is considerably higher then the average stress P/A.
▪ As the section moves away from the ends, stress distribution becomes uniform, reaching the
constant value P/A in a relatively short distance from the ends. → Saint Venant’s principle

FIG. 1.7 Normal stress distributions in a strip caused by a concentrated load.


❑ Saint Venant’s principle

The difference between the effects of two different but statically equivalent loads becomes very small at
sufficiently large distances from the load.
⚫ Most analysis in mechanics of materials is based on simplifications that can be justified with Saint
Venant’s principle.
⚫ Loads including support reactions can be replaced by their resultants and the effects of holes,
grooves and fillets on stresses and deformations can be neglected.
⚫ Without simplifying assumptions, analysis would be exceedingly difficult.

⚫ The designer must always keep in mind the approximations that were made, and make allowances
for them in the final design.

FIG. 1.8 Normal stress distribution in a grooved bar.


c. Stresses on inclined planes

⚫ Normal stress acting on the bar of cross section area A subjected to an axial load P : =P/A
⚫ The stress acting on plane a-a that is inclined at the angle  to the cross section.
▪ Area of the inclined plane : A/cos
P cos θ P
• normal stress :  = = cos 2  (1.5a)
A/ cos θ A
P sin θ P P
• shear stress :  = = cos  sin  = sin 2 (1.5b)
A/ cos θ A 2A
▪ Maximum normal stress : max =P/A (when =0) → =0
▪ Maximum shear stress : max =P/2A (when =45o) → = P/2A

FIG. 1.9 Determining the stresses acting on an

inclined section of a bar.
1.3 Axially Loaded Bars <8>

An axial load causes not only normal stress but also shear stress. The magnitude of both
stresses depend on the orientation () of the plane on which they act.
By replacing  with +90o in Eqs.(1.5), the stresses acting on plane a’-a’, which is
perpendicular to a-a
P 2 P
σ = sin  , τ  = − sin 2 (1.6)
A 2A
’,’ : Complementary stress acting on the complementary plane
From Eqs.(1.5) & (1.6)
τ = τ (1.7)
“The shear stresses that act on complementary
planes have the same magnitude
but opposite sense.”
Eq.(1.7) also applies to more complex loadings.

FIG. 1.10 Stresses acting on two mutually perpendicular

inclined section of a bar.
1.3 Axially Loaded Bars <9>

⚫ Allowable stress
▪ Design of axially loaded bars : based on the maximum normal stress
▪ Design criteria

•   W
where  : calculated normal stress from  =
 W : allowable stress or working stress of material

▪ Allowable or working stress : the largest value of stress that can be safely carried by the
material, which will be discussed in Art. 2.2.
d. Procedure for stress analysis <10>

❑ Finding the normal stress in an axially loaded member of a structure

⚫ Equilibrium analysis
▪ Find the external reactions using a free-body diagram (FBD) of the entire structure
▪ Compute the axial force P in the member using the method of sections.
◼ Introduce an imaginary cutting plane to isolate a segment of the structure. The
cutting plane must include the cross section of the member of interest.
◼ Find the axial force from the FBD.
⚫ Equilibrium condition for plane structure
1) equilibriu m of horizontal forces (in x direction) : F = 0

2) equilibriu m of vertical forces (in y direction) : F = 0


3) equilibriu m of moments about z axis : M = 0

⚫ <Note> Equilibrium condition (or equation)
: sum of forces in any particular direction = 0
d. Procedure for stress analysis <11>

⚫ Computation of Stresses
▪ After the axial force has been found by equilibrium analysis, the average normal
stress can be obtained from σ=P/A.
▪ In slender bars, σ=P/A is the actual normal stress if the section is sufficiently far
from applied loads and abrupt changes in the cross section (Saint Venant’s

⚫ Note on the Analysis of Trusses

(1) Weights of the member are negligible in comparison to the applied loads.
(2) Joints behave as smooth pins
(3) All loads are applied at the joints.
▪ Under these assumptions, each member of the truss is an axially loaded bar. The
internal forces in the bars can be obtained using equilibrium conditions from the
1.4 Shear Stress <12>

⚫ Normal stress : perpendicular to the surface on which it acts

⚫ Shear stress : tangent to the surface on which it acts. It arises when the applied loads
cause one section to slide past its adjacent section.

단면의 임의 점의 응력 :
 = P/ A (1.4)

(a) single shear in a rivet (b) double shear in a bolt (c) shear in a metal sheet
:V =P : V = P/2 produced by a punch

FIG. 1.11 Example of direct shear.

1.4 Shear Stress <13>

⚫ Shear stress
▪ Direct shear stress
: shear stress due to loading as in Fig. 1.11
▪ Induced shear stress
: shear stress on the inclined plane as in Fig. 1.9
⚫ Distribution of direct shear stress
▪ usually complex
▪ It is practical to assume that shear stress is uniform over the shear area A.
= (1.8)
▪ It is often used in design to evaluate the strength of connectors, such as rivets, bolts, and
1.5 Bearing Stress <14>

⚫ Bearing stress, b
▪ Stress due to compressive forces developed on the area of contact when two bodies are
pressed against each other.
▪ Illustration of bearing stress
◼ Soil pressure beneath a pier

◼ Contact pressure between a rivet and the side of its hole

▪ Distribution of bearing stress is very complex. So, it is usually assumed to be uniformly

distributed over the projected area.

Pb P
b = = , Pb : bearing force, Ab = td : projected area (1.9)
Ab td

단면의 임의 점의 응력 :
 = P/ A (1.4)
Fig. 1.12 Example of bearing

(a) a rivet in a lap joint (b) bearing stress is not (c) bearing stress caused by the bearing
constant force Pb is assumed to be uniform on
projected area td.

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