Mster Switch and Magnetos

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Master Switch

Master Switch on Ground responsible for Lights, Flaps, Fuel quantity guage system and Radios.
But as you start the A/C through ignition Battery gives first Stroke/Power to A/C Prop/Crank
shaft to initial rotation. As a rotation of shaft start Master Switch ALT take over all the Electrical
controls and now Shaft rotation is responsible for Electrical Systems.

In case ALT fails during flight then Battery again take over the Electrical System of the A/C. But
its performance depends upon the Changing of Battery ( Which might provide energy to
Electrical system for short duration).Because now all the Electrical system depends solely on
Battery but on the other hand we all know that Battery is only used to give first stroke or it
provide Electrical energy to A/C systems on ground only or in case ALT fails so the change of
Battery provides Electrical energy to A/C for so long or in case if during flight it happened then
we need to land at nearest Airport /Airfield or return back.

Inform same thing to ATC as well because your Radio might be Off at any time. In case of ALT
fails during flight you can cross check this by Ammeter on which Needle comes in Negativity
scale, which indicates that ALT fails and Battery lack over.
There are Two Magnetos in the A/C and each Magneto supplies 4 Cylinders of A/C. At a time
only one Magneto work to generate spark in cylinders. In case one Magneto fails then the other
Magneto takes over, during flight we use Both Magnetos to serve Engine if one fails then
Engine’s RPM drops slightly and in this situation Pilot needs to come back and Land at nearest

According to Checklist when we are doing Checks on Ground for Magnetos then Pilot needs to
check Magnetos Individually. The drop of Engine RPM almost till 125 is safe but more than this
should not exceed. And the difference between the Both Magnetos should not be more than 50
RPM otherwise the drop in Engine RPM is due to the following,

 Icing
 Fuel Quality
And in case during flight if one Magneto fails then two main things will happen,

 Engine Vibration
 Drop in Engine RPM

If it is due to Icing then we will give Carburator Heat which melts the Icing and the melted Ice
water will goes into Burning Chamber, which as a result shows sudden drops of Engine RPM for
few seconds and after this it will be again maintained.


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