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flet and lhamodronnis

a te y the Hhemal eneqy sone of 1he or of

cnecy. t is icnsfered fiom. ore body or Systen to

arother as a resut of temperatuve differene
eat on produc the efrds

0Chonoeofi temperature
eri Change of stato
Chonge physiapropety
Cherical change md
Tansfomat ion to oiher forms of energy

lempeatue is a popeity da body ot icqion of
which detamínes he rate at which heat
e oftrorsftned fiom t
transtened to
brporbion of Gases.
i6 yery small în olds and liauids
The effact of ptessete
due to
Butin ase of gases volume changes change in
essUNe. 1f the renmpeiotute ot ü9pschonges, henbth
of ts volume and ptessue. Fve o these fudors s kept
Costtmtve qetacoslaw that Connects the other tuo
Boyles law
to Boyle5 law the volume of
Accovting aghver
massot gas s invesely poportional tots pieso.
at onstant tempetature un
e Vo1opotureis covsfar)

VEKwhere kisthoarstoint of poportionolity
whose value dleperds on mass cnd
ofthe gas tomfotue
According to Eoyles law we an wrte
V Constont cund V Constan


Cia se6 obey Boule'slaw ot
high kmpercatures and low
Gases do not obay Boyes lawat low tmpelataes and
high pre3S uKe
Kelotion loetwen Res6ue ard eatu
Acodin to Eouleslav the voiume is inersehy poportiorail to

lume, We knowthat 4denaity is (nesely Pioportionol T

ts volume; Hience Pte6suisDt the
qos is diectly
poporbional to itsdersity.
1o Poxk
ue PKd (whire ks, antant of proportónalty.

belei , d oOstont

e bollute Zero Tempeatue.

acrcdinq to Charles, the pressure of given mass ofgass
Constant volume is qven by the ielatiorn

- wheve ónd are pressues at oc

andfc respctielg.)
ond he volume tfddiven nass ot qas at constait

presS are s qien by thw relatrorn,

voume at oc
(whee Pvo ana V4 are pisur
M-V6(17 and respectively)

Mta empercatuie of 273C

e presue will be, and lhe volume will be

hus at -273C he pressuIC and vclunne ofa qien

mass ot qas becomnes zeo. Less than-273, the
pessuie and volume becores Heqative
oscue Zcio!
Ihe tempaatne273C) at whích the PresSuiea
volume of a qes gen ass ot
qas eOmes z
s alled Abadute Zeo

Anew Sae of tempeature was establshed

takiro Abeolute Zeo as a stavtirg value. The tonp hete
ture on acsokuto sale is tepeserted bT e
Hee =27311C
MeltingPoint df watcvis OC (273t0) 273k
Baing point of
uaer 13 s00C 2731100) 373k
Charles Law Ters of Absolute lemperatae
.Charle s Fist law at Constovst pressure
he vokume of a qwen mass otgas at onstant
i8 dhetly Poportionoa to ts absolte temRrctuve
VaT at covnstat pressuNe)
V kT (E s nstornt

Acocig o CiorES aw) we Can wive

consta nt
2haes Scond law (at constarnt
The presure o fa qiven mass is
of qasat conga
Volume 5 dlivectly Proportional oits abolutt
PaT (at.constat voluune)
P kT (Econgtot)

la w. aNe
Accordinq To charles an writ


A gs thort obays gas laws eactly ancl aonsists of

Perfe elostie arnd
infitesimally small moeriles
With nagigible rmer moealar frces of attraction s

coled an ided qas

who6c fessuresh and

onsider one mole of qas

absolste tempeature is
volume is La nd
Boy les
law R V Charles
Temperatu Pressure
law in uloe

Applyng Boyles kw for for

Appiyie Chorles'aw for (i) andt (Gi)

2 T
f10 u and

Subin fomul



ngeneneV. R{Üniercol Gas Constart

PV RTThs etheeqrton é olld
ideal goeS qucon
Alterative Meiiod of riction tTdeol Gos
Naocig to Boyles lw

Vo at constant Temp)-
Aroding to Chores law

VaT(at constont Messure)0

eiCombination tf relatons and ,ne get

V-Corsan P

y onstoant
Here onstant-R iFone gjam wole 0fgos is
Considatecd ot NTPand iskownas Uhiversal Gas Constont

Civeea Gos Constont
Constart is detinad as he volume cf
Univesal Gas

is consderecd at NP
wherni qam mole of gas
R-Ptlee Pis Univeasalgesconstant
ad dimarsional ormula
STunit of Pis (oulemoleelvin
is MLT-2k1
lis Oniversal Gas Constant 30me forall.
Or olgese
lansed on mole oncept ot flagodio Number

Value of Universal Gas orstant

Joule mole kelvin
At NT P= 0.76' x18. 6 x10x98A

Volume oupled by 4 gom o rmole on anyqos is

V-92.4 ltres
A Nomal Tempelature T 273k)
Now R PY

0.76x 3.6x10xO8x224x10

R831jouesmole kelvins
fhalysis - hermal heut opacity
Lam eatic hat
Amole- molar specitic heat

fioUnt ot hent rauíved to'

oise the temp embuer
t m6s of qas b 1C is alld specific heat

C de
dT du hent up phe
dT Chanqe in toMpeatuie
here ae two types

CpaSpcific hed at consant

Speciio heat at constant volume (n
Molav Speghic tleat
t u n t ot heat tequire to aise the tompeotue
of unit mole of qa9 by e called molar sperctc

A Pocss by which one or moje paiametc

ef thervm0 dyomc susttn urOENCJO a Chanoe is

colled ahemodunamc prEIS or a

chanoe. It deals with heat and. ten
9peiatne and
their ielation to nork and
anerqy. In oter wOids, it deale
with the onster cf
ereqy tom one place to anothet
ond one tom to angther.

Tscthermal rocess
he themodynamic PIOcezs n which the toperrtse
o the ga IEmONS Consur but
piessure and
olune Changes 19 alld is0 themal
sothamal CopiersIo) When-he
pistn is naoed
ewlu woIds, the Gas in ve cylinderis ompsse

ard somt Wovk is done on the gps. Cornsequcrily its

vdlume dedeaes end presue încrenses. tbnce using
botytboyes lavw the trpeintuve is constoht.
Sothemal egparson: Wen the qas is allowed
to erpod, tpushes he plston outw ros and Sone
woyk s cdove aythe ops. Tn this mse volame uf the qas
and pressure detaases Heie the tempeiatuie i onstant Panton
Al atic ocess
The theO dyromic process in which tempevatuve,presue
and volume of a GaS harges is calld adíobotic poass
adia batiC pptes5i0); when the pis tonë moved
the ga9 arcosed in ve almdei s anprescd Heve

dtrases and p haases. tHere wok ts done bn qas lesulting i

ieaie in otrnal wetkeregy ofworéand tempetature in@eases.
Henae n aha batic p!Esionhe terpergture maases.
adiabic et pansioh :When theS S allued. to

plslhes the psto h dutirards. HeeV iVCIEaseS P deardsrs

n odtiobatic compression
temperature deeveases.tlee

the femmpaatue decreàses.

Tsotemo Potess Adiahe Hose 3
In this proess ,peSSue Nokime
n-this poess natuve ond
of the qas
oume dhanges and tempaature and"tempaature
renams S i a hanges
TVHis poess caldbt onductdTs poieeó shold be anductrd
na qood onduucin9 vessel na non-onduching veSsel.
Echonge af heat #rakes place Echange df heat not emtbo
etveen as Andauwourdg betpgthegas nndamoundin3
Theintnal enegy ofthe gas he imtnal érergy ofthegas|
embíns aDnstant changes
Jtis a sow o s s Itsa quick proes5.
The elation PU-tovstot Thie telotOn PV-onstavit
hob g0od hobsgacod
The rokcales, of ga5 aluays maeadhandomly ie,uith l
cliffercantSperds in different eivections, hat means the mooj
posses itferevnt Kinetic encigies and also pO6Sess poletia|

evelq. he total of kinetic regj rd potrtialre

fall the molerules fn the gas s ts mtoralaeig


The ause of chorge im kmal cneay ofan sobd
Systmor qos s called eetemal work
ctona wok is of twe yres
GWork done on the systcmana
i) work dlono by the systm
pes torwork dore oy
work done by908 m this andtion

FPrA. . moveup
We RA da P Pi
WPdv Adzdvairaensei - V )
vofume ofgast

n's b thepiesson for woik dore by rtenl

(irst aw of theunodyams
he heat shevgy
suppliec tket crergy da)
to a
System is chual to te hcrase Crteynal
Sum of the hceaSe in 1n 1terno work dOC
cnevgy T
oy t
mte nal anergy of the
Sstn and he eetena)
Ork done byit
dd dU+ dw
lent eraines woks on thi9
Pinaple. one f them are
steam cngine, moto' pump. tons mototeft

CSeconcl Law ot THemadyramies[sTATEMENT

fnu Drermodynamic ystem aanrot cool on its own

Below suHOUndíng tempelciture wíthout ectenal

Agenay. l cooling PMOCesS wotk on his pánópe
Malrs tauotion
Taking Artegas who0e psure isP
volane is vano) tcmpeiature 1s T

keeping volme anstant, da haat isqvan

to gas the n dv=OD

hen cu= dÜ1 pdv

do d 0 -0

Cy d do-CA7-
fom equ O ond(
dU-Cy dT -
keep ing pregsue cOnstant dohat s appiè toas

then dp-0
dd0+ pdv
dT T
d CprdT-6
foxencne ona
CpelTclu tpdy -
iocquend Isotheal PORs5
CpctT Cdi+ pdv
dT-CdT pdv fdiabatiCPoess

(Cp )eT/ pdv - Tlawaf toratyranics

ro Pv=RT d-d0tdW
pdvRdT- Cpu=R
Sutb Thom cqu@ad R- 8.&apales ok eks

Ra hO of pand G Gs)

Conve6on otu r i
I mr- 10m Mii-1Pa
Jatm Normadp ie ssueP
.76 A136x O19
ml: 10
Llthe : 10O
1grar/itre Lkoam

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