Quiz Permissions, Invitations, and Instructions

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Created by Gregorius Erianto HM, S.S

1. What is the correct permission form for going on a field trip?

Select the correct answer
A Field Trip Invitation Card
B Field Trip Application Form
C Field Trip Permission Slip
D Field Trip Instruction Manual
2. How should you respond when someone asks for permission?
A Automatically say yes
B Listen to their request and then make a decision
C Say no without listening to their request
D Just ignore them
3. Which phrase is used to invite someone to a party?
A I'm not inviting you to my party
B Don't bother coming to my party
C Can you come to my house?
D I don't want you at my party
4. What is the correct way to ask for permission to leave the classroom?
A Can I go outside?
B I will leave without asking
C I don't need permission to leave
D I'm leaving the classroom now

MS ACCESS | QUIZ by Mr Gregorius Erianto

5. How should you respond to instructions?
A Follow them
B Ignore them
C Do the opposite
D Ask for more instructions
6. Which phrase is used to invite someone to eat dinner?
A I'm not inviting you to dinner
B Don't bother coming to dinner
C I don't want to eat dinner with you
D Can you join me for dinner?
7. What is the correct way to ask for permission to use someone else's
A Can I borrow your things?
B I will take your things without asking
C I don't want to use your things
D I don't need permission to use your things
8. How should you respond to an invitation?
A Say no without giving a reason
B Make fun of the person who invited you
C Accept or decline politely
D Ignore it
9. Which phrase is used to invite someone to a movie?
A Do you want to watch a movie with me?
B I don't want to watch a movie with you
C Don't bother coming to the movie
D I'm not inviting you to the movie
What is the correct way to ask for permission to use someone else's

MS ACCESS | QUIZ by Mr Gregorius Erianto

A. I don't need permission to use your computer
B. I will use your mater without asking
C. I don't want to use your computer
D. Can I use your computer?

MS ACCESS | QUIZ by Mr Gregorius Erianto

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