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The article discusses the Supreme Court of the Philippines issuing a writ of kalikasan against the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB),
Ipilan Nickel Corporation (INC) and Celestial Nickel Mining and Exploration Corporation.

The writ was issued over claims that INC and Celestial Mining's nickel mining operations in Mt.
Mantalingahan Mountain range in Palawan were causing environmental damage and deforestation. The
indigenous communities living in the area filed a petition arguing that the mining operations threatened
their right to a balanced and healthy ecology.

The Supreme Court granted the writ after finding that the requirements were met. The mining
operations could cause irreversible environmental damage to the protected area and ancestral domain.
The lack of action by DENR and MGB also put the residents in peril. The mining and excavation works led
to environmental damage across multiple municipalities, prejudicing the life, health and property of

The Court also applied the precautionary principle, requiring INC and Celestial Mining to provide
evidence that their operations would not harm the environment. With the writ issued, the burden is now
on the project proponents and DENR/MGB to show that the mining will not cause significant harm.

So in summary, the Supreme Court of the Philippines issued a writ of kalikasan against government
agencies and mining companies to stop nickel mining operations in Palawan that were threatening the
environment and indigenous communities in the area.

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