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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Chemistry Department

First Semester (231) Principles of Chemical Science I (CHEM101) 2023-2024

Textbook: Chemistry by J. Burdge, 4th Edition
Week Date Day Lec. Chapter Sec. Homework Laboratory
27 Aug U 1 1 1-2
1 29 T 2 1 3-4 Chap 1: 13, 23, 39, 47, 57 No Lab
31 R 3 1 5-6
3 Sep U 4 2 1-3 The Laboratory Safety/data/Techniques and SI Unit
2 5 T 5 2 4-6 Chap 2: 6, 23, 34, 45, 55, 59, 75 (Dry Lab 01) Page # 1-17 and 43
7 R 6 2 7-8
10 U 7 3 1-2
Basic Operations and Density
3 12 T 8 3 3-4
(Expt. 01) Page # 51
14 R 9 3 5-6 Chap 3: 6, 11, 21, 32, 63, 70, 88
17 U 10 3 7 Water analysis: Solids
4 19 T 11 4 1-2 (Expt. 3) page # 67
21 R 12 4 3-4 Chap 4: 7, 19, 21, 31, 41, 61, 83
24 U National Holiday, Sunday, 24 September 2023
5 26 T 13 4 5-6 No lab
28 R 14 10 1-2
1 Oct U 15 10 3-4 No Lab
6 3 T 16 10 5-7 Chap 10: 17, 25, 37, 61, 73, 85, 97
5 R 17 5 1-2
8 U 18 5 3-4 Percent of water in a hydrated salt
7 10 T 19 5 5-6 Chap 5: 13, 27, 35, 43, 53, 67 (Expt. 5) Page # 85
12 R 20 6 1-3
15 U 21 6 4-5 Chap 6: 5, 21, 33, 43, 53, 71, 97
Molar mass of a volatile compound
17 T 22 6 6-7
8 (Expt. 12) Page # 173
19 R 23 Review
21 SAT First Major Exam (Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4)
22 U 24 6 8-9
A volumetric analysis
9 24 T 25 7 1-2
(Expt. 9) Page # 133
26 R 26 7 3-4 Chap 7: 19, 35, 47, 73, 85
28 U 27 7 5-6
Vinegar Analysis
10 30 T 28 8 1-3
(Exp 10) Page No. 143
2 Nov R 29 8 4-5
11 5 U 30 8 6-7 Chap 8: 3, 19, 33, 37, 47, 53, 61, 73, 81 Molar Mass of a Solid
7 T 31 8 8-9 (Expt. 14) Page # 189
9 R 32 9 1-2
12 U 33 9 3-4 Chap 9: 9, 19, 29, 37, 53, 67 Atomic and Molecular Spectra
12 14 T 34 9 5-6 (Dry Lab 3 Parts A to C) Page No. 169
16 R 35 9 7
Mid-Semester Break, Nov 19 - 23, 2023
26 U 36 11 1-2
No Lab
28 T 37 Review
29 WED Second Major Exam (Chapters 10, 5, 6 & 7)
30 R 38 11 3-4
3 Dec U 39 11 5-6 Chap 11: 11, 33, 45, 49, 85, 105
Molecular Structure and Molecular Modeling
5 T 40 11 7
14 (Dry Lab 3 D) Page No. 170
7 R 41 13 1-2

10 U 42 13 3-4 Chap 13: 9, 23, 33, 57, 65, 87 CHEM101-Final Lab Test
12 T 43 13 5-6 1. Molar mass of a volatile compound
2. A volumetric analysis (Experiment)
14 R 44 Review
3. Molecular Structure and Geometry
17 U 45 Review Last day of the Classes
16 18 M Self-study Exam Preparation No lab

19 T Self-study Exam Preparation

Final Exam (Chap 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13): Date and location to be announced later by the Registrar
Chemistry by J. Burdge, 4th Edition
1. Homework

Students are strongly advised to do the homework. Note: There are two types of HW. (1) HW problems from the textbook mentioned in the class
schedule are for practice purpose only. (2) The other HW assigned on the Blackboard will be graded, timebound and common to all students.

2. Quizzes and Exams

Quizzes dates will be announced by your instuctor in due course.
3. General Policy on attendance and make-ups
(a) Attendance in the classes will be taken any time during the class period.
(b) "DN" grade will be given to any student exceeding:
*9 unexcused or 15 excused and unexcused absences in the lecture classes
*3 unexcused or 5 excused and unexcused absences in the laboratory classes
*An officially authorized excuse of absence(s) from Student Affairs must be presented to the instructor no later than one week following the
resumption of class attendance.
(c) Policy for the missed Major and Final exams:
If a student missed any one Major (M1 or M2) exam then the student must bring an official excuse from Student Affairs within a week.
Student's score for the missed Major exam will be decided by the Exam Committee using a specific formula. If a student missed the Final
exam and has an official excuse, then the student will be assigned an "IC" grade, however, the student must take a make-up Final exam in
the next semester along with all CHEM101 students.
(d) No Make-up will be given for missed HW, quizzes and labs.
(e) Only non-programmable calculators are allowed in the exams and the use of mobile phones and smart watches are strictly prohibited.
4. Grade Distribution
Components Points Percent (%)
First major 60 15
Second major 60 15
Final Exam 100 25
Laboratory work 100 25 Normalized to an average of 75%
Quizzes 60 15 Normalized to an average of 75% (45/60)
Homework 10 2.5
Attendance 10 2.5 1 point will be deducted for each unexcused absence.
Total 400 100
Plagiarism and Cheating: (Please read carefully)
In this course, there will be individual assignments. It is important that your assignments must be completed with your own efforts alone.
The instructor cannot and will not tolerate any sort of academic dishonesty. It is also the responsibility of the student to be on guard
against cheating at any time when writing a paper to be turned in and while taking exams and quizzes.
During tests (quizzes or exams), cheating or attempting to cheat by any means or using any unauthorized tools (such as mobiles) will
result in a grade of "F" in the course and reporting the issue to the higher University administration.

Principles of Chemical Science I (CHEM101) Learning Objectives

1. To become familiar with the scope, methodology, and application of modern chemistry and to learn to appreciate its ability to
explain the physical world.
2. To understand that all matter consists of atoms, and that the limitless variety observed around us stems from the ways that these
atoms bond with one another.
3. To learn problem solving and learning to interpret the data, to employ valid and efficient methods of analysis, and to assess whether
or not the results of calculations are reasonable.
4. To learn the principles of atomic and molecular theory, stoichiometry, and thermodynamics.
5. To generalize the analytical and quantitative skills gained in this course and to apply them in more advanced courses and throughout
ones career.
Principles of Chemical Science I (CHEM101) Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
1. Recognize the fundamental principles in chemistry.
2. Name correctly chemical compounds.
3. Describe the properties of solids, gases, liquids, and solutions.
4. Balance correctly different types of chemical equations.
5. Solve problems using dimensional analysis with conversion factors.
6. Perform laboratory experiments in a safe and professional manner.
7. Handle basic chemical tools, such as an electronic balance, burette and pipet.
5. Solve problems using dimensional analysis with conversion factors.
6. Perform laboratory experiments in a safe and professional manner.
7. Handle basic chemical tools, such as an electronic balance, burette and pipet.

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