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Eralte 1

Daniel Eralte

Professor Jessica Morris


4 April 2023

Importance of a Food Policy

Unhealthy diets have undone 100 years of advances in public health and life extension.

The life expectancy of today's children is projected to be shorter than that of their parents. This is

mainly because a third of these children will eventually develop home cases of obesity, a

problem that was once rare not only in them, but in all ages. Currently, most people find

themselves in a seemingly indecipherable doubt regarding how to solve the disaster that is

causing the continued consumption of most of the food people buy. In addition, our food and

agricultural systems depend on fossil fuels which are the only ones in the economy that produce

more greenhouse gas emissions than energy. For that reason, the implementation of an efficient

food policy will lead to a safer and more secure food system, a decrease in energy consumption

and an improved environmental conservation.

The implementation of an efficient food policy will lead to a safer and more secure food

system. Many studies carried out by government departments related to health and nutrition have

made it even more evident; in fact, "The food system and the diet it's created have caused

incalculable damage to the health of our people and our land, water and air" (Food policy). With

the reduction at the source, which would be, limiting losses, food waste and supervising more

regularly the departments that produce them is undoubtedly the most promising strategy to

achieve sustainability. In this way, Americans will not only be able to have a more organized
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control with each organism, so to speak, but it will also confirm more tranquility and security

with the constant exports of food that are made daily throughout the country.

The implementation of an efficient food policy will also lead to a decrease in energy

consumption as well. This issue is also another one that is widely discussed by most people, and

even though it is one of the most headache-inducing, the truth is that it is quite easy to solve.

According to the Department of Energy, "having a consternation based on the handling of our

food with the negative effects that we are having in terms of electricity is not something as

peculiar as many believe" (Food Safety). An agricultural production system that is more diverse

is more dependent on modern free sunshine than it is on fossil fuels and fertilizers. Increasing

agricultural diversity would both assist to diversify the American diet and sequester a sizable

quantity of carbon in the soil. This goal is aided by the relocation of the food chain. In addition

to lowering energy use and enhancing food security and safety, this will increase the caloric

quality produced because less processed food for home distribution will be more wholesome and


The implementation of an efficient food policy will also lead to a decrease in energy

consumption. According to the US Department of Agriculture, "Reducing food loss and waste

could reduce GHG emissions" (Food Safety). This only confirms even more the risks that even

agriculture represents with respect to environmental protection.

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Works Cited

Burkhardt, Jeffrey. "Food Safety." Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and

Philosophy, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman, vol. 1, Macmillan Reference

USA, 2009, pp. 434-436. Gale In Context: Opposing


cc&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=a81a97a3. Accessed 8 Apr. 2023.

"Food policy." Environmental Encyclopedia, edited by Deirdre S. Blanchfield, Gale,

2011. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

u=lincclin_vcc&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=3adbbeb1. Accessed 4 Apr. 2023.

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