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Professor Cartwright

Analyzing Black Pencil Case

Daniel Eralte


1 September 2023
“Front View”
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“1st Frontside View”

“2nd Frontside View”


“Back View”

“1st Backside View”

“2nd Backside View”

1. Does the product allow users to achieve their goals?
The sketching pencil case enables users to fulfill their creative ambitions. It also offers a variety
of pencils and practical storage solutions in an efficient and straight forward manner.
2. Can experienced users be highly productive with it?
Experienced users can maximize their productivity with this product thanks to the versatile
selection of pens available. This also allows them to effortlessly explore various drawing
techniques and styles.
3. Does it help users recover from errors?
Although there are no explicit error recovery mechanisms on the device, the ability to replace
individual pens guarantees that customers can quickly recover from any breakage or wear.
Additionally, it allows them to continue creating art without large breaks.
4. Does it have all the necessary functions?
The case has all the necessary features anticipated for a product of this type and provides a safe
and portable solution. The organization, transportation, and storage of sketching tools would be
part of those duties.
5. Can users learn to use it quickly without training?
Without significant instruction, users may pick up using the sketching pencil case quite fast. This
is as a result of its clear and basic design and function.
6. Does it provide reminders about functions?
The case itself does not perform any tasks; rather, it is largely used to store and arrange the
pencils. However, the pencils themselves serve as a constant reminder to users of their main
purpose, drawing.

Propose one feasible improvement to enhance usability. Explain why it would improve the
- A built-in pencil sharpener would be a doable upgrade to increase the utility of the pencil
case with sketching pencils. With this feature, the product would be enhanced by giving
customers a simple and handy instrument for pencil sharpening anytime they need it.
Users would no longer need to seek for or carry about a sharpener when their pencils
grow dull while creating art. The time and effort saved by this improvement would allow
users to continue working productively and uninterruptedly on their artwork.

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