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Edward Richtoffen Birthplace
Vurzburgo, Alemanha

Occupation parapsicologo Age 32

Cambridge, Inglaterra


STR 35 17 7 SIZ 65 32 13 Hit Points 11



CON 45 22 9 POW 65 32 13 Magic Points 13


DEX 50 25 10 APP 45 22 9 Luck 35


INT 65 32 13 EDU 70 35 14 Sanity 65 13


Max Sanity Temporary Insanity Indefinite Insanity Major Wound Unconscious Dying

Accounting (05%) 5 2 1 Firearms 25 12 5 Persuade (10%) 10 5 2

(Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
✔ Anthropology (01%) 26 13 5 (01%) 1 0 0
Firearms Pilot

Appraise (05%) 5 2 1 First Aid (30%) 30 15 6 Psychoanalysis (01%) 1 0 0

Archaeology (01%) 1 0 0 ✔ History (05%) 60 30 12 ✔ Psychology (10%) 70 35 14
(05%) Intimidate (15%) 15 7 3 Ride (05%) 5 2 1
Art / Craft
✔ fotografia 5 2 1 Jump (20%) 20 10 4 (01%) 1 0 0
Charm (15%) 15 7 3 ✔ ingles (01%) 50 25 10
Language (Other)
Climb (20%) 20 10 4
Credit Rating (00%) 20 10 4 Sleight of Hand (10%) 30 15 6
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) alemão (EDU) 70 35 14 Spot Hidden (25%) 80 40 16
Language (Own)
Disguise (05%) 5 2 1 Law (05%) 5 2 1 Stealth (20%) 70 35 14
Dodge (half DEX) 25 12 5 ✔ Library Use (20%) 20 10 4 (10%) 10 5 2

© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.
Drive Auto (20%) 20 10 4 Listen (20%) 75 37 15 Swim (20%) 20 10 4
Elec. Repair (10%) 10 5 2 Locksmith (01%) 1 0 0 Throw (20%) 20 10 4
Fast Talk (05%) 5 2 1 Mech. Repair (10%) 10 5 2 Track (10%) 10 5 2
Fighting (Brawl) (25%) 25 12 5 Medicine (01%) 1 0 0
Natural World (10%) 10 5 2
Navigate (10%) 10 5 2
Firearms 95 47 19
(Handgun) (20%) 20 10 4 ✔ Occult (05%)

Weapon Skill Damage # of Attacks Range Ammo Malf. Move 7


Brawl 25 12 5 1D3 + DB 1 - - - Build 0  

Dodge 25 12 5
Damage Bonus 0
Edward Richtoffen é um alemão que foi convocado para a
primeira guerra como medico. Lá ele ficou fascinado com
as pessoas voltarem do campo de batalha e falarem sobre
monstros, vozes e coisas paranormais que aconteceram
com elas, fazendo com que despertasse seu interesse
com a parapsicologia, onde após a guerra se aprofundou
e se formou em parapsicologia

Personal Description Traits

Ideology & Beliefs Injuries & Scars

Significant People Phobias & Manias

fonofobia - por conta das explosões da batalha de somme

Meaningful Locations Arcane Tomes & Spells

Treasured Possessions Encounters with Strange Entities


© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.
caderno de rascunho tebuleiro de ouija
Spending Level medio
microscopio de bolso bengala
Cash 40
dicionario completo lanterna de gasolina
binoculos relogio de pulso 1000 -


Player Char. Level of Fumble Fail
Success: 100/96+ > skill
≤ skill
Hard Etreme Critical
1/2 skill 1/5 skill 01

Player Pushing Rolls: must justify reroll;

cannot push combat or Sanity rolls
Player Char. First Aid heals 1 HP Medicine heals 1D3 HP
Player Major Wounds = loss of ≥ ½ max HP in one attack
Reach 0 HP without Major Wound = Unconscious
Char. Reach 0 HP with Major Wound = Dying

Player Char. Dying: First Aid = temp. stabilized; then require Medicine
Player Natural Heal rate (non Major Wound): recover 1 HP per day
Natural Heal rate (Major Wound): weekly healing roll
rumores verdadeiros: Edward acha que monstros existem Rumores falsos: Edward é um charlatão que tenta mentir
mesmo sendo um parapsicologo. para as pessoas sobre coisas paranormais
Edward é um veterano de guerra porém nunca deu um Edward ficou 2 anos internado em um manicomio
tiro na vida

© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.

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