2020 05 22 Articles

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You are going to start writing transcription of sentences. Some words are given as there are many strong and weak forms
that we have not dealt with yet.

Before you start, read the following notes:

The usual way to refer to years is to pronounce the first two digits together as one number, and the second two together as
another number:

1984 1984 / naɪntiːn eɪtɪ fɔː /

1904 1904 / naɪntiːn əʊ fɔː /
As regards years beginning with 20…, some speakers follow the same pattern above:

2014 2014 / twentɪ fɔːtiːn /

while others use the word thousand:

2014 / tu: θaʊznd fɔːtiːn /

/r/ in final position

In American English /r/ is always pronounced in final position.

Word in isolation Followed by a consonant Followed by a vowel

car /kɑːr/ My car stopped. / maɪ kɑ:r stɒpt / My car is blue. / maɪ kɑ:r ɪz bluː /

In British English /r/ is not pronounced in final position, except when the word if followed immediately by a word
beginning with a vowel or diphthong.
Word in isolation Followed by a consonant Followed by a vowel
car /kɑː/ My car stopped. / maɪ kɑ: stɒpt / My car is blue. / maɪ kɑ:r ɪz bluː /

UFO (unidentified flying object) can be pronounced / juː ef əʊ/ or / juːfəʊ /

Write the transcription of the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in the plural and
the verbs ending in —ed.

We are studying the pronunciation of the article the.

/ wɪ ə əv //

The important thing is the procedure.

/ ɪz //

The Honourable Woman is a 2014 British political spy thriller television miniseries in eight parts.

/ ɪz //

The harmonious melodies of the Christmas carols reflected the people’s high spirits at the end of the year.

/ əv ət //

Camel is the colour this winter.

A or an? Circle the correct form of the article and write the transcription of the following
sentences. In the transcription, write only the correct form of the article.

A / An European survey showed a / an increase in the level of anxiety after the quarantine.

/ əv //

A / An hour under the sun on a / an hot summer day can lower your blood pressure.

/ ɒn kən jɔː //

A / An UFO is a / an unidentified flying object.

/ ɪz //

We are studying the pronunciation of the article the.

/ wɪ ə stʌdɪɪŋ ðə prənʌnsɪeɪʃn əv ðɪ ɑːtɪkl ði: //

The important thing is the procedure.

/ ðiː ɪmpɔːtənt θɪŋ ɪz ðə prəsiːdʒə //

The Honourable Woman is a 2014 British political spy thriller television miniseries in eight parts.

/ ðɪ ɒnərəbl wʊmən ɪz ə tu: θaʊznd fɔːtiːn brɪtɪʃ pəlɪtɪkl spaɪ θrɪlə telɪvɪʒn mɪnɪsɪəriːz ɪn eɪt pɑːts //

The harmonious melodies of the Christmas carols reflected the people’s high spirits at the end of the year.

/ ðə hɑːməʊnɪəs melədɪz əv ðə krɪsməs kærəlz rɪflektɪd ðə piːplz haɪ spɪrɪts ət ðɪ end əv ðə jɪə //

Camel is the colour this winter.

/ kæməl ɪz ði: kʌlə ðɪs wɪntə /

A / An European survey showed a / an increase in the level of anxiety after the quarantine.

/ ə jʊərəpɪən sɜːveɪ ʃəʊd ən ɪnkriːs ɪn ðə levl əv æŋzaɪətɪ ɑːftə ðə kwɒrəntiːn //

A / An hour under the sun on a / an hot summer day can lower your blood pressure.

/ ən aʊər ʌndə ðə sʌn ɒn ə hɒt sʌmə deɪ kən ləʊə jɔː blʌd preʃə //

A / An UFO is a / an unidentified flying object.

/ ə ju:efəʊ ɪz ən ʌnaɪdentɪfaɪd flaɪɪŋ ɒbdʒɪkt //

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