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1. What is meant by Sales Promotion?

a. Part of the sales activities of products, goods and services carried out by sellers to buyers

b. Activities between entrepreneurs and consumers as an effort to influence consumers in purchasing

activities regarding their desires and needs *

c. Is an activity to promote programs to traders, traders, wholesalers or retailers in order to increase the
volume of product purchases, both directly to the company and through distributors

d. Has the aim of inviting consumers to purchase the products or services offered

e. A way of communicating with the public to influence them to buy a company's products or services

2. In retail companies, promotions are a reliable tool to encourage the creation of company goals. Which
of the following is not a sales promotion objective?

a. Add stock items *

b. Attract new buyers

c. Introducing new products

d. Increase consumer loyalty

e. Increase sales performance

3. What is the purpose of the promotion?

a. Building cooperation with competitors

b. To encourage a greater number of product sales *

c. To get products for free

d. To increase turnover

e. To get more space

4. In implementing sales promotions, companies need to prepare promotional tools to support sales
promotion activities. Tools in the form of offering more economical prices to consumers are called...

a. Pricing plans *

b. Contest

c. Premium

d. Sample
e. Vouchers

5. Become an intermediary for retail business leaders in socializing and providing information to the
public or other parties who need information from the retail business. This is…

a. Understanding public relations

b. Public relations function

c. Public relations objectives

d. Public relations duties *

e. Benefits of public relations

6. Based on the picture on the side, the strategy used by AirAsia to attract customer interest based on
the picture below is the strategy...

a. Promotion *

b. Stock of goods

c. Price

d. Place

e. Sale

7. In general, an effective sales promotion from a retail business can cause the brand to be seen as more
elegant, stylish, prestigious, and can be superior to competitors' offerings. This is an activity...

a. Persuade consumers

b. Remind

c. Provide information

d. Provide additional value *

e. Provide discounts

8. What is meant by Public Relations?

a. A process that creates public opinion as input that benefits both parties, namely retail and public *

b. Covers many people, relating to or concerning a country, nation, or society that is not affiliated with
that nation's government

c. A person who works through other people by organizing and directing their activities to achieve a goal
d. Someone who runs or invests in a company, or can be called a founder who owns shares in the

e. A way of communicating with the public to influence them to buy a company's products or services

9. Marketing tips where the company not only deals with customers, suppliers or distributors, but it
must also join a larger group of public interests. Is this an activity?

a. Advertising

b. Personal selling

c. Sales promotion

d. Manager

e. Public relations *

10. Disseminating product information to the target market, increasing profits and getting new
customers are the goals

a. Price

b. Sale

c. Promotion *

d. Place

e. Stock of goods

11. The following are the main tasks of public relations:

1) Providing information and ideas to the public or other parties who are the targets of retail businesses

2) Assist retail leaders in preparing all materials related to problems and information that will be
provided to consumers or the public of interest at a certain time

3) Creating a new retail business identity

4) Support the involvement of a retail business as a sponsor or event

5) Become an intermediary for retail business leaders in socializing and providing information to the
public or other parties who need information from the retail business

6) Assist retail leaders in developing plans and follow-up activities related to service to the community,
as one of the consequences of reciprocal communication with external parties to raise hopes of
improving the activities carried out by retail businesses
Based on the description above, which is not the main objective of public relations referred to in the

a. 1 & 2

b. 3 & 4*

c. 1 & 5

d. 2 & 3

e. 1 & 6

12. All marketing activities that try to stimulate the rapid purchase of a product are defined as...

a. Sales promotions *

b. Public relations

c. Advertising

d. Manager

e. Personal selling

13. The following are the functions of public relations, except...

a. Identifying opinions, perceptions and public responses to the agency/organization they represent

b. Uphold the main activities of management in achieving common goals

c. Serving the wishes of the public and providing suggestions to retail management leaders for mutual
goals and benefits

d. Providing information and ideas to the public or other parties who are the target of retail businesses *

e. Fostering harmonious relationships between retail businesses and the public as target audiences

14. A gift giving program that is used as a means of advertising a company's products is called...

a. Discount

b. Vouchers

c. Draw*

d. Provide product examples (samples)

e. Premium
15. "Public relations" comes from English, which means...

a. Public relations *

b. Group

c. Individual

d. Cooperation

e. Community

16. The goals and objectives of public relations are...

a. Influencing the behavior of people individually and in groups when interacting with each other,
through dialogue with all groups, where perceptions, attitudes and opinions are important to the
success of a retail business *

b. Form the general objectives of the work program and various public relations activities in the field

c. Work guidelines in public institutions

d. Develop tactics to achieve a goal

e. activities that are classified as the same type based on their nature, implementation or other

17. Forms of discounts given in general, except...

a. 20%

b. 30%

c. 50%

d. 95*

e. 70%

18. An activity to assist retail leaders in developing plans and follow-up activities which are related to
services to the community, as a consequence of reciprocal communication with external parties to raise
hopes of improving the activities carried out by retail businesses

a. Public relations function

b. Sales promotion techniques

c. The main task of public relations*

d. Elements of public relations

e. Sales promotion function

19. What is not included in the sales promotion function is...

a. Persuade consumers

b. Provide discounts *

c. Remind

d. Provide information

e. Provide additional value

20. An activity that cannot be separated from planning on how to communicate and what is
communicated so as to create impressions that effectively influence parties who are considered
important and have the potential to provide full support is an activity.

a. Study

b. Evaluation

c. Communication and implementation *

d. Listen

e. Planning and making decisions

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