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Jalan Jenderal Soedirman No. 1 SoE-TTS


KELAS : X IBB, X MIA 1-3, X IIS 1-2

Choose the best answer by crossing( X) a,b,c,d or e for the correct answer

Read the following text and answer questions 1– 3

I have a close friend. He is Lukas Manuel. I usually call him Nuel. He comes from
Kuanfatu. He was born on ten of August, two thousand and five. He live at Haukopas 96
street Nunsena, he studies in SMP Liman at Grade seven.

1. The text mainly about . . .

A. The writer’s identity
B. The writer’s classmates*
C. The writer’s school
D. The writer’s new pen friend
E. Yadika cicallengke
2. When was Nuel born?
A. On August 10, 2005. *
B. On August 30, 2000.
C. On August 10, 2004.
D. On August 30, 2004.
E. On august 10, 2007

3. “ I have close friend”. What does the underlined refer to?

A. The reader
B. The writer*
C. Angga Firmansyah
D. The close friend
E. Best Friend
4. Handy . . . from Bandung.
A. Is*
B. Was
C. I am
D. Are
E. Has
5. I . . . Handy Mukti
A. is
B. was
C. am*
D. are
E. Have
6. Febian : What is your name?
Abi : . . . Abi
A. My name was
B. His name are
C. Their name were
D. My name is*
E. Let’s see
Question 7– 9 are based on the following dialogue.
Handy : Hi, I am Handy, What is (4) . . . ?
Heni : My name is Heni. (5) . . .
Handy : It’s nice to see you too.
Heni : . . . (6)
Handy : I live at Jl. Kesatuan, Cicalengka
A. His name
B. Her name
C. My name
D. Your name*
E. I am

A. how are you, Handy?
B. It’s nice to see you, Handy. *
C. How are you getting on, Handy?
D. How is everything with you, Handy?
E. Nice day


A. Where are you?

B. Where do you live? *
C. Where are you going?
D. Where is your school?
E. What are you going?

10. Boni : How do you do, Ms. Heni?

Ms. Heni : . . .
A. Very well
B. See you later
C. How do you do*
D. Nice to meet you
E. You looks beatiful

This for no 11-14

Shinta: ‘ I heard you won the first prize for your short story...(11)
Wulan: ......”(12)
Shinta : As your friend I am.... (13)
wulan : Thank you
Shinta : You deserve it because it’s a very good story
Wulan : ..........(14)

A. Congratulation
B. Thank you
C. Very Proud of you
D. Really
E. E.what are you doing

A. Very proud of you
B. congratulation
C. Thank you
D. That’s a pity
E. I am very preety

A. Very proud of you
B. Thanks
C. Thank you very much
D. Really
E. Sure
A. Really
B. Of course
C. Thank you
D. Sure
E. No problem
16. The following sentences is expression of congratulation, expect....
A. Please accep my condolaence
B. I congratulate on your success
C. Iam sorry to hear that
D. Congratulations!
E. Well done on your congratulation
Announcement Text n0 17-19
To : All students and teachers
Come and visit our new library. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books.
are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library

17. What are the things offered in the new library ?

A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.
E. Popular movies

18. Why does the writer make the announcement ?

A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.
E. To make competition who visit the library a lots

19. Who make the announcement ?

A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian
E. Guardian

Announcement Text for 20-22

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity will
take place at Royal Camping Site and last for three days.
For further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.
Medan, May 12th,2010
The Chief of Scout Organization

20. When will the activity be held ?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August
E. in April

A. 21. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?

A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.
E. July 5th
B. 22. Who must join the activity ?
A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Medan people
E. All rulers in Medan

23. He has helmet. That helmet is....

A. Theirs
B. Yours
C. Ours
D. D His
E. Hers

24. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Bill. This bicycle is....

A. Theirs
B. His
C. Hers
D. Yours
E. Theirs

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java, the seat of the mighty Javanese
empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of traditions.
The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor. Gamelan,
classical and contemporary Javanese dances, leather puppet, theater and other expressions of
traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks,
silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in
Yogya's culture oriented society.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically
located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to
Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility
by road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of Central Java. It is a
very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded
and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap
hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace), the centre of Yogya's
traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of refinement,
which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of decaying
buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city with
luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the only
major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.
25. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To amuse the readers with Yogyakarta

a.[b.] To describe the location of Yogyakarta
b.[c.] To persuade the readers to go to Yogyakarta
c.[d.] To promote Yogyakarta as tourist destination
d.[e.] To tell the readers the history of Yogyakarta

26. We know from the second paragraph that ....

a. Plane is the most convenient access to reach Yogyakarta
b. Many local tourists prefer staying in Sosrowijayan Street
c. Sosrowijayan is also known as shopping and culinary delight
d. There are many convenient stores in the streets of Yogyakarta
e. Malioboro Street is a crowded mainroad which is alive 24 hours
27 " ... spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries.
(Pargraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning ....

A. Settlement
a.[b.] Development
b.[c.] Improvement
c.[d.] Involvement
d.[e.] Engagement

To : All students
We would like to inform you, that we would be having the school holiday from Thursday 8th to
Saturday 10th August 2015.
During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go camping in the Highlands to a
place called Aviemore. It’s an outdoor centre where you can learn to climb, canoe and fish and do all
sorts of exciting things.
Of course, we have to take you to Edinburgh Castle and the Festival too. Don’t worry; you aren’t
going to be bored! The school pays for all students, so you are free of charge.
Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those who want to go, please
meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office.
Sincerely Yours

28. What should the students do to join the activity?

A. To pay for the trip

B. To go to the teacher’s office >>
C. To meet the headmaster
D. To bring the changing clothes
E. To visit principal’s house

29. From the text we know that ….

A. There are at least 5 activities that the school offers >>
B. The students should bring their own food
C. The holiday will last for two days
D. The holidays won’t be excited
E. All student will be examined in the Highlands

30. The text is written to ….

A. To give information about the activity on school holiday >>
B. To describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
C. To remind students about an outdoor activity
D. To announce the school thursday matter
E. To persuade students on joining stdent clun in the holida

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