2.elements of Vector Chapter 2 1st Sem Physics

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ih. Elements of Vectors Scolar quantibys The physical quantity vohich possess only» magnitude but no olizction (3 allled, scalar quantity or Simple ccalar. fat Length, mass, time , temperature, cesndrstyate \ector quantity = ilonnsng The physical quavgeity vohich poses both magnitude ond diecton and olay Vector laws 6 called vector quantity oY Sinply vector. 3 P&placement, aaceemtion Joe, weight,cte., Notes Geometrically, Vector quarttity- symbols are (epresenttd by a line and avon mark on +op of “ts symbol fetten By 4B then AB=Ban | “Tips of Deeinrs 1. Favralle| Vectors: Vectors having same aliaction int tive of their ee pec i ~ Cdgred magn rude. 2. Equal vectors : Vectors having same raognitude ute and same olfrecton, >> > in yAr8 = Z, Sg vectors: Vectors having some magnitude but opposite Le R--8 +p the given vector B (ping 180/ 44, Ropero vectors 3 Vertors whose magritucle bs otherthan 220. 1.2, A\tO | lB Unit vectors : Vectors whose magnitude is equal to unity (ore). 1.€s, (a j= unity(t) | 6 Nal vectov Wi zero vector + Vectors whase magritide is equal-to gero,!.e, IAI=0 ——______ 7. Co Planar vectors + \ectors that lie onthe " 3 Same plane. 3 f ; we dlere, A ard B ave 00: plover Je ond Bond Zove non-0- plonay Bs Conital ae Vectors having seme initial ‘poirtt (or) vectors originating 5 yon the same. point => tere, A, Band 7 ave Conitia| vector. ig, aiton wotor: TH leprecerts position of q vector with respect toa reference point. Always origin 15 a reference point + Piba distance tron ongin ty the velocity(A) makiig angle ‘0 lere r isa positon vector. _t a Tie OW af Vec tos? af two vecters are epee in + magnitudeon| ' diction by 3 ‘he dwosides of a “tangle le taken in ors, | then the resultant is tepese ried # i) magpitude | and direction by the Hird side of the ‘triangle taken | 19 reverse orcler j | ? | A \ | P A Let B dnd Bore two vectors “These tuo vectors ae l represented mmogritude and aliechoyy bijthe sides, PA aroha AP the ty lal FAR in ovr. "Thes the regalia, of Aand B 6 representing on “third siole PR r of the same “triangle take h in opposite order. This, 2 15 tue according to the vector addinon also . Pe Brae | - g G-AtrB | “| ™. lygon lw of eectors: Represent ee vectors as des of polygon + taken ir) order ithe nthe class lasing sides give n eaultort vector 17 trogpi aT p< 9 O1OCt yay | wih oppo direction, ee P= 21842 Farallelogram Low of vecters SAR ARRE CE HED TE aS 08 | Ane. adiegent sides.:0f -o-parallelogrome, then J phe dlag cinalhroughthe,some pont gives ~ “the resultant | vector i, magnitude and dhect FINI Mesyq wheat MAW score soled S | a —— : - Here, A and B ate two vectors tepreseribing two | “ond ackoaent sicles ofa patallelogans PAST, Dagoral we yr y : | PEER ONES ‘Tesultorit vector, Weaken! Dow aaa tom 3 ‘and ectend Pate meet pe rpendioular at U, Expkination: | From A POS ts App hinig’ phythgons theorem. > | es 2 po"yus — But PU-Patau © sib ops 1) » PS -(parauy 10s PS= pebtav" 2pavaiu +08 fet iau) ! f & _ tom Agus oe . S QU= 85.080 08.30 | P| ps? = pA?+ Bs cos6) t AR OS 030 1 grb, pS = PA’ OS CoFO 1 2PQ:Bs.0058 1 OsSir’o 'Y Sian fS" e Pat aS coR'O# G8. 3iO t 27Q.A5 c0s@ B= Pa” QS (osorsid®)+ 2 po.8s cose pater rae + 2 FQ: 0602 R= 7 1B t ABOSO @- [wba andes >: Lb nin sfieatan Oe a Tn 2 FOS a $08 “PO AS .SiInO : - tan 0 Fa : we | patrQo * : | stan =» QS-SiNO~ > + PAF AS. s4ac0sO tw XK = | 4ana = _B-Sin® | Ssin® AT 6 wae cos ie 1. S100 _ . | PP . AB COsO _ (ost FE tino yectorgoiate parallel ive. 0-0 4 TEE paw’ = R= \A*1B°t 2480050 R= [itis 2nescostt N R= [Ediome cos = £1) | REY@HDA R= AB. ‘Resolution ofa vector: | | ; howd ott andl Girt, Roos, a A yector an bé conn. : eno reegued fintotuo oo Draw perpendialar tom P-to X Bord} ants’ Here OM and ON are the components of Rk from OFM triangle _ - C08 = OM Su ~EM Cnr, | OP Reg OM = OP cose PM = GP.sin® H= Rose V= Rane, Cllustations of farallelogram law of Vectors 4| Working oF catapult: | | The stone is held on the wbber sbing of the is pulled backwaids Interna) restoring forces will | be developed ty the rubber string along the | | | catapult. When the stone n the tuber sting | | Ir deections, When ‘the, string, 's tcleased a resulta fyyce acts 0” the stone and it moves forwacd. | | Seating Bird: | When -the bird warnts.t0 fly ‘nthe upland dleclon | pushes the cir with its wings along the me | The tesultant cltection 5 upwards 'Sp-the sw upward. (Representation of a Vert Vector int tes, of init | | Vectors _ i, J * ond “ecto can be resohed into-tee rnutuclly | paperctaular components along XVand Z ates ap Cartesian coordinate 6yste?. coe Unit vector « ; YOR Tks magnitude wd Rl Hee I =A, Ap “a oes | A, = A, : =z we know that B= Aa Ay A, [ae ad ash] Note 440050 “aso 149wO = 28nd CQ. Bc | _——_|__ | Scolar Reduct: (Pt prockict) | | Tf two vectors A and B nell linet with ahargle | “6 wth each other | J KB -\AIB\ 30 | > J P= AB COO BY 5 . { Bl Iislacacaey 38 salar na 52 — Th —_———_——_> . | Vector ote (Ce preduct) | Tf two vectors A Rana B inclined with an angle © wih each other. ee Rel sire A A fe ‘AB9ind. A 2 vactor - = The olivection of :vettor A product’ perperadicular +0 plane Conteaning Aard B | | Roper hes of solr poet (Ri Ro A A f Rand B ate +00 VectOS inclined vA an by “B= AB Cos® 2 | | | | | | | Salar V poluck cheep, commutative (aq | => 3 | Salar poduct obeys listriboutve hn. , AG) ad eva + ye if 4 4 and 8 are pecolel te, OF OF then ae e ae coso | AB = 4a Gos -1) | Sips Agra B are perpendicular he. O-90 ther | nee AB cosqo | BS Re Gree C0810 = oO) | | 4 9 : n eRe ekki (ivcus0 (if parole) | A 4 | Gh = 1x 4x | ge bh = 4 ly ag nan io) = kekad ZB Qbank) @harae) Ree aaleDinaepraa Ge A.C Ay CD) ay8 GO A ealeh aBy(Ri) M482 ED" choodbove AB > AB 1,8, 14,8, | wokdone w= F+5 | w= FSes0. ‘Topaties of Vector product (Coop) L if 4 and B ore Wo veclois inclines) with, an angle’® thei | AxB = AB sino ‘ rte LL Vector ploduct doesnt obey commutative Lavi ew B 4 BxR whereas EB = -BxA 3 Vector produce obey 9-theelstributielaw Ak +2) = AxBEA xe | k TF R and B are pale ine. .O' =) | then a xB = AB sind Ae = O° 5 Ti Rand Bore peiperdicilar ie. ©: go’ hen A xB - AB sinad ' RxB = AB I eo fA AY SC exe - kel er BNO (if pavale) a ay te Ce Ae (dx 1xO ok =O + My $i bate we LI pisinadA papenciculer ) “ ' ter Bago axtat 8 Sieh. ar . Pg ets + . ia n & 4 - ee gb j sy 5 ‘ Jan 4 a a & | UY Whe EEG ee ke a eR? oh? AltA Rand B- Bit By lt Bk he eV StAslte (026982) | Ax iy = AG, Ca By (bef HA, B (xB LAjeeleds Ata) A, A,8,(x8* AB(bf)4 A Bub) AB, ¢.&) | 4 9 te | 2e | Rx z a AB(Ed J # A, B,(éxk)+ \ vy B,(jxe)4 ABR It 2 ms AB Rb) +h, Py (tx4)- . . Rie 5 k \s AxB = ABLE) A,PiglS)4 3 ee Ay COR AGB. CE YH) * ; 6S AaBaelS fe By (E) ean an a elay Be A,B (8 te RGB) AYRE) BE | Fird-the mag nitude of P° velar Be 20535 1h - : “ % : | cel Aaa ee Rie eer wT SENHA O Te rR , x > (l= (24. « Ts IN 2 Find magnitude of A ~ 38-5C Peat nn FP ve ave 3 HR BBR O64) ~5e 2-2, ool Ht = fesolten| n> 3 zs let D is themagnitile ite D=-A~3B-5E De (2-Zh16)- 502-4 -ak)- a t+ aj 2 r) B 2 Bi-2f4k ~62 +124 ak +66 -10j-20 t) B= 2b+0;-ab- | (Bl- (eF+oF +7 (6) = om | (Pf - 3) Find the * saat Sgr | 2b Bs aah let A= ei Bity k a | wt presse ie aiectibn ofA - lw | a Gom the 4: Pan) | it wcbr = © 2k -841 afrae “ @)° ae » —F 4 A fice of 200N. inlined at ‘an. orgie of 30 tp th ehorzontal. find its horzortea! and verbo components. tere, : Horizontal corm ponent 4 H= Fes = 200 CoS 80 = 20-8 nie ig +t = 1008 Vatical Component . Ve f; sIN® 100 4 oo ves QB v= 100. 5 wo fices HON andl GON, octingat a porar with# point withan ange 30" find the Magnitude ard dtectibn of the résy teint. a f \ « : let f, FON tp> 60 MN ane! O- 30 mt yin TAY then p= [> > R= [48 1 2Bcas@ Re 6? ue 1 2G f, 0938 R= Jess Goh 2 2x40x60r = [16004 geoor hte p- {wools ancl Ol meses) de wi T a= Tan {25 Ss 60 20013 d= ww a s ¢ A fre of 34 Aapk N produces 0 display, of 3C4 2 ke ran Find the work done and poner F- 3h 41+ Bk N a) S= atiaitk ied we F.3 e Gs dt = bBo be oat) (ateaten ar) At B15 227 Pp - wok +4ime \y 7 > @ h - 7 Of a> e-Ja2kand Be 2¢4f4& ove two vector ther find the ange betneen then , | Using Scalar = lal | \B| Co38© eH AB - (42s 04) = 2-112 RB 2 2 eee (al- {eeu yay < Jona <6 sub yalues iN aD s]_—= 2 cos" 3 O= cos re leks 2 aft O- COS |a (Al = 6 ial = Ie WB = 3 0 - wsi(S) 38 Find the value ofp if x = ge" +R ond | 32 Bh oA a rah .> | B= ar46;4+nk lar to B > 2446; 4+Nk ove pempendicular to-cachother Ae Given AB 0, (pert sat) (2b -2f+ é). (3h46f4 n £) | | 612+N +0 N26 i | sil ——— | 4 What 15 the valve of if $42)-36 is paralle/ | -b 3 +mj- “ak | letfes A= b425-30 and | - a hk n | B= 8£4mj- 9k a “Findlethe dicen of parollelbegians formed byte | yector® BE-Grk aad brsh-k as adjacent Aven of povallelograre e la x 8 parr Ss 5 “A AxB =|“. Jak, Bl} 4°03 -A4 * als 4 ais = Ge 3 -2% AxB L a] Se |t KES A | - £0-3)-](32d eRe) lie = +494 ask . ‘tea an of pavollelograny= [AB fn | oa cay 4 ys (29 | = Varies | = Vee 10| A boat that an iw at 40% iy still water hes +o a06s a river whose water is flowing ot 2 ms. | In what ditection should the,Lbat be towel w cos? | Ae diecton. OO | Ve MSc 21s a. Sine = ‘ i | O= sins atv ) t\. ©=si #6 ame | = In i) —————_>— 0: si5($) \ Formulos Hos oneRasi 1 REN As Si 2ABeno 5 uel acc 4 41 =Rae Ve R sino fh Re ALIA PAL e| 2 aA est By ol ARB e ho | 1B, By & 122 iBise O*a-(FIiBlsvo Oey oh

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