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Submission : (target date: ) (50 points)
* Background of the Study (1.5 to 2 pages with appropriate citations/sources)
The background of your study will provide context to the information discussed throughout the
research paper. Background information may include both important and relevant studies. it helps
readers understand your reasons for conducting the study.

* Statement of the Problem (SOP) (4 to 5 research questions)

It refers to the critical issue that your research seeks to address. In other words, it captures the
existing knowledge gap that your study aims to bridge using reliable results or outcomes.

* Scope and Limitation ( 1 page )

The scope details how in-depth your study is to explore the research question and the parameters in
which it will operate in relation to the population and timeframe. The limitations of a study are the
factors and variables not to be included in the investigation. It specifies the scope and limitation in the
who, what, when, where, how areas.

Submission : (target date: ) (50 points)

* Significance of the Study (1 page )
The significance of the study is a written statement that explains why your research was needed. It's a
justification of the importance of your work and impact it has on your research field, it's contribution
to new knowledge and how others will benefit from it. Mention five to six people groups who will
benefit from your study. Explain how they can and will be able to use your research findings.

* Hypothesis or Assumptions of the Study (half page)

It is an assumption or idea built on your understanding of evidence and requires you to prove it via
relevant facts and examples. A hypothesis is an indication of the expected results of a study.

* Definition of Terms (both conceptual and operational, one page, around 4 to 5 important terms)
This gives your readers an understanding of the concepts or factors that will be discussed throughout
your study, as well as contextual information as to how you will be using those concepts in your study.

note: almost all parts of M require citations

Submission : (target date: ) (50 points)

* Research Design (one-half page, needs citations)
The research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different
components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address
the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of
data. Researchers chose between quantitative or qualitative research design. Afterwards, a more
specific research method is likewise chosen.

* Research Locale ( half a page, no citations )

This discusses the place or setting of the study. It describes in brief the place where the study is
conducted. Only important features which have the bearing on the present study are included.

* Research Respondents/Participants ( half a page, no citations )

Respondents are those individuals who complete a survey or interview for the researcher, or who
provide data to be analyzed for the research study. Respondents can be any age, but determined by
the scope of the study, and must agree to informed consent to participate. Qualitative research data
source are called participants. Researcher describes the profile or characteristics of the desired

Submission : (target date: ) (50 points)

* Data Gathering Procedure ( one page, no citations )

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an
established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses,
and evaluate outcomes. This involves narrating the step by step process involved in gathering data.

* Research Instruments ( one page, include sample questionnaire or interview

questions in Appendices, one page, needs citations)
It refers to any tool that is used by a researcher to obtain, measure, and analyze data. The data is
sourced from respondents and participants.

* Data Analysis Procedure ( one page, needs citations )

It is a process used by researchers for reducing data to a story and interpreting it to derive
insights. The data analysis process helps in reducing a large chunk of data into smaller
fragments, which makes sense.

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GROUP PRESENTATION (100 points, evaluation rubric to be used)

* 15 minutes per group (presentation to be timed)

* 5 groups per meeting

* With powerpoint presentation
A. Basic Page Format
1. Margins : top, right, left and bottom – 1 inch
3. Font Type and Size : Time New Roman 12
4. Spacing of Text : use double space between sentences and between
5. Text Alignment : Use “Justified” format. This means that both the left side and
the right side of the manuscript will be straight.
6. Paragraph Indention : indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5”.
7. Page Numbering :
All pages beginning from the first page of the Introduction including all
References should have page numbers at the bottom, right side corner
using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 and so on ).


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