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Code: 900004 A_ 1394

Unit 1- Task 4 - Oral production preparing my job interview

Presented to:
Jorge Luis Chavez

Delivered by:

Angie Camila Grisales Miranda

Code: 1000223464

National Open and Distance University - UNAD

School of basic sciences, technology and engineering
Noviembre 15, 2023
CEAD - Dosquebradas

Study the contents of modules 5, 11 and 12 and do the following lessons:

Module 5: lesson 1 (watch the video and complete the proposed

Module 11: lessons 8, 9, 14 and 16
Module 12: lessons 3, 7, 8, 10 and 14.
Share the screenshots of these activities on the forum

Module 5
Lesson 1

Module 11
Lesson 8
Lesson 9

Lesson 14

Lesson 16

Module 12
Lesson 3
Lesson 7

Lesson 10

Lesson 14
2.1. In this stage, you must participate in, at least, 3 STT (Student Talking Time) workshops. Your tutor
will send you the schedule for the STTs; be sure to actively participate in, at least, 3 sessions and take
screenshots of every session you participate in, to add these into the final document. You need to take 3
screenshots for each STT session (one at the beginning, one in the middle, and another at the end of the
session). In total, you need 9 screenshots.
Make sure that your face and name are visible when you take these pictures.
The score you will get from this stage depends on how active you are in every session.

STAGE 3 (Optional)

This stage is for practice only and will not be graded. For this stage, your
critical and professional thinking are required to attend the job interview. It
is now time to get the job of your life. Let´s do it together!
3.1. The student can request a 15-minute slot from their tutor for a mock
interview exercise. This activity is not mandatory, carries no evaluative
weight, and its execution depends on the tutor's availability. If you wish to
carry it out, please contact your tutor through the established
communication channels and request an appointment for the practice
3.2. Students who wish to complete the practice exercise must request
their appointment during the first week of the task (September 29 th to
October 6th). Starting from the second week, no practice slots will be
3.2. Be on TEAMS 15 minutes before the interview to test your audio and
video hardware and settings. Let your tutor know by typing that you are
waiting for your turn, and he/she will call you.
3.3. During the meeting, your tutor will ask you some of the following
questions in English:
Who are you? Tell me some information about you.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?

At this stage, you are going to simulate a Job Interview. Ask a friend
or E-mate to be the interviewer (If there is no one who can help you, you
can do it by yourself asking and answering the questions on your own)
Answer the following questions and record a video. The video should be at
least 3 minutes long.

Question 1: Could you tell me a little about yourself?

- Hello, my name is Angie Camila Grisales, I am 23 years old, I am

passionate about sports and constant learning.

Question 2: Why do you want to work for this company?

- I have the skills and abilities that the company requires to occupy the

Question 3: What are your goals for the future?

- My goals are to graduate from university, specialize in some branch

of engineering and be able to dedicate myself to what I am
passionate about.

Question 4: What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

- My strengths are teamwork, assertive communication, active

listening and I really like generating constant learning and as
weaknesses, I have a hard time managing stress when an important
date is approaching.

Question 5: Can you tell me a little bit more about the skills that you
transfer from your previous line of work to our department here?

- I can transfer all the knowledge of the statistical and analytical part
that I acquired in my old job, in such a way that I can carry out good
studies of indicators and information for decision making.

Self-assessment (Individual work)

5.1. The student self-evaluates from a reflection based on the results of

their academic performance in their written and oral production tasks
suggested in the course. To develop this activity, download the file “Annex
1” in the Learning Environment, called Activities guide and evaluation
rubric - Unit 3 - Task 4 – Oral Production: Preparing my Job
Interview (the same where you found this Guide). There you will find a
WORD document; complete the form and when you finish, take a
screenshot, and share it in the forum and add this to the individual work
consolidation document.
Congratulations and keep working hard. You really got it!

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