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Name: Fazly Bin Abdullah

ID Number: 2022024

Course Code: BSN 2302

Assignment: “How to improve my study and learning skills?”

Due Date: 15 September 2023

What is Learning? In Psychology studies, Learning is a permanent change in an

individual’s behaviour or behaviour potential or capability as result from experience
or practice. Learning is not only involved in mastering a new skill or able to receives
an academic subject’s material, but also in emotional development, develop social
interaction and personality development.

There are few learning theories that have been adapted by everyone in the
learning process. One of the learning theories that help me with my study as a
nursing student is operant conditioning theory introduced by Burrhus Frederic
Skinner. Conditioning theory is a study of the impact of consequences on behaviour
and also a method to modify a behaviour, which is increasing desired behaviour and
decreasing undesired behaviour.

This method helped me with my study. I’m a type of student that always study only
when the upcoming quizzes is around the corner which is not enough to prepare
myself for the quizzes. As the result, I’m always failed with my quizzes. Because of
this, I’m always got scolded by my brother and it’s scared me. To avoid myself from
getting scold by my brother, I need to study more and pass my quizzes. As the
impact of consequences, my grade is getting better.

My situation is a Negative Reinforcement. Increasing of my grade is an impact of

consequences of me getting scolded by brother as punishment which is Punishment.
Punishment is a response to decrease the undesired behaviour, which is my
negative behaviour of didn’t spend my time to prepare for quizzes.

257 Words.

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