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“Woe to you, non-believers, for you are like whitewashed crypts, who are beautiful outside but

within are full of death!” -Gospel of the Transformation Mk. 23, proclamation 27

The Fideistic Transformation. The sentinels of salvation, the distributors of deliverance, or, as
they’re more commonly known on the streets of CY, a bunch of undiluted maniacs. What most
people know of the Transformation is the starving, zealous supplicants who scourge and beat
themselves in frenzied penance at the steps of their temples, or the white-robed emissaries who
walk the streets preaching of higher power and final judgment.

Out here in Low Meadow, far from the beating heart of the Transformation up in North Central,
faith is more competitive. Instead of the single dominant megatemple and a few sparse, small
outposts, Low Meadow is a divided ground between several mega-churches, each with their
own tithe-hungry pastors of the Transformation vying for more turf and worshipers.

It’s in this environment that Preacher Apollo Imra, 54, operates, pastor
of the Great Grand Temple of the Truth of the Transformation. He’s
been lonely at the top for a while, managing to hold the most ground and
largest congregation for close to nine years in Low Meadow.

It’s well-known that he makes full and thankful enjoyment of the blessings
bestowed upon him, with a low-orbit space mansion under construction to
replace his current luxury complex. He also adheres to one of the
polygamous branches of the Transformation, with almost two dozen
spouses of differing sexes and ages. He’s really married to the doctrine,
however, and spends most of his time preaching in the Temple.

The call came from Aviv Rann, 22, one of Apollo’s wives (number 20, in
fact). Her zealous parents pledged her to Apollo when she was 12. He
completely forgot about the offer and only married her some time later,
when she was 20. She’s had enough, and needs someone to
assassinate her husband.

The pay is 30K creds total, for the whole team. This is, however, on the
particular caveat that you yourselves must be the ones to kill him. If
you let someone else ice him first- after all, the good Preacher has a lot of
enemies -Aviv will cancel the contract.
TIMING/GEO. The Preacher will be located in the Vestry of the Great Grand Temple tonight,
disgracing his station with several quite zealous young congregants, according to Aviv. He’s
unlikely to leave the area before morning, but if he’s not dead by Daybreak Mass, the deal is off.
The operation starts at 00:00, and must conclude before 06:00.

SECURITY. Apollo hasn’t gotten this far in the ecclesiastic free-for-all of Low Meadow religion
without being a little bit paranoid. He has ‘Angel’ ordnance drones patrolling the airspace, and
teams of Transformation ‘Paladins’ standing guard throughout the temple.

Flying it can fly.
Thermal Scanners can spot you in the dark and while invisible.
Noisy the drone’s rotors kick up a racket; it’ll never sneak up on anyone.
Halo™ Digipurity Assurance Systems the drone can’t be hacked remotely; you’d have to
jack into it in person.
SEEKER MISSILE takes one turn to arm and fire, during which time the missile bay of the
drone is exposed; hitting the bay is DR+5 on the shot and always crits. d10 damage.
MALLEUS CHAIN-MISSILE LAUNCHER a cross between autocannon and rocket launcher.
Takes 1 turn to spin up, fires 3 times a turn, d6 damage from mini-rockets.

Zealot re-rolls failed morale checks.
Each Paladin has one of the following:
● SHIELD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS carries a bulletproof shield with 10 HP and armor -d4.
You can only hit them from the sides or with explosives until the shield is broken.
● SWORD OF CONTEMPT carries a custom pyro-monoblade, dealing d8 damage and
ignoring armor, and can spray flames 3 times to deal d4 damage to 2 targets close by.
Map of the Great Grand Temple of the Truth of the Transformation.
Pink for doors, red for steps, blue for water, black for terrain (sofas, tables, chairs, etc.)

Building Details.
LIGHTING: mid-brightness fluorescents throughout, except for guest bedrooms, master
bedroom and bedchamber (simulated-incandescent Kozylites™).
AMBIENT NOISE: minimal; background from fountains in Atrium, Event Hall and Greenhouse,
a few late-working desk jockeys clacking keys in the Main and Side Office.
FURNISHINGS: first and second floors, polished tiles. Other floors, thick and pricey carpets.
Greenhouse, artificial sod. Helipad, simple asphalt.
● Atrium. The reception hall of the Vestry. Mostly filled with a pool, thin safety glass around the
edge (although if you hurled somebody bodily into it, they’d smash right through and go into the
water). Photos and holo-projections of Apollo’s most packed sermons and masses line the
● Interview Room. Apollo’s press room, where he lounges in style for recorded reviews.
Holographic projection of venerable-looking bookshelves around the edges of the room to give
an air of wisdom; you can walk right into them and hide behind it if you want. You’ll be totally
invisible except to thermals.
● Conference Room. Reserved for important meetings and treaties with fellow preachers.
Currently empty; just one janitor polishing the ancient, genuine wood tabletop. His name’s Silk
and he’s surprisingly calm, no matter how heavily armed the pvnks might be. He’s unarmed and
claims he’s no threat.
○ For 1k creds, he will never have seen you come through. He currently has various paystiks
in his pocket, totalling 8k creds. If interrogated or threatened with death, he’ll only admit to
seeing two other crews coming through (the Kergozites and the Alliansen squad). He thinks
they’re also hit teams.
● Dining Room. Kept by Apollo for important events and big dinners with his wives. Currently
unoccupied; just two janitors cleaning up after dinner that night. Their names are Dyn and Max,
and they’re very surprised and fearful if anyone comes through.
○ They swear they haven’t seen anyone go through. They’re telling the truth.
● Kitchen. The industrial-sized kitchen required to cook for Apollo’s events and his family. At
twenty-one adults, it takes a lot to make even a light brunch. Currently occupied by two cooks,
three waiters, and four Alliansen discount hitmen, arguing over how they’re going to divide
up three waiter outfits between the four of them.
The hitmen were hired by another one of Apollo’s wives, Naomi, and they’re not willing to
compromise on the kill, or to have extra witnesses. They’ll attack anyone who comes in, and
in combat will gun down the waiters and cooks the first chance they get.
● HP 4 ARMOR heavy-duty vest -d3 MORALE 7
● SÜBTL-T™ WRIST PISTOL d4, can be hidden under long sleeves.
○ The wait staff and cooks will try to escape if someone engages the Alliansen
hitmen. They’re good, too. Every round that at least one of them is still alive,
there’s a 1 in 4 chance they get in a vital stab on one of the hitmen with a
butcher’s knife or roasting fork, instantly taking them out of the fight.
○ If saved, they’re fully ready to leave you to the work of taking out Apollo. They
say he’s always been an unappreciative and picky diner. They advise you that
Mr. Apollo is definitely still awake- he often calls for coffee and a snack in the
library around 02:30 after he’s finished with his pious young guests.
● Hall. Empty area just leading into the stairs forward and the kitchen and dining room on
each side. One Bargain Bin Bruiser standing guard out here in case any of the kitchen
staff made a break for it.
● Lounge. Large open area full of luxurious, squashy, genuine leather sofas where Mr. Apollo
receives his guests and serves lighter refreshments than the dining room would be used for.
There’s still three bottles of Aphrodyte out here, potent alcohol blended with drugs to enhance
intimate performance (100 creds each), and a tray of totally ignored but very delicious
chocolate-filled minicakes, as well as a pair of discarded high heels.
○ Dead janitor dumped behind the couch furthest to the right of the map. Forensic analysis (KNO
DR 13) suggests there wasn’t a finger laid on them; not strangled or poisoned. Really good
forensic analysis (KNO DR 16 + crime scene kit) suggests they suffered serious, instant brain
trauma, like somebody managed to crush their brain without touching their head. They’ve got 50
creds on them.
● Event Hall. An airy, high-ceiling room with a gushing fountain in the center, the perimeter lined
with elaborate columns. Holographic displays have lines of Transformation scripture curl around
each column, and the fountain is built to show a tastelessly over-curvaceous angel holding aloft
a chalice, from where the water flows. There’s 13 creds worth of small change tossed into the
fountain’s pool. Currently empty.
● Library/Study. Has one large desk with a swivel chair in front of it, and several shelves of
literature: old-fashioned books, smart-readers, litera-tablets, holo slides and others. Also has,
positioned in ambush within it, a band of three Kergozite killers, lying in wait for the Pastor one
he’s finished tonight’s revelry.
The Kergozites were hired by another one of Apollo’s wives, Jaina, and decided to play the slow
game by mauling Apollo when he came in, as Jaina informed them that he had a habit of coming
here for postcoital snacks after entertaining his special company. They won’t compromise- they’ll
kill Apollo, that idolatrous swine, leading people astray of Kergoz’ viral light.
● HP 6 ARMOR infested flesh -d2 MORALE 11
● PSYCHIC SHOCK d6 damage to a target they can see, d8 if you’re nano-infested. Then
roll 1d4 for infestation backlash:
○ 1: can’t move for 1 round, -4DR to hit.
○ 2: eyes blow out in a spray of blood, blinded.
○ 3: biofeedback, vomits violently and loses 2 HP.
○ 4: psy-domino, that zealot takes d6 damage and the other one d4.
● SHANK d3, 1 in 4 chance of instantly triggering an infestation effect (if the target has any).
● The Kergozites carry two doses of Psypressant Pills each, one dose of which allows them
to use their Shock (or a pvnk to use any Nano) without their infestations triggering. 100
creds for each dose on the black market.
● Video Studio. The area where Apollo records his vlogs and sermons. Has a high-quality
desktop rig and camera, as well as a shelf of Transformationist literature, although almost
completely for appearances. Has a sheaf of notes on the desk, abstract scribbles like “ascend to
greater form”, “treacherous nest of witches”, “reject the temptations (?)”, and “a nuclear sabbat
for the whole of mankind”. It seems he just jots down notes and makes the rest up as he goes.
● Small Lounge. The area where Apollo entertains his special brand of company. Currently has
two somewhat sweaty evening dresses tossed idly over the floor, spilled alcohol soaking a
couch cushion, and an abandoned purse with 70 creds inside. There’s a random member of
Apollo’s flock here who seems to have succumbed to the drinks; she’s currently clad in a
pawed, disheveled and much deeper-necked version of a nun’s habit.
○ The lady’s name is Katie Czalds, and if aroused from her stupor she will a) vomit, then b)
scream, and finally c) if calmed down (or sufficiently terrified, either way works, DR 14 PRE for
any attempts to get information out of her to succeed) admit that she was in fact here for less
than virtuous activities, and that she thinks the others have gone to the ‘big bedroom’.
○ Katie just wants out, she’s no threat. She swears on the faith that she’ll wire you 500 creds if
you never tell anyone you saw her here.
● Guest Bedroom 1. One of the rooms that Apollo reserves for his guests until such a time as
they can slip out of the Vestry without being seen. Currently being set up by a lone
housekeeper. Bedside table holds premium beauty products worth 50 creds.
○ The housekeeper is Alexyos Vezi, one of the few genuinely faithful people in the whole of the
Vestry, currently spitting curses and disgusted remarks about adulterers. Won’t notice anyone
who doesn’t approach them; writes visitors off as some whore guest of that bloated blasphemer
○ If spoken with, Alexyos is eager to help kill Apollo, even without a cut of the pay. They’ve been
setting up the bedrooms all evening and haven’t spotted anyone, and know nothing about the
other two hit teams. However, they do emphasize that if the Preacher hears any disturbance
on the penthouse floor, he’ll sprint for the helipad and take off. They urge the pvnks to use
knives or suppressors for any work on the office floor or above.
● Guest Bedroom 2. Already set up by Alexyos, another one of the crash-pads that Apollo
reserves for his special guests. Has another 50 creds worth of premium beauty products on the
nightstand, plus a pack of high-grade cigars worth 100 creds.
● Guest Bedroom 3. Not yet set up by Alexyos, still messy from the last visit. Sheets hanging off
the bed, blanket on the floor. Currently empty, smells of sweat and alcohol.
● Home Gym. A large space, dead silent save for the hum of the air conditioners, equipped with a
bench press, punching bag and squat rack (well-used), as well as a treadmill (totally neglected).
A bench in the corner holds a bottle of some sports drinks and several bottles of Results™
steroid pills. Pop a mouthful (2/bottle) and make one hour of Strength checks at +8, and every
Toughness test for 12 hours at -4.
● Small Library. Mostly filled with Apollo’s own books, such as Modern Polygamy, A Study of
Virtues, What They Don’t Tell You About Faith, and The Secrets of Ascendancy. There’s a
computer rig on the desk, where a Phantom™ ghostwriter AI is plugged in and currently
producing Apollo’s next best-seller, Cloth of Gold: Addressing Corruption within the Modern
Religious Field. Also plugged into the rig is a RiteGood™ editor AI going over the Phantom™’s
work. The text on the screen keeps crossing bits out and re-writing. The signed, mint,
first-edition copies of Apollo’s books, of which there are eighteen, are worth 100 creds each.
● Master Bedroom. A luxurious room a-reek with the smoky scent of the incense burning in the
corner in an unbelievably ancient metal brazier. Dominated by the colossal SmartSleep
king-size bed with heated mattress, chilled pillows, massage settings, laundering nanobots,
built-in surround-sound speakers with pre-installed ASMR and soothing ambience tracks and
more. Also has inside it a pair of extremely angry UCS Elimination+™ assassins.
The assassins were hired by yet another one of Apollo’s wives, Betsy, and were informed that
he’d be in the ‘big bedroom’. They spent three hours in their camo cloaks listening to Apollo flirt
poorly and tastelessly with a bunch of gullible young followers and are at the end of their ropes
from realizing that they’d been waiting in the wrong bedroom. At this point, if anyone is going to
kill Apollo, it will be them, not just for the money but also for wasting their time.
○ HP 8 ARMOR infiltration flexi-plate -d4 MORALE 10
○ CAMO CLOAK can go invisible for 1 minute or until hit. Attacks are +4DR harder
to dodge and they’re +4DR harder to hit.
○ ADRENALINE SURGE built-in adrenaline shot in their armor fires if their vitals
are fading. If shot or shanked to death without a crit, they only fall to 1 HP
instead. Doesn’t work if they’re burnt, exploded or disintegrated.
○ SILENCED PRECISION RIFLE d8, makes about the same amount of noise as
clapping your hands.
● The Eliminators have a dose of Adrenachrome_HST each, and no ID at all. Their
fingerprints are burnt off, their retinas removed and replaced with cyberware, scrambled
voice boxes cause their speech to be hoarse and keening but also unrecordable by
microphones, and their faces have been tattooed with anti-recognition patterns.
● Main Office. Two of the cubicles are occupied by dead-eyed interns kept awake (and to a
certain extent alive) by energy drinks and hard drugs, one hashing out a conference
appearance deal, the other haggling for a NDA with one of Apollo’s previous special guests.
The interns are too dazed by fatigue and stimulants to even process if they’re being
threatened. By 02:00, the one working on the NDAs will drop dead of strain. Aside from
them, the area is empty, just a stifling office smelling of coffee and instant noodle
● Office Kitchen. Attached to the main office area. Each cabinet has a masking tape label,
several of them with several centimeters of thickness of labels over labels. Various
foodstuffs of the modern serf- straight caffeine shots, instant noodles, Instanter™ rapid
noodles, and a few halfhearted home-cooked dishes (synthetic rice, algaeghetti and
bugballs, etc.) in Fresh Seal© containers -inside the cabinets and the battered fridge.
● Recording Room. The room where Apollo records his podcast sermons. Consists of a large
recording booth and a small tech studio with high-grade recording gear wired up between
the two. Apollo likes to strut and gesture during his sermons, so the studio needs a lot of
space. One intern technician is still there, editing today’s recordings.
○ His name is Wes, and he’s queasy at the thought of losing his job but too embittered from
long hours and poor pay to try and stop you. All he’ll say is, like Alexyos, if Apollo is alerted
at all mid-revelry, he’ll dash for the helipad.
● Side Offices. Apollo’s accountant’s office, publicist and similar jobs too important for the
cubicle block. Only one is occupied, by his publicist, Yan Sorrelsworth.
○ Yan is a hyper-cybered, nearly full-borg lady whose age is unguessable through the
cybernetics. She’s cautious around contract killers but willing to push her luck; she demands
5k of “whatever you’re getting paid by whoever’s paying you” to have not been working late
on this fateful night. If haggled with, she’ll push; if threatened, she’ll back down and just ask
to get out alive.
● Hallways. Also on this floor, creeping through the hallways, is a lone private assassin, a
real professional, not a rent-a-gun from a sec megacorp.
○ Their name is Riveisgh. They’ve been hired by another one of Apollo’s wives, Vivian, and
have been moving their way up the tower, currently en route to the penthouse floor. If
confronted, they’re professional and apologetic, but quite adamant about the fact that they
need minimum witnesses and interference.
● HP 10 ARMOR stealth-op gear -d4 MORALE 10
● SMOKE BOMB x2, fills one hall or small room with opaque smoke, which they can
see through thanks to their VISIONVISOR
● SUPPRESSED SMG d8a, makes about as much noise as humming.
● If taken down to 3 HP, they’ll holler ‘nuff, admit you’re good, and be willing to bug out
and let you bag this one. They warn you they’ve spotted more heat sigs than
anticipated on the top floor: looks like Apollo allowed some plus-ones?
● Entryway. A large room, all but empty, a yellow-brick road of peeled-off underclothes
careering across the floor to the bedroom door. No sound but muffled talking and
giggling from the bedroom. There are two people here: Apollo’s wives Jenifer and
Natalie, to murder him in person.
● HP 7 ARMOR StyleGuard -d2 MORALE 8
● AIR-NEEDLER PISTOL d6, totally noiseless.
○ Jen and Nat will panic at first and start shooting, but if the pvnks negotiate, they’re
willing to bargain. They demand they get to be the ones to kill Apollo. That isn’t
changing, no matter your contract or the cut you offer. If a single unsuppressed
gunshot, or any other grisly and unusual sound, is made in this area, Apollo will
panic, run for the helipad, and get gunned down (see Bedchamber)
● Bedchamber. Occupied primarily by the huge bed, with a few lounge sofas around it.
Smells of incense, alcohol and the reek of organic congress. The bed has two young
women and one young man on it, all of the same slim and graceful build, wrapped up in
blankets but otherwise undressed. The Preacher himself is also there, a towel tied
kilt-style around his portly waist, regaling them with tales of past escapades of infidelity.
○ Coincidentally, at the exact moment that the pvnks, or Jen and Nat, enter the
room (if by way of the Entry), the Silence™-class Killbot that yet another of
Apollo’s wives, his very first one, Margaret, has dispatched after him, will burst in
from the helipad. It is utterly uncompromising.
● HP 16 ARMOR ballistic plating -d6 MORALE --
● COMBAT STROBES mounted on the chest that blaze disorienting light. If you haven’t
got any eye protection or cybernetic eyeballs, test TOU DR 16 or -4 on everything for
d6 turns, if you stand facing its front.
○ Apollo will dive for cover behind a bed and offer millions to whoever rescues him. His paramours
for the night will make no contribution to the fight beyond screaming, weeping and pleading for
him to be spared from all parties.
○ If Jen and Nat survive the fight and Apollo is still alive, they will pistol-whip him half to death and
then force him to jump off the helipad at gunpoint. (Apollo will beg to be saved throughout all
this, offering massive bribes or quoting passages about forgiveness of trespasses.) They will
want to shoot his paramours then and there if any of them survived the gunfight.
○ The paramours will want to not be shot, and beg for their lives. Between them all they can offer
2k creds and their collective oaths to never speak a word of what happened here tonight if you’ll
spare them. The boy is Tommy, the girls are Skiera and Vow. Skiera also offers her car, which
is a four-door in moderate condition.
● Greenhouse. This is just a greenhouse. Paths of artificial sod wind between genuine greenery
and around a koi pond. The roses bloom in uniform white with yellow highlights. The fountain is
decorated with a tacky statue of two emphatically female angels, on their knees, embracing,
with the spray of water emerging from between their chests. There’s one gardener here.
○ The gardener’s name is Polman, and years hang heavy over his gray head. He coughs often,
lungs succumbing to the city air, but he’s fiercely devoted to his employer. He has 1 HP and
zero armor, and is unarmed except for a watering can (d2). However, if he can be persuaded
that the pvnks aren’t here to kill Apollo, he’ll warn them urgently about the killbot lying in wait on
the helipad.
● Helipad. The pad is occupied by a luxury skylimo. There’s also the orbital drop pod the
Silence™-class killbot was deployed from, draped in its own parachute, and two dead guards by
the sides of the door, killed when the Silence™ slammed their skulls back against the wall
behind them. If the pvnks go to the helipad first, the Silence is out there; if they go to the
bedchamber first, it immediately bursts in.

If Apollo lives, the bets are off. You’re not getting paid and Aviv is seeking to tie up the loose
ends by putting you on ice with more hired hit squads.

If Apollo is dead, the money goes through. Aviv could care less for her co-wives and their
schemes; hers worked out and that’s good enough.

Apollo’s death will throw Low Meadow into chaos. The kingpin for close to a decade has been
deposed and now it’s anyone’s game for dominance of faith- and tithing -throughout Low
Meadow. This includes the first AI pastor, Mr. Deliverance and his congregation of machines;
the bloodletting lunatics of the Transformed Heart Cult; the crypto-Kergozite sect of the
Temple of the Ascension of Faith, and Apollo’s long-time rival for power, Prioress Fimble
Goss, with her flock of parishers kept on a spiritual high of hallucinogens and hypno drugs to
make them insanely devoted to her word.

If Apollo is spared, he’ll be willing to pay up to 2 million creds for his life to be spared. He
demands a three-day grace period to be assured you won’t come back to double-tap him,
getting both his bribe and your employer’s bounty. During this time, he will dispatch every
hitman and merc he can hire- and he can hire a lot of them -to try and take you out instead of
having to pay, extending to declaring you anathema to the Transformation and taking
sanctuary in the Neon Pillar megatemple to avoid you.

WH1TEWASHED T0MB is an independent production by Ross_Hollander and is not affiliated with

Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License. CY_BORG IS ©2022

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