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WEEK 3.1

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: MARIA VICTORIA V. BALAGA (T-III) Don Pablo Lorenzo MHS

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 9 QUARTER 1 WEEK 3 DAY _______________
TOPIC Determine the tone and mood of the author
Determine tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author.
LEARNING Code: Objective:
COMPETENCY EN8LT-If-2.2.3 • Identify the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the
author from the given passages.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.

Determine the tone and mood of the author

Visualization: Picture this in your mind!

It was a dark and stormy night. I sat alone in the old, dilapidated house staring out the window. The
sky was black, the wind was loud, and the rain slammed against the broken windowpane. I shut my eyes,
remembering my earliest visit, and I felt so embarrassed and angry. When I opened them, the lightning bolt
flashed and lit up the room once more. I had to get out of the house; I had to hide. No one could know my
horrible mistake. I opened the door, took a deep breath, and ran into the cold and rain.

Question 1: What feelings did you have while reading the story?
Question 2: What words did you read to help you create this feeling?
Literary elements help you create a better understanding and appreciation of the selection read. Tone and
mood help in creating the meaning of a selection.
The tone is the author's attitude towards the subject. You can recognize the tone by the word choices the
author uses to create meaning. The tone can be positive or negative. Examples of tone are humorous, serious,
proud, nostalgic, afraid, confused, and bitter.
On the other hand, the mood is the feeling you get while reading a story. It could be happiness, sadness,
darkness, romance, or even excitement.
Read the next passage to learn more about tone and mood.
The sunlight streamed through the window; golden beams were tickling her awake. Stirring, she
remembered the excitement from last night. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She sniffed. The aroma of
fresh-brewed coffee hit her nostrils.
In this passage, ask yourself, what is the tone of the scene? What about the mood? What words in the
passage convey the tone and mood? Here, the tone is positive, that is, being hopeful about what this day could
offer. As for the mood, the reader will feel happy and optimistic. The words "aroma of fresh-brewed coffee,"
“butterflies," and "golden beams” help create the mood in the passage.
Let us discover more about tone and mood after reading this passage.
He stomped into the house. His backpack hit the floor with a crash. Clenching his fist, fighting tears, he
heard footsteps echoing behind him.
Again, what is the tone? What is the mood? What words convey these? The words “stomped” and “crash”
mean that the character is upset. Therefore, this is the tone of the passage. Meanwhile, the words “clenching his
fist” and “fighting tears” make the reader sympathize with the character, making it the mood of the passage.

SAQ-1: What feeling did you have while reading the story?
SAQ-2: What words did you read to help you create this feeling?

“Understanding Tone and Mood in a Reading Passage.” May 21, 2014.

Written by: MARIA VICTORIA V. BALAGA (T-III) Don Pablo Lorenzo MHS

Let’s Practice! (Answer on the separate sheets provided.)

Let’s have some reading comprehension exercises on this learning competency. Write the letter of the correct

Passage A:
Maria was walking home from work when a small, fragile boy caught her attention. His lips are pale, and
his eyes are sunken. With hands trembling, his palm hangs in the air begging for food. Without a word, Maria
gave him a piece of sandwich she bought from nearby fast food.
1. How would you describe the tone/attitude of the author in this passage?
A.) proud B.) generous C.) bitter D.) detached

Passage B:
It was one o’clock in the morning. Darkness looms all over the town. A swirling sound of strong wind
can be heard while heavy rains pour down with a roar. Rooftops and windows clash as the horrified townsfolk
wait for the storm to pass by.
2. What is the tone of the passage?
A.) solemn B.) disappointed C.) fearful D.) somber

Passage C:
After the storm, we were greeted by the rays of the sun peeping through the window. I looked outside
and checked if everything is all right. That day, we went all around the house and backyard cleaning up. We
are devastated but hopeful.
3. The feeling invoked in the passage is _________.
A.) rejected B.) optimistic C.) annoyed D.) depressed

Passage D:
Rafael can feel the scorching heat of the sun. Wearing his running shoes, he readies himself for the 100-
meter dash run. His classmates are on the bleacher, as they shout in chorus, “Get that gold!”. The sound of the
gun going off to signal the start of the race was heard. There were loud cheers and clapping. Rafael recorded
a remarkable 10.00 seconds run and made history in their school’s athletic meet.
4. The tone of the passage is __________
A.) joyful B.) intense C.) enthusiastic D.) victorious

Passage E:
Christmas is one of the most awaited celebrations in the family. My siblings and I always look forward
to putting the Christmas tree in our living room. Colorful balls and decorations fill the tree. There are small
twinkling lights in shades of green, red and blue. Christmas songs and carols fill the air.
5. What is the mood of the passage?
A.) nervous B.) cold C.) strange D.) happy
6. Which word does not refer to the mood conveyed in the passage?
A.) siblings B.) decorations C.) celebrations D.) colorful balls

Passage F:
After the Christmas season, the whole family starts to put the colorful decorations away. Mother will
return the used pots, stainless kettles, and the most exquisite plates back in the cabinet. Father will wrap the
big lantern hanging from the window, which will be used again on the next festivity. Suddenly, there is silence
all around the house.
7. What mood is implied in the passage?
A.) cheerful B.) humorous C.) sad D.) romantic
8. “Bright” is another word for this description used in the passage. What does bright mean in this context?
A.) colorful B.) stainless C.) finest D.) big

Key Points

Here’s a simple reminder to determine the tone and mood of the author.

TONE is the author’s attitude MOOD is the feeling you

get while reading the story.

Written by: MARIA VICTORIA V. BALAGA (T-III) Don Pablo Lorenzo MHS

Let's see how much you have learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
Directions: Read the passages and answer the questions
that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer. The man came running towards his
opponent. With a clenched fist, he looked at him
Karen did not go to school and stayed home the whole fiercely and said, "You better go and hide, or else
day. When her mother confronted her, she turned her you will regret this day for the rest of your life.
back and said without hesitating, “I don’t care!” 6. What tone is expressed in the passage?
1. What tone is shown in the passage? A.) affectionate B.) outspoken
A.) honest B.) apologetic C.) bitter D.) angry
C.) disrespectful D.) sarcastic Father has aged. He lived all his life
Memories of the past keep on coming back on the farm. His family is everything to him, and
Happy childhood and family bonding his children are his treasures. Today, another
Growing up is bitter but sweet sunset has come. Looking at the golden grains
Lessons in life are priceless and immortal ready for the harvest, father stood still, a smile
2. What is the tone of the author’s poem? engulfs his face.
A.) nostalgic B.) satisfied 7. The mood of this passage is _______.
C.) resentful D.) forgetful A.) cheerful B.) contentment
Ruben wished that his family would still accept C.) happiness D.) calmness
him after spending five years in prison. In a month, he My body is shaking as I gaze at the scene in front
would be released on probation. He made something for of me. The passengers are rushing about
his youngest son- a toy ship that kept him busy inside frantically looking for their companions.
the jail. Counting the days, he can't help but pray for his Screams can be heard. Faint voices of crying
family's forgiveness. children surround us. Lifeless bodies scatter
3. Which tone is represented in the passage? around. There are commotion and confusion on
A.) determined B.) repentant each of their faces.
C.) sorrowful D.) boring 8. What mood does the passage create?
A.) mournful B.) depressed
"Anybody home?" Elise shouted as she C.) frustrated D.) annoyed
opened the door. It was dark and quiet. "Mom, where What if there is no music?
are you?" she quipped. Suddenly, the lights are on. With Shall I ever hear a lullaby?
cake on her hand, Mother starts singing a birthday song. Or hum or sing a tune?
4. What is the mood of this passage? What if there’s no me and you?
A.) surprised B.) gloomy Where on earth am I to go?
C.) overwhelmed D.) excited 9. What is the tone of the poem?
It’s 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon A.) anxious B.) curious
Soon he will pick me up in school C.) confused D.) conceited
We’ll have a nice ride, a good laugh "He cheated during the examination." The
It’s 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon teacher came closer to her and asked, "How did
But he will not pick me up in school you know about it?"
No good trip together, no good laugh 10. What tone is evoked in the conversation?
together A.) strict B.) angry
5. What is the tone of the lines? C.) sarcastic D.) serious
A.) hopeful B.) ambitious
C.) sad D.) sarcastic

Written by: MARIA VICTORIA V. BALAGA (T-III) Don Pablo Lorenzo MHS

Source: “A Simple Mood and Tone Quiz.” accessed June 26, 2020.

Source: "Tone, Mood, and Theme." accessed June 26, 2020.
For further reading and more exercises, you may access this link:

"Understanding Tone and Mood in a Reading Passage." May 21, 2014.

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Written by: MARIA VICTORIA V. BALAGA (T-III) Don Pablo Lorenzo MHS

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