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Class 12 - Physics
Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 188

1. The ozone layer blocks the radiation of wavelength [1]

a) more than 3 × 10-7 m b) equal to 3 × 10-7 m

c) all of these d) less than 3 × 10-7 m

2. The velocity of light is equal to [1]

a) μ
b) −−−−
√ε0 μ0

c) μ
d) 1

ε μ
0 √ 0 0

3. Light from the star Sirius takes 8.61 years to reach the earth. What is the distance from earth to Sirius in [1]

a) 7.85 ×10 13
km b) 8.05 ×10 13

c) 7.95 ×10 13
km d) 8.15 ×10 13

4. The velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space is 3 × 108 ms-1. The frequency of a radio wave of [1]

wavelength 150 m is

a) 45 MHz b) 2 MHz

c) 2 kHz d) 20 kHz
5. The following figure represents the observed intensity of X-rays emitted by two different tubes A and B as a [1]
function of wavelength λ . For tube A, the potential difference between the filament and target is VA and atomic
number of target is ZA. For the tube B, the corresponding potential difference is VB and the atomic number is

ZB. The solid curve is for the tube A and the dotted curve for the tube B. Then:

a) ZA ZB b) ZA < ZB


c) ZA > ZB d) ZA = ZB

6. Displacement current exists only when [1]

a) the magnetic field is not changing b) the electric field is not changing

c) the magnetic field is changing d) the electric field is changing

7. The amplitude of the sinusoidally oscillating electric field of the plane wave is 60 V/m. Then the amplitude of [1]
the magnetic field is:

a) 2 × 10 −7
T b) 6 × 10

c) 6 × 10 7
T d) 2 × 10 T

8. Long distance radio broadcasts use short-wave bands because [1]

a) Stratosphere reflects waves in these bands b) Troposphere reflects waves in these bands

c) Thermosphere reflects waves in these bands d) Ionosphere reflects waves in these bands
9. Using the formula E = hν (energy of a quantum of radiation: photon), the photon energy obtained in units of eV [1]
for λ = 1 mm is

a) 1.34 ×10 −3
eV b) 1.54 ×10 −6

c) 1.44 ×10 −6
eV d) 1.24 ×10 −3

10. Electromagnetic waves [1]

a) None of these b) cannot form standing waves as they change

phase while propagating

c) can form standing waves on getting d) cannot form standing waves as they can
reflected only move in one direction
11. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 10 Hz. Frequency of the
electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator is

a) 600 MHz b) 400 MHz

c) 10 9
Hz d) 200 MHz
12. In general, the wavelength of microwaves is [1]

a) more than that of radiowaves b) less than that of ultra-violet waves

c) more than that of infrared waves d) less than that of infrared waves
13. An electromagnetic radiation of frequency ν , wave-length λ , travelling with velocity c in air, enters a glass slab [1]
of refractive index μ . The frequency, wavelength and velocity of light in the glass slab will be respectively

a) b)
ν λ c λ c
, and ν, and
μ μ μ μ μ

c) v, 2 λ and

d) 2 v


and c

14. These are three wavelengths 107m, 10-10m, 10-7m. Find their respective names. [1]

a) Visible rays, γ -rays, X-rays b) X-Rays, Visible rays, Radiowaves

c) Radiowaves, X-rays, Visible rays d) X-rays, γ -rays, Visible rays

15. If ε and μ are the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in free space, ε and μ are corresponding
0 0 [1]
quantities in a medium, then index of refraction of the medium is

−−− −
a) √ b)
ε0 μ0 εμ

εμ ε0 μ

− −−
c) √ ε0 μ

d) √


16. i. Why are infrared waves often called heatwaves? Explain. [2]
ii. What do you understand by the statement, "Electromagnetic waves transport momentum"?
17. Name the electromagnetic radiations used for [2]

i. water purification, and
ii. eye surgery.

18. Light with an energy flux of 18 W/cm2 falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the surface has [2]

an area of 20 cm2, find the average force exerted on the surface during a 30-minute time span.
19. Explain briefly how electromagnetic waves are produced by an oscillating charge? How is the frequency of the [2]
electromagnetic waves produced related to that of the oscillating charge?
20. Distinguish between any two types of propagation of electromagnetic waves based on [2]
i. the frequency range over which they are applicable and
ii. communication systems in which they are used.
21. What are microwaves? Give their any one use. [2]
22. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area A and plate separation d, is charged by a constant current I. Consider a [2]
plane surface of area A/2 parallel to the plates and situated symmetrically between the plates. Determine the
displacement current through this area.
23. A capacitor of capacitance C is being charged by connecting it across a DC source along with an ammeter. Will [2]
the ammeter show a momentary deflection during the process of charging? If so, how would you explain this
momentary deflection and the resulting continuity of current in the circuit? Write the expression for the current
inside the capacitor.
24. Two students A and B prepare the following table about the electromagnetic waves. Rewrite this table in its [2]
corrected form :

Direction of Peak Value of

Electric field Magnetic field Propagation Electric field Magnetic field

A Along X-axis Along X-axis Along Y-axis E E = cB

B Along Y-axis Along Z-axis Along X-axis E = cB B

25. Identify the following electromagnetic radiations as per the wavelengths given below. Write one application of [2]
a. 1 mm

b. 10-3 nm

c. 10-8 m
26. Identify the electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths lie in the range. [2]

i. 10-11 m < λ < 10-14 m

ii. 10-4 m < λ < 10-6 m

Write one use of each.

27. A parallel plate capacitor of area 50 cm2 and plate separation 3.0 mm is charged initially to 80 μ C. Due to [2]

radioactive source nearby, the medium between the plates gets slightly conducting and the plate loses charge

initially at the rate of 1.5 × 10-8 Cs-1. What is the magnitude and direction of displacement current? What is the
magnetic field between the plates?
28. If ε and μ are the permittivity and permeability of free space and ε and μ are corresponding quantities for a
0 0 [2]
medium, then show that the refractive index of the medium is √με/με0 .
29. Which of the following belong to the electromagnetic spectrum : α-rays, β-rays, cathode rays, X-rays, [2]

ultraviolet rays, microwaves, ultrasonic waves, radiowaves, infrared rays? Arrange them in the order of
increasing frequency.
30. Show that during the charging of a parallel plate capacitor, the rate of change of charge on each plate equals ε 0 [2]

times the rate of change of electric flux (ϕ E
) linked with it. What is the name given to the term ε

31. Show, by giving a simple example, how EM waves carry energy and momentum. [2]
32. Compare the following: [2]
i. Wavelengths of the incident solar radiation absorbed by the earth's surface and the radiation re-radiated by
the earth.
ii. Tanning effect produced on the skin by UV incident directly on the skin and that coming through glass
33. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in the order of their increasing wavelength : [2]
a. γ -rays
b. Microwaves
c. X-rays
d. Radio waves
How are infra-red waves produced? What role does infra-red radiation play in
i. maintaining the Earth's warmth and
ii. physical therapy?

34. The magnetic field of a beam emerging from a filter facing a floodlight is given by B0= 12 × 10-8 sin (1.20 × [2]

107 z - 3.60 × 1015 t) T. What is the average intensity of the beam?

35. Briefly explain how Maxwell was led to predict the existence of electromagnetic waves. [2]
36. To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does a wave of frequency [2]

i. 5 × 1019 Hz

ii. 3 × 1013 Hz
iii. 5 × 1011 Hz belong?
37. Even though an electric field E⃗ exerts a force qE⃗ on a charged particle yet the electric field of an EM wave does [2]
not contribute to the radiation pressure (but transfers energy). Explain.
38. Given: Wavelength of light in mercury is 5.5 × 10 −5
cm . [2]
i. Calculate its frequency and period.
ii. What is the wavelength of the light in the glass, if the refractive index of glass is 1.5?
39. A plane e.m. wave is propagating in the x-direction has a wavelength of 6.0 mm. The electric field is in the y- [2]
direction and its maximum magnitude is 33 Vm-1. Write suitable equations for the electric and magnetic fields as
a function of x and t.
40. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by By = (2 × 10-7) T sin (0.5 × 103 x + 1.5 × 1011 [2]

a. What is the wavelength and frequency of the wave?
b. Write an expression for the electric field.
41. How is the electromagnetic wave produced? Draw a sketch of a plane EM wave propagating along X-axis [2]
depicting the directions of the oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
42. Electromagnetic waves with wavelength [2]

i. λ , are used to treat muscular strain

ii. λ , are used by a FM radio station for broadcasting.


iii. λ , are used to detect fracture in bones


iv. λ , are absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere.


Identify and name the part of electromagnetic spectrum to which these radiations belong. Arrange these
wavelengths in decreasing order of magnitude.

43. Show that the average energy density of the electric field E equals the average energy density of the magnetic [2]

field B , in electromagnetic waves.
44. Show that the radiation pressure exerted by an EM wave of intensity I on a surface kept in vacuum is . [2]

45. Name the electromagnetic waves which are produced by the following: [3]
a. Radioactive decays of nucleus
b. Welding arcs
c. Hot bodies
Write one use each of these waves.
46. Name the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum which is [3]
i. suitable for RADAR systems in aircraft navigations.
ii. used to treat muscular strain.
iii. used as a diagnostic tool in medicine.
Write in brief, how these waves can be produced.
47. Name the e.m. waves having the wavelength ranges : [3]

a. 10 nm to 10-3 nm

b. 10-7 m to 10-9 m
c. 0.1 m to 1 mm
How are these waves generated? Write their two uses.
48. a. Arrange the following electromagnetic radiation in the ascending order of their frequencies: [3]
X-rays, microwaves, gamma rays, radio waves
b. Write two uses of any two of these radiation.
49. Answer the following questions : [3]
a. Show, by giving a simple example, how e.m. waves carry energy and momentum.
b. How are microwaves produced? Why is it necessary in microwave ovens to select the frequency of
microwaves to match the resonant frequency of water molecules?
50. Answer the following questions: [3]
i. Name the EM waves which are used for the treatment of certain forms of cancer. Write their frequency range.
ii. The thin ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
iii. Why is the amount of momentum transferred by the EM waves incident on the surface so small?

51. Suppose that the electric field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave E0 = 120 NC-1 and that its frequency is ν = [3]

50.0 MHz.
i. Determine, B0, ω, k, and λ .
ii. Find expressions for E and B.

52. i. Name the e.m. waves which are used for the treatment of certain forms of cancer. Write their frequency
ii. Thin ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
iii. An e.m. wave exerts pressure on the surface on which it is incident. Justify.

53. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of 2.0 × 1010 Hz and [3]

amplitude 48 V m-1.
a. What is the wavelength of the wave?
b. What is the amplitude of the oscillating magnetic field?
c. Show that the average energy density of the E field equals the average energy density of the B field. [c = 3 ×

108 ms-1]
54. Answer the following questions: [3]
i. Name the EM waves which are suitable for RADAR systems used in aircraft navigation. Write the range of
frequency of these waves.
ii. If the earth did not have atmosphere, would its average surface temperature be higher or lower than what it is
now? Explain.
iii. An EM wave exerts pressure on the surface on which it is incident. Justify.
55. Identify electromagnetic waves which: [3]
i. are used in radar system.
ii. affect a photographic plate.
iii. are used in surgery.
Write their frequency range.
56. Write the generalised expression for the Ampere's circuital law in terms of the conduction current and [3]
displacement current. Mention the situation when there is:
i. Only conduction current and no displacement current
ii. Displacement current and no conduction current.
57. How can we express mathematically a plane electromagnetic wave propagating along X-axis? Also, represent it [3]
58. Mrs. Rajlakshmi had a sudden fall and was thereafter unable to stand straight. She was in great pain. Her [3]
daughter Rita took her to the doctor. The doctor took a photograph of Mrs. Rajlakshmi's bones and found that
she had suffered a fracture.
He advised her to rest and take the required treatment.
i. Name the electromagnetic radiation used to take the photograph of the bones.
ii. How is this radiation produced?
iii. Mention the range of the wavelength of this electromagnetic radiation.
iv. Write two values displayed by Rita.
59. Identify the type of waves which are produced by the following way and write one application for each: [3]
i. Radioactive decay of the nucleus.
ii. Rapid acceleration and decelerations of electrons in aerials.
iii. Bombarding a metal target by high energy electrons.
60. Which constituent radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum is used [3]

i. in radar,
ii. to photograph internal parts of a human body, and
iii. for taking photographs of the sky during the night and foggy conditions?
Give one reason for your answer in each case.
61. Give four basic properties of electromagnetic waves. [3]
62. What is meant by the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves? Draw a diagram showing the propagation of [3]
an electromagnetic wave along the x-direction, indicating clearly the directions of the oscillating electric and
magnetic fields associated with it.
63. Answer the following questions. [3]
i. Name the waves which are produced during radioactive decay of a nucleus. Write their frequency range.
ii. Welders wear special glass goggles while working. Why? Explain.
iii. Why are infrared waves often called as heatwaves? Give their one application.
64. When an ideal capacitor is charged by a DC battery, no current flows. However, when an AC source is used, the [3]
current flows continuously. How does one explain this, based on the concept of displacement current?
65. Answer the following questions: [5]
i. Show, by giving a simple example, how EM waves carry energy and momentum.
ii. How are microwaves produced? Why is it necessary in microwaves ovens to select the frequency of
microwaves to match the resonant frequency of water molecules?
iii. Write two important uses of infrared waves.
66. Draw a labelled diagram of Hertz's experiment set up to produce electromagnetic waves. Explain the generation [5]
of electromagnetic waves using this setup.
67. How are electromagnetic waves produced by oscillating charges? Draw a sketch of linearly polarised [5]
electromagnetic waves propagating in the Z-direction. Indicate the directions of the oscillating electric and
magnetic fields.
68. Given below are some famous numbers associated with electromagnetic radiations in different contexts in [5]
physics. State the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which each belongs.
a. 21 cm (wavelength emitted by atomic hydrogen in interstellar space).
b. 1057 MHz (frequency of radiation arising from two close energy levels in hydrogen; known as Lamb shift).
c. 2.7 K [temperature associated with the isotropic radiation filling all space-thought to be a relic of the big-
bang origin of the universe].
o o

d. 5890 A - 5896 A [double lines of sodium]

e. 14.4 keV [energy of a particular transition in 57Fe nucleus associated with a famous high resolution
spectroscopic method (Mössbauer spectroscopy)].
69. A long straight cable of length l is placed symmetrically along z-axis and has radius a(<<l). The cable consists of [5]
a thin wire and a co-axial conducting tube. An alternating current I(t) = Io sin (2πvt) flows down the central thin
wire and returns along the co-axial conducting tube. The induced electric field at a distance s from the wire
inside the cable is E⃗ (s, t) = In ( ^
μ0 I0 v cos(2πvt) )k

a. Calculate the displacement current density inside the cable.

b. Integrate the displacement current density across the crosssection of the cable to find the total displacement

current Id.
c. Compare the conduction current I0 with the displacement current I . d

70. Electromagnetic waves with wavelength [5]
i. λ is used in satellite communication.

ii. λ is used to kill germs in water purifies.


iii. λ is used to detect leakage of oil in underground pipelines.


iv. λ is used to improve visibility in runways during fog and mist conditions.

a. Identify and name the part of electromagnetic spectrum to which these radiations belong.
b. Arrange these wavelengths in ascending order of their magnitude.
c. Write one more application of each.

71. i. Identify the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is [5]

a. suitable for radar system used in aircraft navigation,

b. produced by bombarding a metal target by high speed electrons.
ii. Why does galvanometer show a momentary deflection at time of charging and discharging a capacitor? Write
the necessary expression to explain this observation.
72. Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is E = (3.1 N/C) cos [(1.8 rad/m) y + [5]

(5.4 × 106 rad/s)t] ^i .

a. What is the direction of propagation?
b. What is the wavelength λ ?
c. What is the frequency ν ?
d. What is the amplitude of the magnetic field part of the wave?
e. Write an expression for the magnetic field part of the wave.
73. A plane EM wave travelling along z direction is described by E⃗ = E0 sin (kz - ωt) ^i and B⃗ = B0 (kz - ωt) ^j . [5]

Show that.
a. The average energy density of the wave is given by u
1 2 1 0

av = ε0 E +
4 0 4 μ

b. The time averaged intensity of the wave is given by I

1 2
av = c ε0 E
2 0

74. In Figure. Use modified Ampere's circuital law and the symmetry in the problem to calculate magnetic field [5]
between the plates at a point (i) on the axis (ii) 6.5 cm from the axis (iii) 15 cm from the axis. (iv) At what
distance from the axis is the magnetic field due to displacement current greatest? Obtain the maximum value of
the field.

75. A plane EM wave travelling in vacuum along z direction is given by E⃗ = E0 sin (kz - ωt) ^i and B⃗ = B0 sin (kz - [5]
ω t) ^j
a. Evaluate ∮ E ⋅ dl over the rectangular loop 1234 shown in Fig.
b. Evaluate ∮ B ⋅ ds over the surface bounded by loop 1234.
−dϕ E0
c. Use equation ∮ E ⋅ dl =
to prove = c .
dt B0


d. By using similar process and the equation ∮ E ⋅ dl = μ0 I + ε0
, prove that c =

μ ε
dt √ 0 0


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